Advanced Career Selection

By R2D2fan, in WFRP Gamemasters

Hey fellow WFRP GM's

Being a Beginner GM for WFRP, I was wondering at what rank or experience level can players have their characters select an advanced career. Is it when they have finished with their basic career advancements for a beginning career and then they can select a second career, possibly different to train in or do they choose an advanced career to continue their training in?


Player's Guide, page 47:

" Basic vs. Advanced Careers


A character may not enter an advanced career until he has achieved at least Rank 2. Individual advanced careers may have further requirements, such as requiring the character to complete a certain career, but in general it is not required for a character to have completed any basic careers before transitioning into an advanced career. He must simply have gained the ten experience necessary to become Rank 2."

Heroes Call has some additional optional rules for the various career tiers Intermediate/Advanced/Elite/Heroic becoming available at Rank 2/3/4/5, respectively. It's an optional rule, though, so if the GM wants you can make all of those available starting at Rank 2 as well.

Yup, that's what I do (you can only take careers in that tiering)

I have them all stored in large manila envelopes with the list of careers written on front, which are noble with N, asterixes on ones with special entry requirements, and the Hero's Call checks for "people to have heard of you" on front.