Black Crusade: Prison Edition

By Boss Gitsmasha, in Black Crusade

Silas Green. Renegade Psycher and a follower of Slaanesh.

(funny how Khorne is my fave but my guy favors Slaanesh.)

skilled at concealment and sleight of hand. Moderate Psycher who is a new Chaos sorcerer if possible. Very personable. (high fellowship I hope)

Convicted of multiple counts of drug possession with intent to distribute. ( pimping is not a crime on his world. Prostitution is tho..)

Served two years on a 20 year sentence. Could get off in ten (good behavior plus work?)

Will try to buy a minion drug runner/ holder as a minion or something if I can to flesh out background

Hi there. I'd like to express my interest in this campaign. The idea for my character would be a Xurunt Frost Father named Boris with his trusty Legacy Greataxe, Trusty. Boris is not the original Boris, but a man of the Xurunt Tribe of Loathing who has inherited the name since the death of the previous Boris. It is said that when the old Boris has died from his bloody, murderous adventures of conquest, fighting, feasting and shouting across the stars, the Elders of the Tribe of Loathing hold great contests and rituals to decide in whom of the other tribesmen Boris' Avatar resides. He is then entrusted with the heirlooms of Boris, that always find their way back in the Tribe of Loathing's hands: His horned helmet, his armour, encrusted with sorcerous runes of protection, and the axe, Trusty, said to be made of older stuff than the Stars themselves. Thus equipped, he is then given one of the tribe's minstrels, who it is said also possesses some of a great spirit passed down through the ages, and together they will adventure across the plains, the ice and the stars themselves, until he finds a foe too big to kill him, or the eventualilities of his inhuman appetite gives him a massive heart attack.

(This would be a Xurunt Frost Father, obviously, but my idea for this character is that he would be very ascetic, with the exception of his gear, and an endless supply of good food, weak booze and combat drugs with which to fuel his warrior's spirit. Very old-fashioned and distrustful of technology, he nonetheless sees its necessity for ensuring he is taken between the stars. He would also have cursed heirlooms for his axe and armour. Normally i like to twink out characters to the max, but this time I really want to take style and give it substance, rather than the other way round.)

Elurindel said:

Hi there. I'd like to express my interest in this campaign. The idea for my character would be a Xurunt Frost Father named Boris with his trusty Legacy Greataxe, Trusty. Boris is not the original Boris, but a man of the Xurunt Tribe of Loathing who has inherited the name since the death of the previous Boris. It is said that when the old Boris has died from his bloody, murderous adventures of conquest, fighting, feasting and shouting across the stars, the Elders of the Tribe of Loathing hold great contests and rituals to decide in whom of the other tribesmen Boris' Avatar resides. He is then entrusted with the heirlooms of Boris, that always find their way back in the Tribe of Loathing's hands: His horned helmet, his armour, encrusted with sorcerous runes of protection, and the axe, Trusty, said to be made of older stuff than the Stars themselves. Thus equipped, he is then given one of the tribe's minstrels, who it is said also possesses some of a great spirit passed down through the ages, and together they will adventure across the plains, the ice and the stars themselves, until he finds a foe too big to kill him, or the eventualilities of his inhuman appetite gives him a massive heart attack.

(This would be a Xurunt Frost Father, obviously, but my idea for this character is that he would be very ascetic, with the exception of his gear, and an endless supply of good food, weak booze and combat drugs with which to fuel his warrior's spirit. Very old-fashioned and distrustful of technology, he nonetheless sees its necessity for ensuring he is taken between the stars. He would also have cursed heirlooms for his axe and armour. Normally i like to twink out characters to the max, but this time I really want to take style and give it substance, rather than the other way round.)

I like Boris. He's way cool. But this game starts with us all being convicts in a Prison World. So think we need to get Boris convicted of a crime so he can be hanging with us in prison. And we need to figure out a cool rational for why Boris's ax and armor are being stored on the prison world in a place where we can grab them during our escape.

