Talisman - Digital Edition

By Nomad_Carl, in Talisman


This appears to be a problem with communications with the App Store. I have read that one person had to re-install the game three times before it finally recognised everything he owned and marked it all as 'purchased'. We'll look into it at our end to make sure everything is ok, but I suggest trying that even though you've already tried it.

Let me know how it goes.


I did reinstall several times, sign out-resign in App Store etc and the Frostmarch still listed as not purchased yet. I tries to purchase it again and a pop up showed, saying that I have bought it and it would be restored for free but nothing happened.

I have contacted App Store to see if they could fix this from their end. Maybe the last resort is asking for refund and repurchase it. I'll update you. Thanks, Carl!

Ok, let me know what happens when you try that.

We have had a tiny percentage of people say that this has happened to them, but everyone else has been fine so we're a bit stumped to be honest. It could be connected to your geographical location, and which Apple server you are connecting to when you try to buy or restore something. We've been in touch with Apple and they thought it was a problem at their end and said they'd fixed it, but clearly not. It might also be related to iCloud settings and having an account on multiple devices.

I have been playing on Android for a couple of weeks now. I do not have facebook, or STEAM, so I am having a hard time finding games. Very few public games seem to be posted, and when I have put some games out there, I have had no takers.

I would love to connect with some folks who would like to play every now and then.

I enjoy Talisman DE very much (apart from the odd bug here and there) but would much prefer to play with real people rather than the AI - which seems to make some crazy choices from time to time.

Please reply to this, or perhaps set up another thread if folks are interested in sharing info to play online.


There always seems to be games open when I look. Currently the Android version isn't compatible with the PC version, but that should change in the next few hours with a small update. Talisman is a very global game, and public games appear on the list at different times of the day.

I logged in last night, and there were a lot of public games on the go. It must have been a timing issue. Still would love to connect with folks who want to play....

Thanks for following up.

Edited by revrank

I fianlly got the IPAD update. Looks great. However, Ive been finding myself in crash loops where I have to restart the game for it to work again.

I fianlly got the IPAD update. Looks great. However, Ive been finding myself in crash loops where I have to restart the game for it to work again.

How often does this happen and are you doing something specific that causes it? Casting a spell, for instance.

Try doing a hard reboot and try the game again.

Hold down the Power & Home buttons on the iPad until it switches off.

Switch it on again (it will take longer than usual) and run the game.

Hard shut down seems to have helped. Running great now.

Talisman Digital is free to play now and all weekend on Steam, and if you want to buy it, you can get it on sale at 70% off!


if i draw the astrologer (highland expansion) I can't use his effect.

normally I could place a adventure card on top of the adventure deck.

if i draw the astrologer (highland expansion) I can't use his effect.

normally I could place a adventure card on top of the adventure deck.

You need to double-click/tap the Astrologer card from your play area to use him and place his attached card on the deck.

Here's a development update post I put up on Steam yesterday, detailing some features we're working on -

The next big thing is the Sacred Pool expansion, which is coming along nicely and is about 75% complete. Sacred Pool adds some interesting new alternative endings, plus a lot of balancing for alignment cards and the awesome quest rewards. I'll be posting a blog about it on our website soon.
Replacement Quests house rule - you know the feeling, you're a Ninja wandering the land and you go into the warlock's cave and he asks you to bring him a follower. Wouldn't it be great to ask him if you could do something else for him instead? That's what this house rule allows.
Round-limited games - this new game option will allow the host of a game to choose a set number of rounds (in multiples of 5) to use as the game's duration. When that many rounds have been completed, the game ends and players are scored based on their stats and objects/followers/gold they acquired during the game. Ideal if you want to play a shorter game.
Multiple save slots - we'll be adding the ability to have several offline saved games. We cannot do this for online games at the moment, due to how the resume/rejoin system works.
Excluding alternate endings - we'll allow you to view the list of all of the endings that could be used for the game based on the current settings, and let you choose however many you like to exclude.
New characters - Illusionist & Shaman - the character competition winner, the Shaman, and the next character, Illusionist, are being added to the game now.
Enemy/Creature rule tweak - a rule clarification in the manual for The Dragon expansion hasn't been implemented by us so far, but we're changing that. The rule reads - "The term “Dragon” refers to any Enemy with the word “Dragon” in the card type box." Currently, the Minstrel can evade the Dragon on the Cave card, but that's incorrect according to the rules. Same goes for the Priest destroying the Crags Spirit, this shouldn't be allowed.

Wow, Sacred Pool and multiple save! Thanks!

I am waiting for the other side board expansions, any ETA?

If you are going down the Replacement Quests house rule road better fix the Ninja abit like make his strike special ability only -2 not craft value but OP fight now and if you can replace quests (because everyone will play with that option).

If you are going down the Replacement Quests house rule road better fix the Ninja abit like make his strike special ability only -2 not craft value but OP fight now and if you can replace quests (because everyone will play with that option).

