It seems that they're giving you what powers are seen in Empire Strikes Back for AoR, while the powers given in Edge are what we see in Star Wars (or A New Hope , depending on your age
What does that leave for RotJ? Luke uses something like Force Injury on Jabba's guards, as well as Influence on Bib Fortuna; Enhance at various points on the sailbarge, as well as Deflection (or is that part of the Lightsabre skill?); Anakin, Yoda and Obi-wan show up as Force ghosts (new power for dead Force Sensitive Exiles and Emergents?); the Emperor uses Foresee ("I have foreseen it."); all of them seem to use Sense. Force Lightning is the only other one that comes up...
That's the OT only, obviously. But I think almost everything else is a variant of those, except perhaps the EU Force Heal. Sabre Throw, maybe, but is that just Move? Maybe a version of Enhance that deals with Mental skills like Discipline, Cool or Vigilance?