By nodulariny, in Agrabah Bazaar

amphillips said:

Just out of curiousity, are your sets two and three still complete? I may be interested in buying everything as a bundle. I am posting on several of the "Selling my collection" type threads to see what everyone has left/what they are asking for their at the moment so whoever has the best deal I plan on buying stuff from. Please e-mail me if you can:

they are not complete sets anymore.

there will be updates in about 3 to 4 days.

if you are still interested in buying them after the update just let me know at

Ok I'll keep an eye out here then. Thanks man!


updates needed

Hey, I'll give you 50$ for

-Don lvl 4
-Goof lvl 4

Or 65$ for

-The First 4

Or 85$ for

-The First 6

That's what they're worth to me, if you wan't to hold off thats all good , but thats my offer :)

gtrogi sorry but hte updates didnt load so im doing it again.

GTrogi said:

Hey, I'll give you 50$ for

-Don lvl 4
-Goof lvl 4

Or 65$ for

-The First 4

Or 85$ for

-The First 6

That's what they're worth to me, if you wan't to hold off thats all good , but thats my offer :)

i couldnt do anything less then 60$ for the first 4 and no less then 80$ for the first 6 since they are all SRUs. email me at and we might be able to work out a deal!!!

nodulariny said:

GTrogi said:

Hey, I'll give you 50$ for

-Don lvl 4
-Goof lvl 4

Or 65$ for

-The First 4

Or 85$ for

-The First 6

That's what they're worth to me, if you wan't to hold off thats all good , but thats my offer :)

i couldnt do anything less then 60$ for the first 4 and no less then 80$ for the first 6 since they are all SRUs. email me at and we might be able to work out a deal!!!

Unfortunatly thats the top of what I'm willing to spend right now, but no worries :) , I'll leave my offer on the table (obviously without the cloud :P ) if you change your mind or whatever let me know :)

hey amphillips i was wondering if you saw the updated list and was still interested in bying anything? more cards. all gone thanks for any1 that bought from me. trade thread closed now!!!!!