Sort of. My Gencon contact picked one up for me and now I am just waiting for her to ship it.
Have the book!!!
Bah! A pox on thee for the misleading title! I want my click back!
Boo!! Although you're in a better spot than many of us.
yeah... totally misleading...
(wishes FFG would unlock the purchase button for the game on this website already)
Sorry for the misleading title. I technically own the book, I just haven't taken possession of it yet.
My friends at GenCon have secured a copy for me, but I won't see it until our Monday night SW session. They also scored me a copy of Beyond the Rim, so I have that to look forward to as well.
I am waiting for a friend of mine to tell me if he has managed to get a copy for me, trying to be patient lol.
I'm betting everyone who clicks this thread is imagining themselves as Vader and the OP as Ozzel.
Got the book in my hand. Enjoying the new content quite a lot, and am amused at how close some of the home brew stuff I and Cyril came up with is to official material
Got the book in my hand. Enjoying the new content quite a lot, and am amused at how close some of the home brew stuff I and Cyril came up with is to official material
Care to elaborate for those of us stuck at work, and not enjoying Gen Con?
Got the book in my hand. Enjoying the new content quite a lot, and am amused at how close some of the home brew stuff I and Cyril came up with is to official material
Yes please elaborate, as in what are the Duros starting stats like? I have been given clearance to use the race in the beta for my character in an EotE campaign.
Yes, a rundown on the Duros please, they're my favorite species. And a brief armory list would be great, I'm wondering if anything is new, although I expect not.
Yes, a rundown on the Duros please, they're my favorite species. And a brief armory list would be great, I'm wondering if anything is new, although I expect not.
Have the book as well
Duros 1,2,3,2,2,2, free rank in pilot(space) and a free advantage on any astrogation checks
WT 11+brawn ST 10+will 100XP
Armory is 99.9% same didn't notice anything new
Edited by khaine1969What new ships are there?
What new ships are there?
Oh man, thats the bonus eh?
Tie interceptor
Tie defender
Tie bomber
Lancer frigate
Dreadnought heavy cruiser
Immobilizer (interdictor)
Imperial I SD
Praetor II SD (silhouette 9, 185 hull, 11 armor pig)
Victory SD
mc 80 liberty (mon cal ship)
ty for the info mate I want to ask more but i'll hold back for the min
Edited by lightofhandKnock yourself out, todays a good day for it.
can you play as imperial?
You could play Luke Skywalker if you want to and your GM approves of it.
Nothing specific, altho there is one small blurb in the force section about playing a dark side force user, nothing in depth tho
and what vehicles to?
What are the species rules for Gran, Ithorians, and Mon Calamari?
What are the Career Skills for the Engineer (so I can combine with Mechanic to possibly respec our Technician: Mechanic)?
and what vehicles to?
at-at and at-st
What are the species rules for Gran, Ithorians, and Mon Calamari?
What are the Career Skills for the Engineer (so I can combine with Mechanic to possibly respec our Technician: Mechanic)?
Gran 2,2,2,1,2,3. 9+, 9+, 100 xp one rank Neg or charm, remove up to 2 setback dice from perception or ranged attacks from environment
hammerheads 2,1,2,2,3,2. 9+, 12+, 90xp. one rank survival, sonic attack bellow (pretty nasty really)
mon cal 2,2,3,1,2,2. 10+, 10+, 100xp. one rank Kno.(Edu), amphibious
Athletics, Computers, Kno(edu), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot(space), Ranged(light), Vigilance
Mechanic same
Saboteur Coordination, Mechanics, Skulduggery,Stealth (some very cool talents)
Scientist Computers, Kno(edu), Kno(lore), Medicine
A technician/ mechanic redone as a engineer/mechanic that bought into saboteur would be pretty cool.
And get the cheaper rate for 2nd spec.
Edited by khaine1969sorry if my question are simple but its 2am here in the uk and i had a hard day at work.
what careers are in this book for the p.c?
and what vehicles to?
at-at and at-st
What are the species rules for Gran, Ithorians, and Mon Calamari?
What are the Career Skills for the Engineer (so I can combine with Mechanic to possibly respec our Technician: Mechanic)?
Gran 2,2,2,1,2,3. 9+, 9+, 100 xp one rank Neg or charm, remove up to 2 setback dice from perception or ranged attacks from environment
hammerheads 2,1,2,2,3,2. 9+, 12+, 90xp. one rank survival, sonic attack bellow (pretty nasty really)
mon cal 2,2,3,1,2,2. 10+, 10+, 100xp. one rank Kno.(Edu), amphibious
Athletics, Computers, Kno(edu), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot(space), Ranged(light), Vigilance
Mechanic same
Saboteur Coordination, Mechanics, Skulduggery,Stealth (some very cool talents)
Scientist Computers, Kno(edu), Kno(lore), Medicine
A technician/ mechanic redone as a engineer/mechanic that bought into saboteur would be pretty cool.
And get the cheaper rate for 2nd spec.
Many, many times - thank you!
So Mon Cal start with low Cunning. Must be hard for them to recognize traps...