Black Crusade: Prison Edition

By Boss Gitsmasha, in Black Crusade

Boss Gitsmasha said:

Keep in mind that the Greater Minion stuff has prerequisites which I seriously doubt you'd have.

If you guys have AIM or an equivalent, this makes my life much easier. Or we could use Roll20. That has built in map functions and chats and stuffs. I doubt it's difficult to use, so even a blithering idiot like me could do something with it.

I have Silas written up except for one thing. The minion. Can I take a human drug runner/guy who holds Silas's drugs with lesser minion? Would this minion be useful?

If the minion isn't a good plan than I can always use another skill.

Will DM Silas to you this afternoon or evening as I'm at work right now.

Deimos said:

DigitalRedneck said:

Bro, I don't have tomb of blood. I got black crusade, yesterday in fact. (good god is it cooool!!). I'm reading character gen right now so I can make Silas and it says the total xp for a starting BC pc is 7000. This 7000xp includes the 1000 xp we are supposed to spend.

Incorrect. Humans start with 1000 xp and Astrates with 500 xp. What you're looking at is an error that has been corrected in the Errata.

Not incorrect. A Human spends 1000 but is conciddered a 7000 pt character for conversion purposes. A Chaos Marine spends 500 xp but is certainly not equal to a 500 pt Dark Herasy guy. Off the top of my head I think Chaos Marines are worth 8000 or 8500 for conversion.

Got my aim up and running as well.

[email protected]

So how would a tech challenged redneck such as myself go about signing up for this AIM? (lol I'm serious. I never heard if it before and need some direction)

Oh, and it turns out Silas has Mind Link so the PCs will be able to telepathically communicate with eacother a bit. I figure that should be handy in The Pit.

DigitalRedneck said:

Boss Gitsmasha said:

Keep in mind that the Greater Minion stuff has prerequisites which I seriously doubt you'd have.

If you guys have AIM or an equivalent, this makes my life much easier. Or we could use Roll20. That has built in map functions and chats and stuffs. I doubt it's difficult to use, so even a blithering idiot like me could do something with it.

I have Silas written up except for one thing. The minion. Can I take a human drug runner/guy who holds Silas's drugs with lesser minion? Would this minion be useful?

If the minion isn't a good plan than I can always use another skill.

Will DM Silas to you this afternoon or evening as I'm at work right now.

I read the minion creation rules and answered my stupid questions. Will be making the product holder this afternoon and will submit him with Silas tonight.

What is the GM's AIM address? Also, were we starting off with the basic 1000xp?

Elurindel said:

What is the GM's AIM address? Also, were we starting off with the basic 1000xp?

Yep. Starting off with 1000xp and rolling stats 2d10+25 for each. And the rolls can be distributed between the stats as you see fit. Except Infamy. That's 19+1d5 still. Can do one reroll.

Dont know the Boss,s AIM addy. I need to get one… But first somebody needs to tell me what it is and how to get one.. Lol

How about this, I've got a free-forum nobody's using.

We can keep the characters there, and use it as a temp base.

I'll organize a roll20 page to use to run the game. While I am being very slow starting this up (college and such), I might be able to begin the first session next week. I'll have a friend help me organize and run this. Hopefully this will go well.

My AIM handle is MatthiasOmega85. We need to work out a schedule of some kind. I'm in other games, and I want to make sure I can pick a time/day that will agree with everyone else here. When are you guys free?

Boss Gitsmasha said:

I'll organize a roll20 page to use to run the game. While I am being very slow starting this up (college and such), I might be able to begin the first session next week. I'll have a friend help me organize and run this. Hopefully this will go well.

My AIM handle is MatthiasOmega85. We need to work out a schedule of some kind. I'm in other games, and I want to make sure I can pick a time/day that will agree with everyone else here. When are you guys free?

Just added you in AIM. Hopefully we can convene soon so we can hash out stuff for my character.

I and Silas are available any weeknight after 6pm and Saterday evenings after 5pm. Any time on Sundays. Pacific standard time. (I'm in California USA)

i know scheduling this might be a challenge so I do want to mention that I could start gaming at some bazaar time like midnight on sat night. I'll just take a nap after I get home from work on sat afternoon. (it's cool… I love naps)

But the first time we all hook up I will need my Tech Priest (my wife) to show me how to perform the proper rites and invocations to our computer so I can get connected to the group. I've never ever gamed online before and I gotta say I'm real excited to try it.

Silas has been sent to the Boss for approval. A final not to player about Silas. In the end I did not take a minion. Instead I took Daemonology as a skill. But I do have Silas hooked up with Mind link. I hope to use the power subtlety to allow us to communicate while seperated as much as possible. Silas has to be real careful he does not out himself as a psyker so we will see how good he can do using the power at fettered level, etc. I'm hoping we can use the power to keep connected to those in the party that are separated by us due to prison conditions as well as to coordinate plans and whatnot.

the frequency of Silas using the power depends on how subtle he can be and still get it to work. Its going to be a real challenge to not get caught using psychic powers and be sent to the Black Ships or worse. I half expect Silas to not make it to the escape. But that's cool. The fun is in trying to keep on the down low until escape day…

I figure passing notes (called flying Kites in Cali jails) will need to be done to some degree, even with mind link. But it should help us stay in touch. I hope.

