Available at Gencon???

By diablo666, in General Discussion

I am really hoping that it will be available at Gencon.

I have a friend that will be picking me up a copy if it is.

Game looks very interesting!!

Pelvidar said it will be (on BGG).

I can't verify the info, but it could be true.

Well if this is their surprise game I'll buy it. :)

I'd rather have had a Twilight Imperium 4th edition surprise but this is a nice second alternative. This might be one Cthulhu themed game of their I might actually like.

IIRC, they said it will be demoed at GenCon, and available in the fourth quarter of 2013

Yeah, you probably won't be able to buy it at GenCon. They said it was for preview.

Just heard from a friend who is at Gencon.

Sadly,this is not available to purchase there.

I am pretty bummed out.I know there was only an outside chance of it being there but a small part of me was hoping it would be available to buy there.

Can the demoers reveal anything or are there NDAs involved?

They said in the video on BGG that it is not coming out until Christmas.

I have to admit that is really disappointing as I figured it would be out in like October or so.

Is that Christmas worldwide (which would fit the theme of the game) or just in the US?