My first idea is this. Boris was rescuing a woman from a mugger or rapist and during the scuffle he beheaded the rapist/mugger due to his warrior training taking over Meanwhile the intended victim runs away befor the fight is concluded. So there was no witnesses to explain to the Arbites that Boris had a justifiable reason to kill the guy. So Poor Boris got convicted for murder or manslaughter and sent to prison. But! Boris is appealing the conviction and so all his personal effects have been sent to the prison to be stored in case Boris is found not guilty during the appeal.

Its just a quick idea, you do won't hurt my feelings if you decide it sucks and go a totally diferent direction.

One thing I can promise is that Silas will be stoked to have such a buff dude as a friend inside the prison.

I'm not too familiar on the rules for Legacy weapons, but since this campaign is (initially) set in a prison, you will have neither your weapons nor your armor. Your personal effects are being held in a contraband vault which is, of course, heavily guarded. Your minstrel is probably going to be your cellmate.

So that's four people, I think, unless I'm missing someone. I can probably start the campaign as soon as I'm ready. I thought about running this as a play-by-post, but combat will be rather slow if we do it like that. Perhaps I should set up a chat room or something.

The group I play with has had pretty good luck with the Skype message system (which I believe is still free just using computer to computer) and using for doing the groups rolls. The trick would be picking a good play time and date to meet.

Personally I can do evenings after 5 pm (Mountain Standard Time, United States) pretty much any day of the week and Saturdays any time.

As for starting crunch on characters would you want to start us as basic starting level characters? And as I asked earlier how would we like to do stat generation?

@Gitsmasha: Well, the rules for Legacy Weapons are there for characters to elevate a more mundane weapon to have extra abilities to allow it to compete with more powerful weapons. For instance, they only have a 10% chance to be destroyed by Power Weapons, and give half the character's Infamy bonus to Damage and Pen, to begin with.

Since the idea was to have them as Cursed Heirlooms, they would return to him at the end of every session, but I understand if you wish to limit that until such time as we can successfully escape. The Minstrel being a cellmate would not be a problem, as he also has a good singing voice. He'll mostly be a Lesser Minion whose job it is to make Boris feel better about himself, perhaps boosting his abilities during combat, or otherwise just being a companion.

And speaking of companions, I hate to make things complicated, but what would become of my Xurunsh if that were the case? All Frost Fathers begin play with a Xurunsh as a Greater Minion. Would they simply shut it away into stasis, or would it have fled into the wilds, if this world does indeed have wilds? Also, I know that it says a Xurunsh has to roll a WP test at -10 to see whether or not it receives a Gift of the Gods, but could I simply roll for it anyway? The idea of a mutated carnivorous triceratops is so incredibly awesome!

@DigitalRedneck: That sounds like a fair enough idea. IN his adventures across the stars, it is more than likely Boris will have taken a shine to one or more wenches in his time (not my word for women, more the word of Boris). His appeals would likely be taken up by his minstrel Clancy, since Boris does not suffer authority gladly, save as people to perform mercenary work for. Naturally his love of freedom would be something the Imperium frown upon. Boris will likely find Silas' attention flattering, and likely refer to himself in the third person. He will likely enjoy the company of good, fellow warriors, especially since Frost Fathers have a pathological need to fight people they see as worthy challenges or become incredibly antsy.

As for when I'd be available, I'm available most weekdays except tuesday at 9am-4pm EST. Soon I'll be available on Sundays from 2pm-6pm EST.

As for character creation, the only thing I'd say is a necessity is 4000xp to start with since the Frost Father is one of the Archetypes that starts off with about 4600xp in order to cover their abilities.

Yes, starting level, 1000 XP, and you'll roll for it. When rolling for stats, roll 2d10 for each stat and add it to 25. You can distribute your rolls between your stats as you see fit. Infamy is the exception: Infamy is always rolled 19+1d5. You get one free re-roll, which can be used on any stat (usually your lowest one), including Infamy.