Boris shall likely grow increasingly wary of the telepathy, but he shall suffer it, as he has suffered the other indignities at the hands of the Imperials. But when he gets back his axe, he's gonna get some serious revenge.

Elurindel said:

Boris shall likely grow increasingly wary of the telepathy, but he shall suffer it, as he has suffered the other indignities at the hands of the Imperials. But when he gets back his axe, he's gonna get some serious revenge.

Elurindel said:

Boris shall likely grow increasingly wary of the telepathy, but he shall suffer it, as he has suffered the other indignities at the hands of the Imperials. But when he gets back his axe, he's gonna get some serious revenge.

Very cool. Silas would be happy to let Boris get his revenge on the prison fickers! Especially if it helps us escape. But Silas is a good friend. If he feels you guys are loyal he would be loath to leave u behind even if it meant making you unhappy by drugging you like Mr T and forcing you onboard for the escape attempt, so you don't get left behind. Silas has a " no homie left behind policy.." because of the loyalty shown by the other Chaos cultists during the raid that landed him in prison. Silas is a total bastard that knows how to be a good friend.

Well, having grown up in a tribe, and thus having a proud martial and tribal traditions, he would appreciate the forged bonds of camaraderie.

Is there still room for another player? Also just in case and because i think it may affect such decision, i don't know that AIM platform thouhg i guess it may be easy to make an account and I'm willing to, my mic ports are fried and therefore my use of it limited. Another thing that may be of importance is that my timezone is GTM+1.

Nyoka said:

Is there still room for another player? Also just in case and because i think it may affect such decision, i don't know that AIM platform thouhg i guess it may be easy to make an account and I'm willing to, my mic ports are fried and therefore my use of it limited. Another thing that may be of importance is that my timezone is GTM+1.

I don't know how manny is too many. That's up to Da Boss. I have never used AIM either. So I don't know how much it will speed up or slow down game flow. I do know that right now there's an Apostate, a Heritic, a Psyker and a Human Berserker.

I'd love to join in, add me on skype: Ulric Kessler. I was recommended here by one of your players..whom name escapes me at the moment.

Based on all the replies and more or less confirmed players it seems Saturday evenings starting at 5-6pm Pacific Standard Time would probably be the best. Assuming that isn't too late a start for our east coast player.

Let me know when you are ready to start up and I am good to go.

As for Widget, he has his inherent distrust of psykers but more for the practical reason of how badly their powers can go wrong. Given he's one of the few medicae trained Mechanicus in the prison most of the characters would be familiar with him by his face if not by name. The fact he can manage to turn the crap lho sticks and alcohol the prison sells into something actually good has probably earned him a fair amount of good will to move about in other factions territories mostly unmolested. So for the escape he makes an excellent go between and diplomat to the other factions we wish to organize.

That time if somewhat late is doable by me. If i end up being a suitable candidate to join the game, i had in mind something along the lines of a naturally charming yet feeble and sick prone character, perhaps over time devoting to slaanesh or nurgle. For base around which build the character, i think a psyker (for mind link, telepathy and other mind trick related stuff) or an apostate (for raw charminess) may work. But considering that there is already one psyker and that if i understood well having a psyker capable inmate would be quite the oddity i guess it will have to be the second.

Anyway as soonas the Boss gives the thumbs up or down i will start to actually shape the character.

Deimos said:

Based on all the replies and more or less confirmed players it seems Saturday evenings starting at 5-6pm Pacific Standard Time would probably be the best. Assuming that isn't too late a start for our east coast player.

Let me know when you are ready to start up and I am good to go.

As for Widget, he has his inherent distrust of psykers but more for the practical reason of how badly their powers can go wrong. Given he's one of the few medicae trained Mechanicus in the prison most of the characters would be familiar with him by his face if not by name. The fact he can manage to turn the crap lho sticks and alcohol the prison sells into something actually good has probably earned him a fair amount of good will to move about in other factions territories mostly unmolested. So for the escape he makes an excellent go between and diplomat to the other factions we wish to organize.

He is going to be so **** handy. Love it! I think Silas would wait to tell Widget he is a psyker until he was pretty sure Widget would be willing to accept the fact his friend is a psyker. It probably helps that Silas is playing it safe and rarely uses his powers at above fettered strength for fear of outing himself. Right now silas probably comes off as a responsible and overly cautious psyker to those in the know. It helps that Silas is heavy on telepathic powers and do is not very obvious anyway unless the warp gets involved…

If any player wants to start the game without their pc being in the know or suspicious of Silas as a psyker I would be cool with doing contested social rolls before start of game play to see if Silas has said too much or otherwise outed himself before the pc actually was receptive. But after some in game skirmishing lets figure out a way to be allies and start working on the escape attempt and what not..

Gittmasha! This sounds awesome, would love to join if a spot is still free and you already know my AIM handle :P

Saturday is probably not a good day for me, truth be told :(