Sigmar's Light (Detect Corruption blessing)

By valvorik, in WFRP House Rules

So there is the Rank 3 Blessing that allows the cleric to see taint, corruption etc.

This reveals mutants etc.

Now even granting that real "blessing capable" clergy are not the standard and that Rank 3 will be rarer still, I find this in need of some house ruling.

Mutants going undetected even in "high places" is a recurring theme of WFRP fluff and novels that I like. I like it as well for the wonderful reputation-ruining gossip it can create, " I hear Clothilde is unmarried at 28 because she can't afford to let a man see her unclothed.... "

Similarly Lord so-and-so being a secret Chaos Sorcerer is also a standard and I don't like such 'secrets' being outed by Rank 3 spells belonging to the official church etc.

So I want to houserule this but am not quite sure how to fix it, other than just removing the blessing from the game (Sigmar's clergy have received POD love etc. so they aren't short blessings).

I am thinking instead something that forces creatures that have corruption to make a check to avoid recoiling in Sigmar's holy light, Discipline (WP) likely to "control oneself" and avoid reacting adversely (instinctive snarl or whatever).

The GM can roll the check secretly so Players don't know "passed or there was nothing to see". A normal person who failed and rolled chaos star might "recoil from brightness" anyway and give a false reading :D .

What do folks think?

Currently I have no Sigmarites (and my last one was all about dealing the hurt not information magic) but in the fluff and explaining background to situations etc I like to have these things sorted.

Yes, I'd house rule it to be less annoying than a D&D paladin's "detect evil," which I promptly got rid of in our old D&D games as well :)

Ranald's detect object is the same way. I giant red arrow points the way! Oh yea..gotta house rule that one.

I like your idea that the target will need to save from the potential of recoiling or giving away some 'tell.' I would also make the "time to reveal" a lot longer. In some cases taking perhaps a day of multiple observations or re-checks to be able to tell.


I would need to see the spell before I give a correct input. The idea that someone can just spam one spell to reveal if people are corrupt, seems a bit too powerful in the spirit of the warhammer world. Maybe it should be more vague in its results.

There is corruption nearby. Turns out to be a member of his own party.

Does it work by showing a glow around the person who has corruption points / mutation or in the case of a mutation does it show this hidden mutation. So many humans would have some form of corruption. In the games I have played High/wood elves seem to get them alot.

Showing hidden mutations is a bit overpowered, maybe create a counterspell or action based on rank for worshippers of the chaos gods. Maybe marks of chaos block this detection?

I think I read in some book, not sure what game system, where a person did some form of detect spell and got mentally overpowered by the amount they detected and they fainted. Amount of corruption in area gives caster stress points or something.

Just putting some input until i get home and read the descriptions.

Edited by DurakBlackaxe


Emirikol, Yup I ditched Detect Evil in D&D too. Putting visible labels "can kill" / "cannot kill" on NPCs and creatures turns a roleplaying game into a video game IMHO.

DurakBlackaze, It's a core game blessing I think, in the hardback too. The Priest glows with Sigmar's light, I don't think it makes subjects glow (don't have it in front of me).

You may be thinking of the "seer" (psychic) in Beasts in Velvet who gets impressions of things but can be overwhelmed and does find it "stressful".

Haven't read anything that isn't for players. Well looking at the spell now.

No difference between the stances. Chaos stars only give stress in close range. Hmm

So it does make people shine with a glowing light to you.

Seems nothing blocks the sight. It even mentions Marks of chaos give a certain intensity to the glow.

Not sure on the maths on spell cost and the purple dice on the spell. But it does seem to be to easy to find chaos with this spell. Why have witch hunters if all you have to do is cast a spell?

From the wording of the spell, I cant see anyway to make it harder, without changing the whole spell.

Is Emirikol talking about the spell X marks the spot? That spell is crazy as well.

I would do the same thing that the other GM of my group did for the mage sight. Only use it as GM. Do not let the players roll it and do not let the players use it activly, after all it is a gift. Maybe if you master mage sight you can let the player use it but with such a powerful blessing it should be granted by the god himself.

In addition I would have them see the mutations and corruptions of small children or someone who is helping people with medicine in some remote places without any doctors or other medical staff. Just to show that it isn't black and white and easy to decide. Of course give them false information if the check failed badly. Also let them hunt down the good guys if they get something with a chaos star.

Edited by abidibladiduda