I don't know what book the Frost Father archetype comes from, but 4600 XP is far higher power than I intended for the campaign arc, so I'm afraid we have a problem .

As for the Xurunsh, the Imperials would have put it down if they discovered it, so it more than likely escaped into the wilderness on whatever planet they captured you on. Your first priority will likely be to return to the planet to get it back, and hope it remembers you.

I'm free on afternoons on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 1 PM Pacific onwards, and all day on Friday and the weekends unless something comes up. Tuesday is a no-go. However, since I'm currently trying to get a job, this may be subject to change in future.


Frost Father is the Tome of Blood Human Khorne archetype. I'm eastern standard if this becomes a voice-based game.

"Sathlyu" Webb, Aposate for chaos

Crime: "Deviant" worship of the Emperor.

Specialties: Tongue of silk, hypnotic tone, extreme loyalty to the "Emperor"

That explains it. I don't have the Tome of Blood. Even if I did, something that's supposed to be taken at 4,000 XP is too powerful for what I have in mind.

As for everyone else, I have bonus starting stuffs for all y'all. You get some bonus skills and talents in exchange for not having bolters and such. You get the bolters later.

I have Widget statted up and ready to go. Unfortunately because of the update system I can't fix my zipcode (just moved back from overseas recently) which makes it impossible for me to PM you the character sheet. If you have an email or drop box I can send it to I wouldn't mind sending it for a look over.

I have my gear in a word document with the understanding most of it is in lock up and leaving what gear he has access to up to you. I did pick the Lesser Minion of Chaos (Servo Skull) with the understanding it won't be totally under my control until we can escape with it.

Well, crap. Not sure exactly how I'd work out putting a Frost Father at starting-level XP. And if you don't have Tome of Blood I'd just be creating difficulties for you with Legacy Weapons…

Boss Gitsmasha said:

I'm not too familiar on the rules for Legacy weapons, but since this campaign is (initially) set in a prison, you will have neither your weapons nor your armor. Your personal effects are being held in a contraband vault which is, of course, heavily guarded. Your minstrel is probably going to be your cellmate.

So that's four people, I think, unless I'm missing someone. I can probably start the campaign as soon as I'm ready. I thought about running this as a play-by-post, but combat will be rather slow if we do it like that. Perhaps I should set up a chat room or something.

I am up for a chat room or whatever method y'all think is best. My wife is tech savy where I am tech challenged… But she can help me figure out how to get in on the game.

I am available weekdays after six pm Pacific Time as I'm in Central California, USA weekdays and by four or five on Saterdays. Sunday's any time at all.

For the Boris delema I wonder if Boris could be sic while in prison and be bought down to represent the illness? As he gains XP he can regain his Heath and metal faculties reperesenying Boris adapting to prison life…which can be represented buy buying his previous traits back to normal levels? (just an idea, obviously). I can see The Morally stout Boris liking us because we are outraged that the prison put poor sic Boris in general population rather than the infermary…

One concern I have is that Boris seems like a stand up guy, and I think we all will wind up serving the Lords of Chaos or at least be morally dubious enought to hang out with those that are. My PC (Silas Green) has already sold out to Slaanesh in fact. Are you cool with Boris hanging out with people of less than stellar moral character? I personally see lots of plot hooks and character development opritunities as well as a wonderful future for Boris as a eventual worshiper of Khorne…

Well, a sickness might work, or perhaps he has merely deteriorated through lack of action due to his long imprisonment. Either way works. I wouldn't classify him as "morally stout". The guy goes around fighting for the hell of it, after all.

Bro, I don't have tomb of blood. I got black crusade, yesterday in fact. (good god is it cooool!!). I'm reading character gen right now so I can make Silas and it says the total xp for a starting BC pc is 7000. This 7000xp includes the 1000 xp we are supposed to spend. Is the 4500 xp your talkin about on top of that? If so make your guy and then buy him down an see if ya still think he's still ta play. (lol. I just figured out his tribe digs Khorne… That's awesome. .. Welcome brother!)

