Tell me about The Order

By HappyDaze, in Only War Game Masters

According to Enemies of the Imperium, the Severan Dominate recently signed an agreement with a mysterious group called The Order. Anyone have any more information on them. I haven't read every bit of OW fluff, so it's possible I missed them, but they could also be totally new or something touched on in another of the game lines. Best guesses?

My guess, radical inquisitors who want to see the war go on to weed out the weak?

Could be just the Duke's way to clear any opposition within his own ranks, they did say he was alone,without any bodyguards or advisers or anything when he met with them and signed their little deal.

I wrote it as a pack of Radicals who want to create a permanent, actual military threat to Calixis to stave off some of its insane corruption, mostly because the Duke is free of Chaos influence right now and I'd prefer to keep it that way, but it's purposely open-ended. I doubt they'll ever give a definitive answer because it works better as an insert-your-own-fluff hook.