**** man, my heart goes out to you thats a bunch of prep lost. i had a save overwrite issue but that was an ID-10-T problem not anything tilt can fix.
Rogue Trader Generator Tools released!
This is awesome!
I Love you.
Thank you for this! Great utility!
First Thanks for making such great tool.
Secondly I have a bug to report.
The random ship generation seems to be broken.
Those are my settings. LINK
And this is the list of ships I generated using Generate -> New Starship
As you see there are only 6 classes of ships generated. Also all ships are Human ships.
(Hazeroth, Sword, Jericho, Vagabond, Wolfpack, Dauntless)
I tested this on 3 PCs and on all I have the same result.
Last thing is a question. Will you share the source code on site like github, bitbucket, etc. and if not why?
I I know I can decompile code and try to unwrap everything but that's missing the point.
On site like github you would have control over the progress with interested coders submitting pull requests.
Rights can always be enforced by putting proper licences in place.
Currently application is great but I would like to see if I can't somehow add editing details.
Secondly I have a bug to report.
The random ship generation seems to be broken.
It's not broken, and it's not a bug. The starship generator you're referring to is a straight-up digital representation of the one from the GM kit. I briefly considered expanding it, but decided to stick to my original vision, which was for the original generators to remain as untouched as possible while only expanding on the truly vague stuff. The generator is extensible, but so far I haven't done anything with it. The core problem is that any changes would essentially turn the application into a collection of house rules, and I don't want to force that on other people.
The settings dialog explains exactly where the ships from your source books are used in the application.
Last thing is a question. Will you share the source code on site like github, bitbucket, etc. and if not why?
I I know I can decompile code and try to unwrap everything but that's missing the point.
I'm not in the habit of sharing my code unless I have a good reason to. One of my greatest fears for this application is that someone will start to edit in the rules from the rule books, making the whole thing infringe upon FFG's copyrights. By retaining full creative control over the application, I can make sure it sticks neatly on the proper side of the law. I already mentioned how I don't want to turn the application into a collection of house rules. Administrating a GitHub project is also not something I'm particularly eager to throw myself at unless someone can present compelling reasons for why I would want to do so. So far I've had a few offers via email, but I've turned them all down. If you feel you've got something worthwhile to offer, send me a message (my email is in the application if you prefer that route, or you can just use this forum) and I promise I'll take it into serious consideration. I don't want to be stingy, but I also don't want to needlessly complicate things without good cause.
To be blunt: I don't have to explain to you why I'm not sharing my code. You have to explain to me why you need access to it. While I deeply respect open source programming, I do not consider it to be the status quo of all programming projects.
And just so we don't run into any trouble: You're free to decompile my code if you wish (heck, I did that with another Rogue Trader generator a while ago to see how it was built), but you are not free to publish anything you create with that code. I'm sure we can come to some kind of agreement, but that's not the way to go about it.
I get plenty of random starships, even a Universe one time.
It's not broken, and it's not a bug. The starship generator you're referring to is a straight-up digital representation of the one from the GM kit. I briefly considered expanding it, but decided to stick to my original vision, which was for the original generators to remain as untouched as possible while only expanding on the truly vague stuff. The generator is extensible, but so far I haven't done anything with it. The core problem is that any changes would essentially turn the application into a collection of house rules, and I don't want to force that on other people.
The settings dialog explains exactly where the ships from your source books are used in the application.
Ok, sorry I got confused by text next to Into the Storm which says "Adds additional hulls and components for starship generation" and assumed that it was included in New Starship option.
I'm not in the habit of sharing my code unless I have a good reason to. One of my greatest fears for this application is that someone will start to edit in the rules from the rule books, making the whole thing infringe upon FFG's copyrights. By retaining full creative control over the application, I can make sure it sticks neatly on the proper side of the law. I already mentioned how I don't want to turn the application into a collection of house rules. Administrating a GitHub project is also not something I'm particularly eager to throw myself at unless someone can present compelling reasons for why I would want to do so. So far I've had a few offers via email, but I've turned them all down. If you feel you've got something worthwhile to offer, send me a message (my email is in the application if you prefer that route, or you can just use this forum) and I promise I'll take it into serious consideration. I don't want to be stingy, but I also don't want to needlessly complicate things without good cause.
To be blunt: I don't have to explain to you why I'm not sharing my code. You have to explain to me why you need access to it. While I deeply respect open source programming, I do not consider it to be the status quo of all programming projects.
And just so we don't run into any trouble: You're free to decompile my code if you wish (heck, I did that with another Rogue Trader generator a while ago to see how it was built), but you are not free to publish anything you create with that code. I'm sure we can come to some kind of agreement, but that's not the way to go about it.
Ok, it is your right. If you don't want to share the code that's ok.
For me open source with proper licences attached is default for passion projects based or dependent on someone else copyright. A matter of beliefs I guess.
I'll just decompile the code and have my go at it.
Considering I haven't really done much with this code for a while except fixing the rare bug, I decided to try putting it up on GitHub to see what happens. I guess I got used to the thought of making it all public. For anyone who wishes to give it a look, you can find it here:
If you don't know anything about coding, don't bother clicking the above link. It will be nothing but gibberish to you.
I've done a fair bit of cleanup of the code since the last published version in preparation for this, so if anyone wishes to contribute, I would suggest doing a bit of testing to see that everything works as expected first. Experience tells me that I'm the worst person possible to spot these potential problems.
Please don't do anything with this code that would make FFG react negatively to it. In other words, don't turn this application into a replacement for the books.