As for Silas. After reading some of the character creation sections I have to say there will undoubtedly be some slight modifications to Silas's backstory. I think I can use the Psycher character archetype in the BC core book to stat him out just fine. In fact I'm sure I can stat him out with just the BC core. But.. There might be minor adjustment to his story as a result. For instance I was reding about how your alignment to different Chaos gods may change over time. So starting out Silas is most attuned to Slaanesh and Teznich (autto correct sucks). But to play it safe Silas has tattoos that celebrate all the Ruinous Powers with graphic depictions of acts and incognito symbology. Such as orgies for Slaanesh and skulls for the skull god… But while each tat is by itself just kinda foul, nothing is unequivocally a symbol of Chaos. But the overall effect is still striking.

Silas should be ready in a day or two.

DigitalRedneck said:

Bro, I don't have tomb of blood. I got black crusade, yesterday in fact. (good god is it cooool!!). I'm reading character gen right now so I can make Silas and it says the total xp for a starting BC pc is 7000. This 7000xp includes the 1000 xp we are supposed to spend. Is the 4500 xp your talkin about on top of that? If so make your guy and then buy him down an see if ya still think he's still ta play. (lol. I just figured out his tribe digs Khorne… That's awesome. .. Welcome brother!)

As for Silas. After reading some of the character creation sections I have to say there will undoubtedly be some slight modifications to Silas's backstory. I think I can use the Psycher character archetype in the BC core book to stat him out just fine. In fact I'm sure I can stat him out with just the BC core. But.. There might be minor adjustment to his story as a result. For instance I was reding about how your alignment to different Chaos gods may change over time. So starting out Silas is most attuned to Slaanesh and Teznich (autto correct sucks). But to play it safe Silas has tattoos that celebrate all the Ruinous Powers with graphic depictions of acts and incognito symbology. Such as orgies for Slaanesh and skulls for the skull god… But while each tat is by itself just kinda foul, nothing is unequivocally a symbol of Chaos. But the overall effect is still striking.

Silas should be ready in a day or two.

Yeah, seems a lot of people don't have it. Tome of Blood is an excellent splatbook for combat-oriented characters. I'll quote what it says:

"The Human characters are both roughly equivalent to a beginning Human Disciple of Chaos with an additional 4600 experience points. See pages 48 and 50 of the Black Crusade Core Rulebook for starting abilities for Chaos Space Marines and Human Heretics."

I think to really make a fear judgment call, I'd have to show the exact abilities to the GM, and then buy down as he thinks appropriate. The people of Xurunt revere a bloody god known as Baphtar, who may or may not be some manner of Khorne daemon, but is similar enough in theme that it is safe to say they begin play allied to Khorne.

Elurindel said:

DigitalRedneck said:

Bro, I don't have tomb of blood. I got black crusade, yesterday in fact. (good god is it cooool!!). I'm reading character gen right now so I can make Silas and it says the total xp for a starting BC pc is 7000. This 7000xp includes the 1000 xp we are supposed to spend. Is the 4500 xp your talkin about on top of that? If so make your guy and then buy him down an see if ya still think he's still ta play. (lol. I just figured out his tribe digs Khorne… That's awesome. .. Welcome brother!)

As for Silas. After reading some of the character creation sections I have to say there will undoubtedly be some slight modifications to Silas's backstory. I think I can use the Psycher character archetype in the BC core book to stat him out just fine. In fact I'm sure I can stat him out with just the BC core. But.. There might be minor adjustment to his story as a result. For instance I was reding about how your alignment to different Chaos gods may change over time. So starting out Silas is most attuned to Slaanesh and Teznich (autto correct sucks). But to play it safe Silas has tattoos that celebrate all the Ruinous Powers with graphic depictions of acts and incognito symbology. Such as orgies for Slaanesh and skulls for the skull god… But while each tat is by itself just kinda foul, nothing is unequivocally a symbol of Chaos. But the overall effect is still striking.

Silas should be ready in a day or two.

