I'm wondering how this Specialization will add to the already current Force Powers that we already know and love.
This will be a good solid preview of sharing with us the direction FFG is going to be heading towards with Force and Destiny.
I'm wondering how this Specialization will add to the already current Force Powers that we already know and love.
This will be a good solid preview of sharing with us the direction FFG is going to be heading towards with Force and Destiny.
Given that the FS Exile's talent tree leans more toward senses and mental-type skills, I wonder if the FS Emergent will focus a bit more on the physical side of things. Thinking of what Luke did in TESB and ROTJ, maybe stuff along the lines of the connection between a Force-user's physical health and the Force, using the Force to help leap great distances quickly (like out of an activated carbon-freezing chamber) or using the Force to help with acrobatics checks (such as Luke tearing apart Jabba's minions in ROTJ).
Maybe some sort of Force power(s) or talent(s) that involve using the Force to help recover strain.
Oh, and maybe using the Force to look into the future to gain insight. Passively and actively.
Maybe some sort of application of Move or a new power tree for Force Grip or the like? Vader used it a lot, sure, but Luke tried his hand at it (so to speak) against the Gamorreans in ROTJ.
They said in the first video that you can take your Jedi through all three books as they are learning. I hope it works smoothly.
Yeah, I imagine it'd be as easy as buying into a new FS specialization tree.
Intriguing, it would be nice if we find out in the third book that each one has one type of Jedi intended so in the third you'd be able to use the system easily even if you only buy the third book alone although that might be a little of a shame since then you'd only have force users in your game!
I don't know if the Emergent will necessarily "add" to the existing Force Powers. Like Ineti suggested, I think the Emergent is going to be more of an "active combatant" specialization with a focus on the physical aspects of the Force, in contrast to the Exile's "lay low and be sneaky about my Force usage" approach.
That said, they may very well test the waters and include talents that expand upon what you can do with the existing Force Powers, such as a talent that allows the Emergent to use Move to replicate the super-leaps and hyper-running that we've seen Jedi perform in the films, or a Force-based talent that enable the Emergent to quickly recover Wounds. I'm curious if it will have the Sixth Sense and Superior Reflexes talents along with some other defensive-orientated talents. Might even have a talent to make the defensive Control Upgrade of the Sense Power either more potent or available more often. Or could include a talent or two to enhance the Emergent's skills as a pilot, given all the references in the EU of Force-users (especially Jedi) being able to use their Force abilities to become amazing pilots, since right now the only thing EotE offers in that respect is Sense's two Control Upgrades, which certainly do help (particularly the offensive one, since it saves the Force-user some XP from having to buy ranks in Gunnery).
Agreed, I bet it is a new Talent Tree with same force skills.
Edited by BrashFinkInterested to see how they're going to handle multiple Force specs, if they continue the pattern of EotE (culminating in a max Force rating of 4 at considerable XP expense) or if the specs themselves get more powerful with each book.
I wonder if Jedi Padawan, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Master could all be separate spec trees. Maybe since Luke becomes a Jedi Knight by ROTJ, that might be a spec tree we'll see.
One doubt people, designers from FFG use post in FFG forums or only make official news posts?
Doesn't Fiddleback (aka Skill Monkey on the Order 66 podcast) comment here?
I recall him pointing out a link to a discussion about the AoR Beta after all.
Agreed, I bet it is a new Talent Tree with same force skills.
It's obliously a new talent tree but the about page does also mention new powers. Which naturally would be available to the exile as well.
Interested to see how they're going to handle multiple Force specs, if they continue the pattern of EotE (culminating in a max Force rating of 4 at considerable XP expense) or if the specs themselves get more powerful with each book.
Since Force sensitive Exile grants you Force Rating 1 (does not increase it by 1), and I think its fair and safe to assume that the Force sensitive Emgergent also will grant, rather than increase, a Force rating of 1 (remember these are stand alone games and a starting character with FR 2 sounds a bit crazy in my mind), then if you take both specialisations you'll end up with a Force rating of 3 (1 from initial force sensitive specialisation +2 from spending a crazy amount of XP to get both the increase force rating talents). Still all kinds of powerful, but not as powerful as FR 4.
I'm excited about potential new powers, hope for extension of existing one (but I am not convinced about this) and wonder how different the Exile will be from Emergent when it comes to talents, and how well they will merge. They seem to be following a theme so that is good
Still all kinds of powerful, but not as powerful as FR 4.
I'm counting F&D, too.
You're looking at about 350xp, so clearly this game is designed for the long haul. I hope it scales-up as well as they hope.
Well, I'd think that when F&D shows up we will see options for higher Force ratings than 3 or 4. It's going to take time and effort to get there, but I wouldn't be surprised if we'd see way for reaching FR 5. Perhaps even 6. Depends on whether the FR table from the EotE beta book - which I believe is not in the corebook - is anything to go by still.
