Future Expansion

By player1310912, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

Hi all,

What form do you think the next expansion will take? I'm assuming a Forces of Order expansion. Which teams do you expect will make their way in to the game next?

My dream combo would be

- Amazons
- Lizardmen
- Slaan

With the unifying idea being New World races, but I can see how unlikely that would be to happen. We might end up with any 3 team combination of these four teams; Amazons, Norse, Lizardmen and High Elves.


When my wife and I discussed this last game we played, we both agreed on Amazons and Lizardmen for sure. The third I don't know. I was almost leaning towards Goblins but since they are not so like minded to the other two teams, I was thinking Norse. I didn't think on Slaan though, part of me thought the team dropped off the rosters in the last edition or two but I can't check that here at work easily.

Definitely though a jungle based pack would be great :D My wife and I do miss our Lizardmen (primarily played the PC game since we didn't/don't have funds for the tabletop game, yet)

I agree, a jungle expansion would be amazing!

And those three teams are interesting too. I wonder how they'd set up their niches though? A new game mechanic seems likely, in the same way that Sudden Death introduced Downed Skills.

Good point, I hadn't thought about what extra rules could come from those teams. I'm wracking my brain right now trying to work out what they may be but brain is currently fried from work >.>

I actually hope that FFG allow us to get new copies of the base teams to include the downed skills!

One of the things that makes Slann less likely for me is that the role of the Slann has changed a lot in Warhammer. Agile frogmen don't really exist any more - now they're all ancient fat toads.

But if we go by the old fluff:

Lizardmen have a mix of Saurus (big guys with block who aren't very agile) and Skinks (little guys who are agile). I can see a team deck that has one star skink with sprint-sprint, and four star Saurus with block and not much else

Slann had long legs and leap in the game, and I wonder how that would translate. Sprinting ability is a given, but it'd be cool for them to have some sort of popping-up-unexpected ability.

Amazons were all endowed with Dodge. That was their shtick, more or less. Thats harder to translate into the card game.

If it were me, I'd run this set with a new rule / ability that allows flexible substitutions, or face down players, or some other such trickery. Maybe two new rules:

Concealed Plays

Any team may play a card face down. However if that facedown card becomes the target of a block, or gets the ball, it immediately turns face up. Turning face up wouldn't activate skills, and you wouldn't get to use skills when you play a card face down. Card text would have no effect while face down. Naturally in the scoreboard phase, all facedown cards are revealed before scoring.

A lot of the new cards will have a Bait-and-Switch skill, which when the card is turned face up you can immediately switch it for another player in your hand, face up. Others will have other abilities that activate on a reveal or interact with a reveal. For example, maybe Sauri block when flipped upright, but have no block skill otherwise. An Amazon or two might have a text that flips face up one of your other players at the same match up then activates their skills.


Maybe just for the Slann, a Leap skill that lets you spend a matchup action to move a player with this skill from one matchup to another.

I'd keep downed skills out of the set, just so that remains a unique feature of Sudden Death. To make the universal "concealed rule" applicable once regardless of whether you've bought the set, I'd put a rules update in the next errata sheet presenting it as a new recommended rule.

These aren't my predictions, by the way, just what I'd do.

My favorites for a new expansion is the "over the sea" conference with Lizards, Amazons and High Elfs. This would be a great setting and fits more then the Dark Sorcerer Syndicate.

I'd also like to see, that they put more Teams in a conference. So the Slann can be placed in this conference too later. The DSS then get the missing Khemri Team. OWA get the Pro Elfs and CWC get Chaos Dwarfs. So this would be a conference expansion.

Garthnait said:

I'd also like to see, that they put more Teams in a conference. So the Slann can be placed in this conference too later. The DSS then get the missing Khemri Team. OWA get the Pro Elfs and CWC get Chaos Dwarfs. So this would be a conference expansion.


A conference expansion is a great idea. I'd like to see Goblins in place of Chaos Dwarves however :)
Don't mind what the other two would be, maybe an Ogre team?

Conference additions sounds excellent actually. I was thinking that in due time, they would be better off beefing up what they have than continually making more Conferences.

Dunno about the Goblns over Chaos Dwarves though! The more dwarves in the game, the better in my opinion :)

Wouldn't mind High Elves instead of Slaan (who, I admit are very unlikely, despite being an official team now.)

As for a conference expansion, I'd like to see the following additions to the existing conferences.

