size modifier in meters

By Korwus, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

How many hexessquares takes the objects with different size modifiers?

Beats me. This game isn't designed specifically with those cheaters (game mats) in mind. **** forum, again with "no enter keys", well yous guys are just going to have to put up with horrible formatting. What are those hex/squares? 1 5 10 meters? A hulking character can be just a little wider than a human, or more so. Conversely a human doesn't actually fill in a whole 1m square area, 1 space marine wouldn't fill 1m square either. Then, if two larger characters are grappling they can take up a very small area, and still have room for another character to stand over them. It just depends on the character/vehicle and situation. If you are going to use cheaters then you're going to have to, as the GM, figure it out on your own. I prefer to not rely on such a limited method of gameplay myself, so I've never thought about this. If you're lucky other players have and will share their ideas, but I don't think I'll be of much help with this one.

The game is played on squares in one meter. I discouraged by the inability to block the two-meter corridor, because we can not get up in the middle. After a small dispute with a players I thought about some moments; maybe ravener blocked the corridor when it enters melee there, and how determine size by the rules?

I'm just a player and can't coerce the whole team to play "as I usually play"