I wonder if and when we'll see some character species that start with a Force rating of 1. I think there are SW species predisposed to Force sensitivity.
Well, I'd think that when F&D shows up we will see options for higher Force ratings than 3 or 4.
I expect we'll also see full blown Force-related careers, with specializations that will be non-career specializations for others (and with prerequisites...you can't be a Master without being a Padawan, or expect to stumble across powerful knowledge on your own). These first two are "universal" because they represent what a Force-Sensitive can learn on their own, or with a tiny bit of guidance. After that, you really need a teacher or it's going to cost.
And the rank of Jedi Master was traditionally reserved for those who had trained a Padawan to knighthood, so it's less a specialisation itself and more a rank, to my thinking. I'd rather see the traditional divisions of Consular, Sentinel and Guardian be used.
I wonder if and when we'll see some character species that start with a Force rating of 1. I think there are SW species predisposed to Force sensitivity.
I personally hope that's not the case. Just because a species has a predisposition towards sensitivity to the Force doesn't mean that the species mechanically has to automatically be Force-sensitive.
Case in point, the Miraluka. I liked the write-up in the Kotor Campaign Guide didn't force anyone playing a Miraluka to be Force-sensitive, but gave a pretty nice perk to the player if they did choose to become Force-sensitive.
And the rank of Jedi Master was traditionally reserved for those who had trained a Padawan to knighthood, so it's less a specialisation itself and more a rank, to my thinking. I'd rather see the traditional divisions of Consular, Sentinel and Guardian be used.
I'd be pretty surprised if the eventual Jedi career didn't use the Consular/Guardian/Sentinel set-up, perhaps with Knight and Master being "advanced specs" that you have to meet certain requirements (such as a minimum Force Rating, skill ranks in Lightsaber, and certain degree of proficiency with Force power) before you could purchase it.
And the rank of Jedi Master was traditionally reserved for those who had trained a Padawan to knighthood, so it's less a specialisation itself and more a rank, to my thinking. I'd rather see the traditional divisions of Consular, Sentinel and Guardian be used.
I'd be pretty surprised if the eventual Jedi career didn't use the Consular/Guardian/Sentinel set-up, perhaps with Knight and Master being "advanced specs" that you have to meet certain requirements (such as a minimum Force Rating, skill ranks in Lightsaber, and certain degree of proficiency with Force power) before you could purchase it.
Agreed -- although FFG seems to be making some unusual decisions (not a criticism): Hired Gun and Politico, for example...
Still, using the EotE definitions of career and specialization (career = what you do, spec = how you do it), Jedi as a career with Consular, Guardian, and Sentinel makes perfect sense.
Jedi Master, and even Jedi Knight, really make sense as specs only if there are advanced or "prestige" specs.
But I guess we're getting pretty far from the original topic.
I hope they do a Force Career system sort of like the one in Star Wars the Old Republic... we have Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular as basic Careers and then they can branch them further with Shadow and Sage and Sentinel and Guardian, or something like that.
Who says that all future core books have to have a single Career with 3 Specializations? I am guessing they all will, but they really don't have to.
I'd expect the F&D to present 6 new careers like EotE and AoR. Although I do wonder how many of those are going to be Jedi careers. Perhaps 1? 2? 3? What about the remaining 3? Would these be specific to traditions, or type of force use? Heal? Stealth? Battle? Manipulation? Sensing/empath? Nature? I have a feeling they're going to be more like archetypes of various uses of the force. They cannot all be Jedi, I think, but you could easily make 2 or 3 Jedi careers.
And even if they end up with only 1 Jedi career and three specialisations (them being guardian, consular and sentinel for instnace), fear not because if Enter the Unknown is anything to go by, they will release more specialisations for the Jedi career in supplement books. Also, keeping this in mind, they might - although I doubt it - have fewer careers in F&D, but more specialisations per career, I'm particularly thinking about the Jedi. There are many possibilities, I'm excited and giddy
I hope they do a Force Career system sort of like the one in Star Wars the Old Republic... we have Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular as basic Careers and then they can branch them further with Shadow and Sage and Sentinel and Guardian, or something like that.
Who says that all future core books have to have a single Career with 3 Specializations? I am guessing they all will, but they really don't have to.
I actually hope not. There are so many interesting force traditions the danthomir witches, the baron-do sages, the zeshan-sha, the matuki. Jedi may be the iconic and will probably get the most love but I personally will be massivly disapointed if the jedi get multiple full careers each with their own set of specialty trees and the other traditions are either ignored or lumped into a pile labeled "other".
I would expect to get the Jedi class with guardian, consular and sentinel. As specialties. Then more generic classes such as sorcerer with specialties such as dathomiri witch etc. Basically take all the known traditions and group them into careers.