If you wish to add house rules to this application (ie. rules that aren't in the books, such as expanded ship generation), then please consider adding a checkbox in the settings dialog where the user can choose if he wants to use these house rules or not. Choice is good.
If I've done anything wrong with the GitHub integration, please let me know. It's the first time I publish anything to GitHub, so mistakes can be expected. This also goes for if I've forgotten to upload files that are necessary for the application to compile.
Have fun!
Edited by TiLT
Wow, not much enthusiasm for that, I see.
To reiterate, if there's anything you feel is missing in the generator today, it can now be added in by just about anyone with some programming experience. If you're interested in tweaking the generator but feel like the code is intimidating (I tried to make it as clean and structured as possible, but hey...), let me know and I'll help point you in the right direction.
Wow, seriously thanks for making it open source. Does it have any dependencies? If there are specific bugs, I may be able to help out with some code. I will try to take a look at it this weekend. I need to fire up my windows VM and get some updates i am sure.
There are no dependencies to external libraries that I can recall, if that's what you mean. There was one in the initial release, but I got rid of it as it caused problems.
I'm not aware of any current bugs (I always prioritize fixing those quickly), but there are some obvious missing features, such as a functional PDF export or expanded starship generation (as per earlier discussions in this thread).
Any chance you could generate the colony information as well? Just that level of inhabitant development, not every inhabited planet. Thanks for your work m8.
Any chance you could generate the colony information as well? Just that level of inhabitant development, not every inhabited planet. Thanks for your work m8.
What do you mean, exactly? I do generate colony information for advanced races, though I don't bring in the stuff from the colony chapter in Stars of Inequity. If there's colony generation in the planet generator in the book, it's in my generator software as well.
Exactly, bring in stuff from the colony chapter for humans. Who's in charge, random settlement development and so on.
Exactly, bring in stuff from the colony chapter for humans. Who's in charge, random settlement development and so on.
Can't you just randomly pick an NPC with stat blocks? That's what I did.
Yeah, but that still leaves the personality table.
Exactly, bring in stuff from the colony chapter for humans. Who's in charge, random settlement development and so on.
This is way outside the scope of what I intended with the tools. There are no generators for colonies in the books, apart from the personality table (and that's just a single die roll which would be just as easy to do with real dice). Any randomly generated colonies would have to be built using house rules, and I've tried to avoid those as much as possible.
Anyone who wishes to implement this stuff is welcome to do so, since the application is now open source. I'm unlikely to do so myself, both for the reason above and because it would be a lot of work.
Hey TiLT, not a coder at all so i stayed. Away. I did, however, want to stop by and thank you for your generator again. I recently had a few awesome sessions that revoled around the crew attempting to resque a Lunar Cruiser they found in a graveyard from your app. Just "Lunar Class Cruiser-May be possible to salvage." Caught the imaginations of my whole group. And we had several great sessions built around the endeavour thanks for the help and insparation.
Glad to hear that it inspired your group. You almost get a kind of emergent gameplay with this kind of thing, where the story begins to shape itself naturally and surprisingly.
Hi TiLT !
I registered on this forum especially to thank you. Your amount of work here was simply amazing. Sharing and improving your baby is just icing on the cake.
Take care man!
Hi TiLT !
I registered on this forum especially to thank you. Your amount of work here was simply amazing. Sharing and improving your baby is just icing on the cake.
Take care man!
Thank you!
(I obviously don't check in on this forum often enough, judging by the length of time between our posts)
Another one signing up to say thanks for all the amazing work, TiLT, this is pretty much an essential tool in my book. Doing anything serious with Stars of Inequity is appallingly time-consuming using pen & paper.
I've had a bit of a look at the codebase as well. I'm no C# guru but I reckon I can get the gist of what's happening. I may end up cloning the repo and making some personal modifications, mostly changing the race distribution to fit my non-Koronus setting (Rak'gol and Stryxis go away; abhumans, Necrons, Khrave, and Demiurg show up to replace them...) and the like. If i get REALLY ambitious over winter, I might see if I can get ship components fully generated for ships that show up as part of a pirate base or starship graveyard...
It might be nice to expose some of the tables so that users can create their own distributions for things like races and ships and save them for later use or even sharing with other people. It would be quite a bit of work though, and might not truly be worth it in the end.
Looking forward to seeing whatever you come up with, if you decide to give it a go. If you add to my GitHub repository, adding a setting for house rules in the preferences dialog might be a good idea so that users can choose between "vanilla" generators like they are in the books, or extended ones such as what you are proposing. If you've got any questions about the code, let me know. Inheritance is a central concept to it, so it should be possible to create code variations without affecting existing code with relatively little effort.
Dang, I just discovered this thing a little while ago and I'm blown away--well done!
I do have one question, though--is there a way to modify individual entries (rather than just re-generate)? I'd like to use this tool to hold descriptions for all the systems I've already created for my campaign, but some of those systems already have particular kinds of planets specified and I'd like to just generate a new system and tweak the planets I need to match their existing characteristics.
I can see how there might not be a way to do this in the tool itself, but is there a way to manually modify the .rtg file itself? The RTF is easy to deal with but I can't re-import it and use the tool as-is.
Good afternoon!
Just wanted to stop by and drop a quick note that from all the comments I've read, it seems like your tool is wonderful. I'm about to run my 1st game of RT and was wondering do I follow your original link for the product or do I go to GitHub to get the usable kind? Don't have much in coding experience so looking for the most current version...