Other Games Workshop Games That FFG Should do

By REWaters, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

this has to be the most aniticapted follow up we are all waiting for... :(

"Dark Future" and its expansion "White Line Fever" would be great to see redone and then expand on it with 18 wheelers, I would be first in line for that.

Battle Fleet Gothic or Necromunda would make make awesome card/ board games

My vote for a new FFG RPG would be Necromunda.

The setting for Necromunda is just as rich as Dark Heresy, with many other Gangs and Houses to act as either allies or adversaries.

I could see it working really well with DH or BC as a setting book.

I really doubt they will ever make Warhammer quest, it would be counter productive for FFG to sell a game that you can expand by buying miniatures from another publisher (GW), unless they start selling Warhammer miniatures from the FFG website, which seems highly unlikely.

jogo said:

ejacobs said:

As I understand it, FFG cannot reproduce any GW game that uses their scale of minis. How about Advanced Heroquest with Descent/Tannhauser scale minis?


Where would be the sense of republishing worser games, if you have some better games out there?

Don't know how well it would sell, but we'd play it just for nostalgia. Occasionally we drag out my old copy of HeroQuest, usually after drinking.

My understanding is that FFG has the Rights to make Warhammer and Warhammer 40K Roleplaying Game products. With that being said there are a number of either core games or supplements I'd love to see as I'm a huge Warhammer 40K IP fan

The First is a Xenos based RPG, while the Ork and Kroot in "Into the Storm" are great I think an Eldar or Tau based Game would get alot of people interested as I'm sure it's been said Before. For the Tau they could seperate it into two to four different core lines like they did with DH, RT, DW, and BC which cover the different castes. With Eldar it'd be fairly easy I think as I've done some homebrew conversions in my head which work out. and The Elder Paths lend themselves well to structure, while Dark Eldar lean towards the more open BC XP spend mechanic. Again different core lines could be done (Craftworld Eldar, The Harlequins, Dark Eldar, Exodites)

Though I think Blood Bowl is a miniature based game and FFG might not have access to the particular liscense, part of me thinks it'd be interesting in an RPG sense.

lol Forgot, Necromunda, a player of mine always wants to do a Necromunda Campaign, and I'd like to see a Mordheim style game to balance it out, though I think the fantasy RPG has that covered.

BrotherCaptainMagni said:

My understanding is that FFG has the Rights to make Warhammer and Warhammer 40K Roleplaying Game products. With that being said there are a number of either core games or supplements I'd love to see as I'm a huge Warhammer 40K IP fan

The First is a Xenos based RPG, while the Ork and Kroot in "Into the Storm" are great I think an Eldar or Tau based Game would get alot of people interested as I'm sure it's been said Before. For the Tau they could seperate it into two to four different core lines like they did with DH, RT, DW, and BC which cover the different castes. With Eldar it'd be fairly easy I think as I've done some homebrew conversions in my head which work out. and The Elder Paths lend themselves well to structure, while Dark Eldar lean towards the more open BC XP spend mechanic. Again different core lines could be done (Craftworld Eldar, The Harlequins, Dark Eldar, Exodites)

Though I think Blood Bowl is a miniature based game and FFG might not have access to the particular liscense, part of me thinks it'd be interesting in an RPG sense.

I have to agree with the vote for a Xeno RPG. The Tau in particular are probably the only addition to the 40k RPG other then the Ad Mech who would make me do my best Futurama impression ("Shut up and take my money!") at this point. And... before someone says it because I know I've heard this arguement before on the RT and DH forums, if the Tau/Elder mindset was so alien humans would be unable to RP them convincingly, human minds at GW would not have been able to conceive of them in the first place.

Anyway, about the only thing I disagree with is dividing the Tau castes into seperate core lines. While the various groups of the Imperium all have their own support staffs and somewhat independent rules for playing soldiers/scholars/engineers/diplomats within the context of the Inquisition, RT Dynasties, or Deathwatch, Tau society seems to be a bit more interwoven with each caste feeling like a combination of homeworlds/chapters and the old career trees we saw in Dark Heresy. Also, I have a bit of trouble picturing how their adventures might work out at lower levels, at least compared to Dark Heresy type games. Rogue Trader and Deathwatch-esque games sure, but not sure how investigation campaigns would work out.

The Eldar on the other hand, given that the four you mentioned have more in common with the Imperium lines then the Tau does, I can see that working.

Finally, as for Blood Bowl... I think it would make a better card game then an RPG. How many RPGs do we have where the party plays a sports team?


Mark me down for another vote for Curse of the Mummy's Tomb , I haven't played that game in forever! Also, I'd really like to see a new Chainsaw Warrior , complete with a few expansions and such ;)

Chainsaw Warrior and Dark Future sound like awesome ideas! I'd love to see the latter, as I owned it once upon a time. :)

I would like to see the Starcraft system used in the Warhammer 40k universe. It could be like Starcraft 2nd edition, but with WH 40k units. Whatcha think about the possibilities of that?

Warhammer quest and mordhiem, now that ffg has their feet wet with making their own miniatures

Re-doing Warhammer Quest would be my personal choice, though pretty much any of the old GW board games would be great.

I would love an Eldar RPG…


hi well i wish they aliens colonial marines board game aliens franchise starship troopers god of war and terminator that would be awesome and i might ****** a 3 copies of each game should the decide to print one can only wish

I'd love to play boardgames based on the skirmish GW games, but what I'd really like to see is a nice reprint of one of the old 40k games that was played with chits instead of minis… Really, I'd just like GW to come out with an inexpensive way for players to dip their toes in to the Warhammer games without investing boatloads of cash in minis, then taking forever to paint them. I'd love cardboard pieces for all of the Warhammer and 40k games, including Blood Bowl. I enjoy painting minis, but it's time-consuming and makes it hard to get to know how the different factions play before investing in an army. FFG would do a brilliant job with this, as the components in their games are quite impressive.