First Time / Which Campaign to run ?

By drallcome, in WFRP Gamemasters

Hello ,

Just got the game again , I was wondering what campaign / Scenerio should I buy to run first with three new players ? We have already ran the scenerio it came with the first time I bought the game so just looking for advice as to where to go from here .

Was thinking about "The Edge of Night" ??

Thank you very much for your advice.

The edge of night is a very good scenario, but it will ask a lot of work from your part and it can be a bit overwhelming to new players.

If your players are not experience, a better choice for an scenario may be the Witch Song.

For a longer run, Gathering the Storm is a liniar entertaining short campaign.



Edge of Night is great but I would suggest starting out with "Witches Song" as it is not as demanding and rather fantastic itself.

drallcome said:

Hello ,

Just got the game again , I was wondering what campaign / Scenerio should I buy to run first with three new players ? We have already ran the scenerio it came with the first time I bought the game so just looking for advice as to where to go from here .

Was thinking about "The Edge of Night" ??

Thank you very much for your advice.

It really depends on what kind of adventures your players tend to enjoy. If they enjoy lots of combat over social activities, The Edge of Night is probably not going to be suited to them. Also whilst it is a fun adventure and has a lot of source material for Ubersreik, EON works better as a framework for a sandbox adventure - it is a bit underdeveloped otherwise (hence, as everyone else has said, it needs a bit of additional development).

I can't say about Witch's Song or The Gathering Storm, but adventures my group played through and had fun with were the ones from Signs of Faith, Black Fire Pass and Lure of Power (though I don't recommend playing this one without playing Edge of Night first). All of them have notes on how to link Eye for an Eye into them.

My group really liked the gathering storm. Its good, not great. It took my group 7, 4 hour sessions to finish but I admit i was rushing the players through it a bit and the adventure could have easily lasted 8-10, 4 hour sessions. A few great things about the Gathering storm is that it will expose the players to many standards of the Warhammer world. For example, you get intrigue, multiple story lines, Beastmen, creepy farm peasents, undead, A necromancer, goblins, a goblin shaman, squigs, a Troll, and a two faced trader wizard. Its actually pretty good, just not what i would call amazing. The Horror at Hugaldahl from the Signs of Faith expansion was AMAZING!!! I LOVED this adventure! Took us 4, 4 hour sessions of which I did NOT rush my players. I have read the Witches Song and LOVE it as well and plan to begin running it in two weeks. We are finishing up The Winds of Change from the Winds of Magic expansion and its ok, not great…..could be my fault as the GM, as Im not great at sandbox adventures….yet. Over all, if you are not experienced, or are looking for a good adventure for the $$$, with a lot of variety, My vote would be The Gathering Storm. Our time with it was well spent.

Hope this helps. Welcome back


Thanks fot the replys ,

I really am just starting out so a sandbox adventure is not something I think i'm ready for , a campaign another Campaign like "eye for an eye" would great.

The Enemy Within is the next one to tackle then!


Looking back, I sort of wish that I had chosen this approach with published, pre-made adventures when I first picked up the game some two and a half years ago. We could have gotten a lot more roleplaying and a lot more fun if I didn't have to spend months of slow-paced writing between each episode. For better or worse, I chose to do it the hard and slow way because I was drawn to the episodic serial format, because I am very much a DIY type of person, and also can't afford to buy all those boxed sets. I didn't even start with Eye for an Eye , and I haven't used it yet, but I plan to do it soon, before the PCs get to rank 2.

I don't know if it was ever an option for you to make your own scenarios and campaigns, but I wouldn't really recomend it when starting out. Best learn to walk on the road more trodden, yes?

The Enemy Within is quite awesome but also somewhat expensive and takes a lot of gaming sessions to finish.

TEW is probably best for a group that's ready to go the distance. I think it's important to make sure your game group is solid, and on board, with a longer campaign before starting.

The good news about TEW's release is that FFG finally listened about people feeling scammed when they would buy stuff for download and it wouldn't include "the cards/actions/talents/spells/etc." So, they included everything in the text AND also included their penchant for cards (none of them are new except for the background cards ..and everything in the text anyways).

Also, "The Black Cowl" sheet is here:
