Drachenfels LIVES!!!

By Crazy Aido, in WFRP Gamemasters

Figured I'd start putting the blurbs up here since I'm running it again.

I made a mod of Drachenfels based on the first edition adventure, initially it was sort of a carbon copy, but the way it's been running I've decided to change it just to add that extra little bit of atmosFEAR. I decided I'd put the logs up here just for general amusement.

Why yes, I AM INTERESTED in any sick and twisted interpretations of either the book or the adventure that you would like to share...

First Log:

The Journal of Trevor, maniacal servant of Drachenfels, master of the passages of the Grey Mountains.


More fools for my dark master!

I have succesfully lured a fresh group of dupes into the evil clutches of castle Drachenfels, master will be so pleased!

They were so eager to follow my lead to the castle, they gladly suffered depravation that would have driven others off much earlier, fortunately I was well stocked with provisions to keep them supplied for the trip, the supplies they foolishly brought for a return trip should make a welcome treat for later.

The spirits that huant the mountains around the castle did their best to warn them of the terrors they were about to face, but the fools were only to eager to sweep aside the visions of horror they were beset with and trudged ever onward.

The priest became fixated on the idea of some sigmarite plot and this only fueled his fervor for a grisly demise at the hands of the Great Enchanter.

Arriving outside the castle showed the unfortunate remains of the last herald who failed to fulfill quota. The fools happily followed me inside, where they breifly battled some lesser minions, before entering the castle proper. Their destruction will be delicious.

They also left me oats.


The group strode purposefully into the castle, wandering down the less than encouraging passageway lined with petrified, clawed hands. No negative side affects more than inspired them to continue on their merry way, and they got bolder as they ventured further into the castle. Their erstwhile investigations eventually turned up a room loaded with skulls, desicated remains and lots and lots of jewellery. Ulli's averice won the roll off against his common sense and he found himself trying explain to the spirit of a preistess of Verena why exactly he'd been trying to filch their valuables.

The group quickly found themselves attempting to perform the closest thing to last rtes they could for the remains and started shifting the bodies, bit by bit, towards the guest building at the rear of the castle(which they soon discovered had a bit of an Orc infestation), which had revealed itself to Freid as having some sanctified aura of not-crawling-with-chaos-crazy. It wasn't long before a group of passing harpies took some interest in their work and they were forced to go chasing after stolen bones. Having clambered their way to the top of a nearby tower, they secured the missing remains and returned to the outbuilding, where they secured a few snatched moments of sleep, and prepared to trek into the castle again.

Update the third, wherin the group finally goes back into the castle. After a half decent night's rest and with the sun shining in the window, thr group sets off again for the castle and gets involved in what is probably the worst character introduction I think I've ever seen.



"You eh, appear to be wandering around castle Drachenfels."

"Oh, yeah, got some stuff, I eh... Yeah."


"Are you guys doing anything?"

"We, eh, gotta kill Drachenfels."

"Want some help?"

Or something to pretty much that effect. I'm not going to penalise them seeing as I did put together the scenario and there has been a few drop-ins and drop-outs. It was kinda silly though.


Omar, the newest member of the group, finally showed the group what all the claws in the first hallway did by aimlessly poking them with his sword. The claws animated and began to almost immediately try and tear things out of other things.

You should record your sessions and save them to facebook or maybe screenshot some stuff and post here as well. That's what we do (just for the hell of it). There is a program that you can upload your MP3 with a simple graphic rather than


Here's the program I use to upload the audio (all you need to do then is just create a graphic..then you don't have to waste time creating a movie). http://www.tunestotube.com/


*Gasps in shock*

I'm shocked that you would think *I*, such a mild mannered and introverted person, would bend to such tactics to garner attention...

Can the picture be me naked?

Yes full of ace top notch in character role playing "This is my coat. I found it I call dibs. If you call my dibbs I will annihilate you". Top notch indeed.

Yes full of ace top notch in character role playing "This is my coat. I found it I call dibs. If you call my dibbs I will annihilate you". Top notch indeed.

Good point, I don't think Old Hob knows a word like "annihilate"... Shame on you.