NYC Thronestoberfest: 10/12

By Vaapad, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

I cant make it i dont think. for a moment it looked like we where not gone have thanksgiving at my it seems we are 8(

I cant make it i dont think. for a moment it looked like we where not gone have thanksgiving at my it seems we are 8(

~If there's seven other people there, they won't even notice you're missing! If anything, they'll wonder why the atmosphere's so nice this year! Besides, seven is a lucky number! You wouldn't want to be the jerk who jinxes that, would you?

Wait. Canadian Thanksgiving? What do they have to be thankful for? Maple Syrup and a pet moose?

Wait. Canadian Thanksgiving? What do they have to be thankful for? Maple Syrup and a pet moose?

Any Canadian who brings a pet moose to Thronestoberfest gets free admission.

Don't think I can come :(

Don't think I can come :(

But I already had your name engraved on the second-place trophy ...

My girlfriend and I are new players and we just have the core set. Is there any point in us attending this event? I'm sure we would get slaughtered using starter decks.

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend playing with just a core deck. Those decks were meant to be balanced with each other in melee.

Do you guys live in New York City? If you're interested in the game, we'd love to have you at one of our weekly meetups - we play every Thursday night in Midtown Manhattan. We're new player friendly; we'll help teach you how to play and deckbuild. But it would be hard to jump right into a competitive tournament with just a core set.

PM me for more info.

Edited by Vaapad


~Is there going to be a raffle?

~If I were to come, can I bring a deck with more than one restricted card in it? How about a deck of all proxies?

~Can I create a card and use it in my deck? I assume this is okay as long as the artwork and handwriting is legible.


Does this mean you're actually playing and I'm going to miss it? The end times are nigh

Here's what you're fighting for.


Does this mean you're actually playing and I'm going to miss it? The end times are nigh

It could mean that!

Here's what you're fighting for.


Well, that's a good reason to not drink in between rounds....

Jealous I can't make it to this--

Sandy--next time you are out in SF hit me up again! this time for some thrones action.

Jealous I can't make it to this--

Sandy--next time you are out in SF hit me up again! this time for some thrones action.

Absolutely. At the latest, my next trip up there will be mid-Jan. I'll remember my deck.

Anyone who's around on Friday Night - we'll be playing casual pick-up melee at Cranberry Cafe, 115 West 45th Street, Manhattan. Come up to the second floor. I imagine we'll be playing from 6pm or a little before until whenever we get tired. Let me know if you're planning on coming.

Amid rampant speculation that we will see a new FAQ his week, I want to make clear that, if we do get a new FAQ between now and Saturday, we WILL abide by the new FAQ for Thronestoberfest. That means that all players will need to keep an eye on the news and be ready to make last-minute adjustments to their decks in the event of new restrictions. Thanks!

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning!

Have a great time, everyone! Drink a stein of beer for me.

We ended up with 18 players from at least 4 states. I don't have the full stats yet, but this is a start.

Seeding after five rounds of swiss Swiss:

1. Dave S: Baratheon / KotHH / The Viper's Bannerman

2. Aaron G: Targaryen / HoD / The Dragonpit / The Hatchlings' Feast

3. Sandy B: Greyjoy / Black Sails / Fury of the Kraken

4. Dan S: Targaryen/ Song of Ice / Long Lances

5. Britt F: Stark / No Agenda / No Quarter

6. Jim M: Greyjoy / Song of Ice / Fury of the Kraken

7. Roger D: Martell / No Agenda (Quentyn) / Game of Cyvasse

8. Corey S: Greyjoy / Song of Ice / Asha

Top 8:

8. GJ SoI def. 1. Bara KotHH

2. Targ HoD. def. 7. Martell Quentyn

6. GJ SoI def. 3 GJ Black Sails

5. Stark No Agenda def. Targ SoI

Top 4:

5. Stark No Agenda def. 8. GJ SoI

2. Targ HoD def. 6. GJ SoI

Sticking with the spirit of the event, we played the final round at the bar. I'm sure there will be photos as some point.


5. Stark No Agenda def. 2. Targ HoD

Congrats to Britt, who played a great old-school stark murder warcrest deck, just crushing most everything in his path. I don't think I've ever seen someone use Time for Ravens to tutor for Riders of the Red Fork before. That was fun. I'm sure he'll do a tourney report later on, but that's it for now!

Edited by Vaapad

I find your lack of Lannsiters disturbing...

Thanks for the update though!

I find your lack of Lannsiters disturbing...

Thanks for the update though!

We had at least 3 lannister players that I saw (2 tunnels and a clansmen)

Edited by Vaapad

This was a fun event, thanks for running it Dave!

We had at least 3 lannister players that I saw (2 tunnels and a clansmen)

I find your lack of Lannsiters disturbing...

Thanks for the update though!

Every house was represented by multiple decks.

Congratulations to Britt - Boston players: yes, there is a meta there! And thanks and congrats to Dave for putting together another fun and successful event. Thanks to Dan and Dennis for their raffle prize donations.