DSS: Khemri or Necromantic (Worth noting there are 4 undead teams in Blood Bowl, only two of which are covered in the DSS. Necromantic is a team with all kinds of Hammer Horror type beasties.)
OWA: Norse or Halflings (Pro-Elves can wait when you have Wood and Dark Elves already.)
CWC: Chaos Dwarves or Goblins (I'd like to say Nurgles Rotters or the Khorne team from the recent PC game update, or even an Underworld team, but we do need Chaos Dwarves. They'd be a really good fit.)

In my opinion, an Ogre team isn't a priority. We've got Freebooters in the Star Player decks to cover them for now (despite the lack of Snotlings.)

Edited by Zerodemon

Give little guys!! ( goblins... halflings... )

They can easily pick the theme of a Lustria expansion with Lizardmen, High Elves and Amazons.

Amazons, Lizardmen and Slann sounds nice to me for a Lustria Conference ^_^

I hope we dont see High Elves before ProElves. Pro is a more interesting team by far (and was mean to substitute the first...).

I would like to see something like Norse, Pro and Halflings, which may include some rule for low armor teams :)

With all those new teams and rules core teams are a bit bored to play. Hope they print alternate cards for some positions, so this teams recover some interest.

Aye aye, I am really optimistic that FFG's thought a fair bit about the expansions, by the time they released the base set.

My bunch made our dream cards of Amazons, Norse, High Elves, Bretonnians, Khemri, and even the Sudden Death trio! We still chuckle about how FFG "copied" our Regeneration, which we decided to "nerf" by reducing it to a single tackle die roll (instead of the official two).

With six whole "evil" teams over the two expansions, it's about time we give the "neutral" or "good" races a fair shake eh? :lol:

Yes! Roll on the Lustrian conference!

Given that Bloodbowl was (in fluff) invented in Lustria, I think its long overdue, and they're all "good guys" as well.

For a future expansion, i would see a new syndicate and three more new teams : the amazones, the norses (with icepelt hammerblow), and the lizardmen (with silibili).

It would be a good addition to the game.

My only wish is that I wont have to wait 2 years for a new expansion to be released.

I don't really care about which new teams are introduced, however I would like FFG to keep releasing content for the old teams, especially for those who need it.

It's sure that waiting for a new expansion for two years is a very hard thing !

Personnally, i would like more star players for all the teams.

Many stars from the boardgame are not included yet in the card game.

What a pleasure when you review the different star player cards and their new skills, capacities, and responses !

Concerning the new teams to come, a high elves team wouldn't be necessary, because there are already two elves teams and it maintains the balance with the two dwarves teams.

The khemris and the necromantics look like the undead, but a halfeling team, why not ?!

Edited by kinor

Actually scratch that. My biggest hope is that the future expansions will EXPAND on the game experience rather than restricting the choices of the players. I want mechanisms that diversify my plays and I want new options and ways for my team to compete with my opposition rather than forcing me to give way matchups and handing it all over to luck. I want to follow the playstyle of my team but I also want to be encouraged for giving it my own direction. After all I'm the manager. Above all I want the game to reward players for taking a risk rather than making the players dread the consequences of even the slightest play. I want punishment to be fierce but I want most plays to be worth taking the risk. I want card synergies rather than card disruption. Finally I don't want the game to take any longer time to play than what it does currently.

I could see the following happening:

Amazon, Lizardmen, High Elves

Norse, Halfling, and Ogre

Daemons of Khorne, Necromantic OR Khemri, and Underworld.

Pro Elf would be hard to rationalize for new players. "What's this?". "Oh, those are normal elves."

Necromantic and Khemri are similar to Undead, and would play about the same.

Underworld are perhaps too similar to regular Goblins.

Slann and Chaos Pact haven't appeared in the computer game or in tabletop miniatures yet, so they are probably less likely.

Ogres would be interesting (not that I ever play them), to see what sort of mechanic they use to limit the power of the team. Maybe the Ogre team has less cards in hand, or has to roll for Really Stupid on any play?

