Something I did to start off last session...

By Emirikol, in WFRP Gamemasters

Last session, we were finishing up book 2 of TEW and it promised to be a short session. Since I knew they'd totally muck up the ritual and ensure oppenheim would be burned to a crisp, I needed something else to happen first. SO, I simply made a d30 roll for each of the players and came up with an idea on the spot using the good ol' chart of skills.

Results came up this way:

Priest of Morr: First Aid -- I indicated that someone had rolled up a cart of 5 dead bodies to be disposed of with a Ravens feather in front of the priest's place in Middenheim. As he was hauling the bodies off to be dumped over the edge of Morr's cliff, it was a great chance to get ambushed by a Jade Cultist and nearly pushed off the edge (overwhelm/overrun).


Fop: Charm-- he'd been courting Lady Margete. He arrived at the von Aschenbeck manor while Lord Aschenbeck was cleaning his gun...


Gambler-Thief: the others had gone out for the morning..and irridescent bird poop hits his window. investigation reveals multicolored pidgeons..that lead him to the warehouse..and a battle with Feathered fiends ensues


Knight of Ulric: Piety. I declared today was piety day where all new knights get hazed properly at the local green. He failed his piety roll of course and was forced to run around the green naked, covered in honey and discarded wool scraps...he comes across the Gambler hallucinating and being pecked to death by the birds. He has to make a choice, stop and help the Gambler and potentially be sanctioned by his order, or continue with the hazing. He selected to quit the order..and petition to join the blackguard of Morr instead...

The end of the session was pretty much a cluster-munch of rolls failing to do everything during the ritual. i set every check to EASY and they failed every single one. I made them feel bad, as if they had personally killed Oppenheim...

Session will be uploaded shortly:

{foul and dorky language warning}


1. "Other/Puzzle"
2. Animal Handling
3. Athletics
4. Ballistic Skill
5. Channeling
6. Charm
7. Coordination
8. Discipline
9. Education
10. First Aid
11. Folklore
12. Guile
13. Intimidate
14. Intuition
15. Invocation
16. Leadership
17. Magical Sight
18. Medicine
19. Nature Lore
20. Observation
21. Piety
22. Resilience
23. Ride
24. Skullduggery
25. Spellcraft
26. Stealth
27-28 Tradecraft
29. Weapon Skill
30 Dwarf Engineering

Edited by Emirikol

Thanks for sharing. That sounds like a great way to have the players do some stuff on their own. I'll have to try it out.

That, sir, is amazing. That you come up with that on the fly based on rolls! I'm going to have to listen to that raw unedited stuff to hear it and see how active your players were.


I cancelled my last session because the player whose PC was "critically on stage the next afternoon (game time)" couldn't make it. Briefly thought of "well there is this evening and night game time, for the other 3, could we just jam some fun goings on by them", but I had little confidence in jamming ability.