Cult of the Golden Scarab

By thecorinthian, in Fan Creations

Thanks for the answers.

IMHO, I don't think the Day/Night card is rubbish, on the contrary! I think that it's one of the great ideas in your expansion, which brings something new to the game. One way to avoid strange texts on the cards like the one I mentionned above, would be to make the use of the Guardian and the Herald mandatory (as I thought it was). All the elements of the expansion should be used. I think that the size of your extension, comparable to the size of CotDP or KiY, means that to make it interesting, and meaningfull, you need to play with the entire expansion... (I always play with the entire CotDP)

Anyway, please don't throw this Day/Night card away, it's REALLY great!!

I won't scrap it completely, but I will probably change what Day and Night do themselves (so it won't be -1 Will or +1 Luck, it'll be something a bit more elegant) and I'll change what causes it to flip over.

Change the flip effect to every turn during the Mythos Phase, and add in the proviso that if a Mythos card mentions Day / Night in the title of the card, the card automatically flips to the appropriate side.

On Rivertown 1 encounter card:

1) in the General Store, I think that "actual" should be "actually"

2) Graveyard: the card reads: "Lose 1 Sanity or Stamina then gain 1 Sanity or Stamina". Do we have a choice as to what we gain? I mean, if I lose 1 Stamina can I get it back or do I have to gain 1 Sanity (and vice versa)?

On Rivertown 2:

in the black cave: I think that "pass a will test" should read "Make a will test".

On Rivertown 3:

in the graveyard: it should be written what to do with the remaining tomes (excluding the one that is bought): i.e. "discard the other cards", or something like that.

Thanks for the corrections. 'Actual' is indeed a typo, and 'pass' should indeed be 'make. (As usual, I've made the changes to my 'master' copies of the eon files, so if I ever update the torrent these things will be fixed - but don't hold your breath.)

Rivertown 1 Graveyard: the idea is that you choose what you lose and then you choose what you gain, so if you want to just 'break even' you can do that; otherwise, you'll be one point up on one of the stats, and one point down in the other. In retrospect it's a very low-impact encounter, so I might change it to 2 san/stam in each case.

In the meantime, it should say this:

" "We fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for maggots." Lose either 1 Sanity or 1 Stamina, then gain either 1 Sanity or 1 Stamina."

I think that makes it a bit clearer that it's a choice.

Been using this fan expansion with the Dark Pharaoh for a couple of months now and wouldn't play without it. The egyptian theme is obviously very strong, which our group likes, but even with the Dunwich and Innsmouth expansions in the mix the feel is just right. I noticed thecorinthian's comments about his feeling that the expansion does not appear as consistant as first thought but mate you have done a cracker job and as part of several other expansions makes the game a much more pleasurable experience. Well done and thank you for a fine addition to the series.


my first post on this forum,

serwus everybody!

it's Polish version CotGS expansion .

As you like it?

Howdy, Corinth! I'm making a custom herald for Avi's thread based on the Werewolf monster. I'm borrowing your day/night idea, and I wanted to see if you had any updates on how you think it should work?

Thanks, and I've printed this expansion and look forward to using it soon!

Admiral142 said:

Howdy, Corinth! I'm making a custom herald for Avi's thread based on the Werewolf monster. I'm borrowing your day/night idea, and I wanted to see if you had any updates on how you think it should work?

Thanks, and I've printed this expansion and look forward to using it soon!

Eeee, I'm excited ;') it looks like you're going to beat me to a day/night werewolf herald. Wheee!

Admiral142 said:

I'm borrowing your day/night idea, and I wanted to see if you had any updates on how you think it should work?

Hmmm... this is one of the many parts of CoGS that I don't think I got quite right.

I think the idea of having a card which flips over occasionally is pretty solid, but it needs

a) the right effect on each side, and

b) a self-contained trigger to make it flip over.

Of course, other custom cards can interact with the Day/Night card, but those are likely to be very diluted at this point, so the card does need to do something of its own accord. The small skill bonuses/penalties on the version I distributed were a bad idea... I don't know why I thought that would work.

The last good idea I had for Day/Night was that it basically overruled the 'Monsters Guarding Gates' rule. If it was Day, you never had to fight monsters on a gate you just came back though; the monsters could be ignored until you closed the gate , not just for one turn. And of course if it was Night, you couldn't ignore the monsters at all, even on the first turn after you came back.

But the only way that's remotely fair is if there's some degree of predictability to when the Day/Night state changes. You need a timing mechanism so that it's always possible that the state will change, but it will only actually change once every few turns. Changing between day and night based on monster movement patterns might be the way to go. I tried almost every other combination of timing mechanisms on Mythos cards, and none of them work. Doom tokens are too frequent, monster surges are too rare, bursts are too rare, bounces are too rare.

Hmmm... Tying day and night to movement is a good idea... I hadn't thought of that before. Nice :')

So, for example, if a moon symbol is in the white movement box, it is day, and if the moon symbol is in the black movement box, it is night?

thecorinthian said:

But the only way that's remotely fair is if there's some degree of predictability to when the Day/Night state changes. You need a timing mechanism so that it's always possible that the state will change, but it will only actually change once every few turns. Changing between day and night based on monster movement patterns might be the way to go. I tried almost every other combination of timing mechanisms on Mythos cards, and none of them work. Doom tokens are too frequent, monster surges are too rare, bursts are too rare, bounces are too rare.

If you used the Mythos card Moon symbol to "flip" day/night, it would change on average every 5 or 6 turns.

It would stay day/night depending on the last moon symbol

(If it was day it would only change if the moon on black showed up, if night it would need the white moon to make it change)

Hello ,

You have made a remarkable job ! I really like the theme of the expansion, and the atmosphere aound it. We are going to test it tonight and i'd like to ask you one thing . I can't find any missions on the unique cards. Task are on the common items but missions are missing. Can you shed a light on the situattion? T

Is this still available somewhere?

It's a great expention, the only thing that's missing is the Personal Story.

Is there a suggested method to print the cards so the product can match the quality of the official cards?