Lure of The Liche Lord modding.

By Crazy Aido, in WFRP Gamemasters

Just leafed through my old 2nd ed. stuff and was interested by the Lure of the Liche Lord campaign. It might be potentially quite interesting to run. I'll hopefully use this page as a log for the many and varied crazy ideas I have while I think about turning it into a viable campaign series.

I'm most worried about running the surrounding border princes stuff and making that interesting. Ideally I was going to create an archaological expedition that has to deal with the surrounding politics as they search Mad Dog Pass for the burial chamber. What I'd really love is to be able to send a group back and forth from the tomb to the principalities so they can see the expanding and steadily degrading situation as it develops. Then they can build towards an epic climax as demons start crawling out of the woodwork while they try and plumb through the tomb.

Another thing I would like is an exploration party; so they leave Averhiem with a party of about a hundred, and I use the the party tension to track their steadily dwindling fortunes as camp followers get eaten, attacked etc. They can use named NPC's and mooks to help them with actions, but this is a steadily dwindling resource.

Progress trackers for each prince's faction and their various plans. Mostly these all involve destroying Vitrolle. Depending on what happens after they attempt this, the story goes a number of ways.

Now, how to keep bringing the group back to town for supplies etc?

Bring the supplies top them.

The Noble/Merchants/etc funding the expedition could send periodic supplies and expect periodic updates and perhaps "recovered treasures". You could do a similar tracker for that.

When we played LotLL, we set up camp near the tomb and retreated for healing maybe twice. Then again, we also had a Light Wizard, so healing went pretty fast. We had a few outlaw NPCs guarding our supply wagon.

Because of the tomb's remote location and lack of political "pull factors" in the scenario, there's little incentive for players to retreat to town for intrigue in between dungeoncrawling episodes. Our GM had a rival tomb-robbing band that we encountered occasionally, but otherwise we stayed on course until we finished the entire dungeon (which took about 4-5 sessions to play straight through). If you're looking to break up the dungeoncrawl, you might consider splitting it into 2-3 separate tombs, located in different areas. While tomb-crawling, players can find maps leading to the next tomb, or maybe old heiroglyphs hinting at its location, until they eventually find Kharitamen's tomb.