I really hope they don't let the virtual world hold them back from a greater variety of teams such as the slaan and other teams that may have been forgotten about over time. ogres would be a nice touch and to limit them since most of them will be Big, big doesn't allways add to star power per say, so I was thinking of having like four of the team members like blitzers have loner at star 3 so by themselves they would earn four but then when all added up they take away from each others stardom. in a sence it would play mostly as one out the four get a frenzy lol unless the opportunity permited them to be alone getting a power of four and staying there. and just about all of them will be cheating so theres that chance of ejection regardless. and it will be a slower team with some new skills that are damage based and helps them re role tackle attempts to do more dmg and stuff like that. like dodge but for the attacker. and a team upgrade could be brute force sayin exhaust this card to allow your player during a tackle attempt as if he had the higher star power(if blank or x result is applied, loose two fans) and just stuff like that. somethings will make it seem powerful but wil eventually even out over all. oh and im sure they will foul or something too not every player but two outa 12 at the least. now when I first heard about the fouling skill I assumed it would be like cheating cause in the game if you foul and your caught you get ejected from the game, so I automatically tought oh wow so the fouling skill could require you to draw a cheating token face up and if its an ejection token immediately place that player in the discard pile. and any thing else is discarded cause fouling is its own reward type of thing, however after playing with the new expansion, it doenst need to require anything like that. oh that gave another idea for a team upgrade for what would be the ogre team, much like the wood elves upgrade but the opposite, have one where when attempting a tackle they could exhaust the card to draw from the cheating token and add the star power to their own during the tackle and then its discarded and if its a not any star power than its ignored. im just sayin theres a good few things that kinda fit with the theme of huge ogres with out giving them all the power in the world but still fits in the world of blood bowl. thanks for reading :)

Regarding new teams, I think Amazons are a must. I'd really like to see Halflings and Norse, but I think a jungle-themed expansion including Amazons, Lizardmen and High Elves is brilliant. And I don't think there is a need to go to team-only mini expansions just yet; I feel like there are still plenty of avenues for new rules that are yet to be explored (as long as they don't weight the game down too much). I'd say weather would be an obvious choice, but I would love to see some cheerleader rules. Build your own cheerleader squad? Taunt your opponents (lower their scores), or cheer your own team for bonuses, perhaps modified by your current number of fans? Steal fans from opponents??

And no one has mentioned hiring wizards for more magical effects... In-game spells, potions and poisons, scrying to see or change what cards are coming up -- the possibilities are endless. Also, I'd like to see more effects between matches to represent bribes, threats, back-room dealings, stealing or injuring players, the effects of good or bad press, and so on. Plenty of room for improvement if FFG are interested.

If not, I'd still be happy to simply see more teams and more star players!

With all the new add ons, enchanted balls (Sudden Death), Stadiums + Corrupt Ref (Foul Play), i hope the next expansion is just teams, and lots of them, maybe have two new syndicates. Because at the moment, the field is very full up.

BUT... if they were going to add a new element to the game, maybe a weather mechanic, maybe add a new dice, a blue one with different weather patterns, roll it for each high light and place a corresponding token on it.

if its a wet day, all star power reduced by 1, except Guardsman. Star Power reduced will also affect any special bonuses/ability's.

if its windy, roll to determine if the ball passes, roll 1 green die, Blank = misses - dropped to centre field, X = Opposing Player chooses where the ball goes (even to his players), Tackle icon = Ball Passed per usual , will be hell for Skaven players... but their rats, wind is their enemy.

Hurricane weather, when sprinting, you draw a card and then discard a player with the highest star power in your hand.

These are just a few of the ideas for a weather mechanic, i hope you like it.

Put Simply - there just needs to be more teams.

How long it is to get a new BBTM expansion ! When i see that Talisman has 13 expansions since the release of the core game, and that this 13 th expansion just released only 5 months after the 12th one, i am disgusted....

Edited by kinor

How long it is to get a new BBTM expansion ! When i see that Talisman has 13 expansions since the release of the core game, and that this 13 th expansion just released only 5 months after the 12th one, i am disgusted....

A comparison to Talisman is rather unfair as Talisman have new scenario/campaigns/stories whereas Blood Bowl is the same game throughout. Quite frankly, they've reached the limit of adding to the BBTM rules and any more and it will collapse under its own weight (with a number of people complaining itself too long as it is).

More teams is fine, but how many can they do without repeating themselves or going in for novelty for novelty's sake?

Just out of curiosity, how many teams did the original BB miniatures game have?

So if there is less work concerning the rules (and the limited number of teams) than for Talisman, the BBTM creators could go faster to release new (even limited) expansions ! Why are we waiting for such a long time ? And i am sure that i am not the only one to complain about that.

Let's make it clear, i am not asking for BBTM as many expansions as for Talisman, it would be unreal, i am just hoping and asking for a faster release of the few expansions to come.

Concerning the number of teams in Blood bowl, there were 23 teams in the PC game "blood bowl chaos", which represents the 3 rd edition of the blood bowl board game but on the computer.

Edited by kinor