I won't... :)

It's an excellent house rule to include though, but I personally won't use it...

Wow, Sacred Pool and multiple save! Thanks!

I am waiting for the other side board expansions, any ETA?

City will be later this year and there is no date for Woodland yet.

hopefully Blood Moon by Halloween. :P

If you are going down the Replacement Quests house rule road better fix the Ninja abit like make his strike special ability only -2 not craft value but OP fight now and if you can replace quests (because everyone will play with that option).

I won't... :)

It's an excellent house rule to include though, but I personally won't use it...

Well ethier way something has to be done about the Ninja he is just way to OP in game.

Since we are talking about the Ninja, I'd like to see him reduced back to just 1 Fate. I don't understand why he was increased to 2 Fate not long ago, but it simply isn't necessary for that character.

Could you pls fix the NPC's, they make to often obvious mistakes and in many cases they only want to kill if they had the chance.

Since we are talking about the Ninja, I'd like to see him reduced back to just 1 Fate. I don't understand why he was increased to 2 Fate not long ago, but it simply isn't necessary for that character.

I originally set him to 1 fate because I thought he didn't need as much fate as other characters because of his evade ability, therefore less combat. The feedback after his release was that this was too low, with him being neutral and trickier to replenish, and lots of people wanted him to go up to 3 fate. I compromised and had it set to 2 instead.

Could you pls fix the NPC's, they make to often obvious mistakes and in many cases they only want to kill if they had the chance.

We're working on the AI all the time and it's by far the trickiest thing to get right in this game. Often, players don't see what an AI character's alternative was when they do something that looks like a mistake, often it's a much worse option. We don't want the AI to play the 'perfect' game, as that would be no fun, but we also don't want it to be stupid, so we have to find the middle ground. Anyway, I've seen human players in online games make bigger mistakes than the AI does!

I originally set him to 1 fate because I thought he didn't need as much fate as other characters because of his evade ability, therefore less combat. The feedback after his release was that this was too low, with him being neutral and trickier to replenish, and lots of people wanted him to go up to 3 fate. I compromised and had it set to 2 instead.

You can't be serious? I'm sorry but man was this character ever playtested? The Ninja can in effect jusmp in the dungeon straight away pick his battles because he can evade in pc and battle have a huge -3 when he does battle. Wait until he gets around 12+ str which is not hard given he has the huge -3 ss. and kill the LoD because "his strike works on him too" jump to coc win most of the time... Ok ok it will take 20 turns or so but if the other players don't do something he's there unless he gets unlucky (very bad draws) or (very bad rolls).

The thing is the evade all enemies thats the killer craft enemies can in effect be ignored and the no followers is ok bad but meh he does not need them at all.. And you say feedback was he had "not enough fate" geeeeez seriously look at a fate of 0 or just 3 lives.

At the mo its all on to the Ninja if anyone picks him (with the warlock too but at least he has more chance of being unlucky).

Could you pls fix the NPC's, they make to often obvious mistakes and in many cases they only want to kill if they had the chance.

We're working on the AI all the time and it's by far the trickiest thing to get right in this game. Often, players don't see what an AI character's alternative was when they do something that looks like a mistake, often it's a much worse option. We don't want the AI to play the 'perfect' game, as that would be no fun, but we also don't want it to be stupid, so we have to find the middle ground. Anyway, I've seen human players in online games make bigger mistakes than the AI does!

Could you pls fix the NPC's, they make to often obvious mistakes and in many cases they only want to kill if they had the chance.

We're working on the AI all the time and it's by far the trickiest thing to get right in this game. Often, players don't see what an AI character's alternative was when they do something that looks like a mistake, often it's a much worse option. We don't want the AI to play the 'perfect' game, as that would be no fun, but we also don't want it to be stupid, so we have to find the middle ground. Anyway, I've seen human players in online games make bigger mistakes than the AI does!

Thx for always answering my questions :)


Glad to hear about the Sacred Pool and City Expansion due out sometime this year.

Played a game of Talisman DE with 1 AI (gypsy) and 2 Live Players(myself as the Genie - then Druid - yeah I died; and a friend of mine as the Alchemist). We had the Dungeon and Highland Expansions in play with Random Characters and Random Ending. The game was AWESOME! A true nail-biter right up to the end. I made it to the Crown of Command and the ending was Battle Royal. The AI nearly beat me until I won a battle and then keep up the pummeling with craft and won the game.

I have the Table top version with most of the expansions (minus Deep Realms and the forthcoming Harbinger), but DE has made it very easy to get a game together. Thanks for making this and staying true to the original board game!

Sorry if this has already been covered before, but are there any plans for cross-platform multiplayer? I only have the iOS version, and it seems like there are more people playing it on Steam, so it would be nice to have a larger pool of players.

Cross platform multiplayer is already working.

Cross platform multiplayer is already working.

My mistake! Thanks!