Compiled Resources List

By Nate, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I apologize for being off-topic, then. Thanks for the redirect.

Think we can add the Rebels Source Book to the list please? :)

Jaspor, I've added your excellent Rebels sourcebook. Maveritchell, your One Shot First supplement is in there, too.


Just a heads up, the following links either don't work, are broken or the item no longer exists:

"The Miracle Parsec"

"Cold Comfort"

The links to both gridded and non-gridded maps for Echoes of the Past and the Mos Shuuta expansion

The top and the second and third from the top links under Campaign websites

The Species Menageries

DylanRPG's character

OggDude's character generator

Introductory PDF

The links to both gridded and non-gridded maps for Echoes of the Past and the Mos Shuuta expansion

Just to make it easy for you, Nate, as a heads-up - a lot of my work up there (Bendu's Shadow, Stalitz Flight, Echoes of the Past, Mos Shuuta expanded) was done before I set up my website. If you want to group those under a single link, the maps are all available at one location ( ) and the adventures at another ( - which you've already got up for One Shot First ).

Just a heads up, the following links either don't work, are broken or the item no longer exists:

"Cold Comfort"

The actual url, when copied and pasted, does work. However, something is up with the formatting, which is preventing the link from being clickable. Thanks for the heads up!

First of all thx for this nice topice that helped me very much starting GMing SW EotE.

Just want to says that on you can find not only spanish ressources (as already listed) but also french.

Plus they have been so nice to give us access to pdfs of translated talents trees (and also the ones of "Enter the Unknown") in both languages.

Added to my Evernote, thank you!

Not sure if my conversions of WEG adventures belong here, but this is the link to the forum post where I update when a new one is done.

WEG modules for FFG Star Wars

Edited by Kyla

Thanks for sharing that, Kyla; I've added it to the list.

I like that you started with "Rebel Breakout," by the way; I remember that one fondly.


Not sure if my conversions of WEG adventures belong here, but this is the link to the forum post where I update when a new one is done.

WEG modules for FFG Star Wars

Sorry Kyla but I find it very difficult to read this font and colour on my iPad.

Don't hate on the Pink, Iupex! LoL ... I made things larger for you!

Thanks for sharing that, Kyla; I've added it to the list.

I like that you started with "Rebel Breakout," by the way; I remember that one fondly.


By far my favorite introduction to Star Wars, that was. I'm planning on converting "Game Chambers of Questal" soon so that you get to wrap up Deo and Tiree's storyline.

Edited by Kyla

I’m doing up a Google Docs spreadsheet showing all the playable PC races, with all known sources from FFG, plus the USM and the stuff that SavageBob has done in the GMAC thread.See for more information.

Yours is better than the one I just started last night. And not just because yours is finished.

Thank you for the effort!

Yours is better than the one I just started last night. And not just because yours is finished.

Mine is very far from finished. It’s got all the official FFG races and the others from USM, but I’ve only got through the B’s from the GMAC thread, so it’s going to be a while yet before it’s finished.

Thank you for the effort!

You’re welcome!

K, I've gotten off my lazy butt and started a campaign. The campaign is called The Force Unbridled, and we're getting ready to play our first session soon! Here's the link if anyone is interested in following our adventures!

The Force Unbridled


Jaspor, I made that switch.

Kyla, I added your campaign site.

Atraangelis, I took out the old link.


I didn't see these listed. The books The Jedi Path, Book of the Sith, The Bounty Hunter's Code and the just released Imperial Handbook - A Commanders Guide. I have the Imperial Handbook and the Bounty Hunter's Code. They have quite a bit of info for both the player and GM for any Star Wars RPG. They can be found at your local bookstore or on-line.

Edited by zathras23

I didn't see these listed. The books The Jedi Path, Book of the Sith, The Bounty Hunter's Code and the just released Imperial Handbook - A Commanders Guide. I have the Imperial Handbook and the Bounty Hunter's Code. They have quite a bit of info for both the player and GM for any Star Wars RPG. They can be found at your local bookstore or on-line.

Apparently, those are all declared to be “Legends” now, and even if they were Canon, they’re not produced by FFG or for the game that FFG created.

So, potentially interesting/useful non-canon references, yes. Belongs in this thread? Maybe.

EDIT: Please note, we do actually use these books in the games I’m involved in, and if it were up to me then these would definitely be considered to be Canon. But it’s not up to me.

Edited by bradknowles

Would my Star Wars RPG Adventure Hooks twitter feed be useful for the resources list? I tweet one Star Wars RPG adventure hook a day. I also post an NPC each week. We've been going for a solid year now!

Would my Star Wars RPG Adventure Hooks twitter feed be useful for the resources list? I tweet one Star Wars RPG adventure hook a day. I also post an NPC each week. We've been going for a solid year now!

These are excellent. I'll definitely use that site.