Yeah, seems a lot of people don't have it. Tome of Blood is an excellent splatbook for combat-oriented characters. I'll quote what it says:

"The Human characters are both roughly equivalent to a beginning Human Disciple of Chaos with an additional 4600 experience points. See pages 48 and 50 of the Black Crusade Core Rulebook for starting abilities for Chaos Space Marines and Human Heretics."

I think to really make a fear judgment call, I'd have to show the exact abilities to the GM, and then buy down as he thinks appropriate. The people of Xurunt revere a bloody god known as Baphtar, who may or may not be some manner of Khorne daemon, but is similar enough in theme that it is safe to say they begin play allied to Khorne.

Im good with all this if the GM is too. I don't know what the armor and ax would be worth point wise but I'd think losing those alone should be with quite a bit. I'm cool with however you guys quantify that. I totally see dude being hooked up with Khorne. Silas I see as being nearly Aligned with Slaanesh and having Teznich leanings looking at the stats and stuff in the book. And Silas I'd definitely taking Hubris. Lol

DigitalRedneck said:

Elurindel said:

DigitalRedneck said:

Bro, I don't have tomb of blood. I got black crusade, yesterday in fact. (good god is it cooool!!). I'm reading character gen right now so I can make Silas and it says the total xp for a starting BC pc is 7000. This 7000xp includes the 1000 xp we are supposed to spend. Is the 4500 xp your talkin about on top of that? If so make your guy and then buy him down an see if ya still think he's still ta play. (lol. I just figured out his tribe digs Khorne… That's awesome. .. Welcome brother!)

As for Silas. After reading some of the character creation sections I have to say there will undoubtedly be some slight modifications to Silas's backstory. I think I can use the Psycher character archetype in the BC core book to stat him out just fine. In fact I'm sure I can stat him out with just the BC core. But.. There might be minor adjustment to his story as a result. For instance I was reding about how your alignment to different Chaos gods may change over time. So starting out Silas is most attuned to Slaanesh and Teznich (autto correct sucks). But to play it safe Silas has tattoos that celebrate all the Ruinous Powers with graphic depictions of acts and incognito symbology. Such as orgies for Slaanesh and skulls for the skull god… But while each tat is by itself just kinda foul, nothing is unequivocally a symbol of Chaos. But the overall effect is still striking.

Silas should be ready in a day or two.

Yeah, seems a lot of people don't have it. Tome of Blood is an excellent splatbook for combat-oriented characters. I'll quote what it says:

"The Human characters are both roughly equivalent to a beginning Human Disciple of Chaos with an additional 4600 experience points. See pages 48 and 50 of the Black Crusade Core Rulebook for starting abilities for Chaos Space Marines and Human Heretics."

I think to really make a fear judgment call, I'd have to show the exact abilities to the GM, and then buy down as he thinks appropriate. The people of Xurunt revere a bloody god known as Baphtar, who may or may not be some manner of Khorne daemon, but is similar enough in theme that it is safe to say they begin play allied to Khorne.

Im good with all this if the GM is too. I don't know what the armor and ax would be worth point wise but I'd think losing those alone should be with quite a bit. I'm cool with however you guys quantify that. I totally see dude being hooked up with Khorne. Silas I see as being nearly Aligned with Slaanesh and having Teznich leanings looking at the stats and stuff in the book. And Silas I'd definitely taking Hubris. Lol

I don't think the axe itself is worth much. As a Cursed Heirloom it would only be 250xp. The Greater Minion is worth 750xp, and the Frost Father Archetype has a slew of talents and skills that could possibly be shed to remove points. But that really would require a discussion with the GM.

What your saying makes tons of sense to me. Of course you will have to check with our Unholly Lord, the DM. But I'm cool with whatever u guys decide. If Boris needs to be real sic he could always start out fresh from a severe ass whoopin' from the guards on top of an illness for ?? (fighting maybe?)

Would be sweet to gave the reat of us roleplaying his tough homies taking care of him while we all develop a greater hated of the guards

DigitalRedneck said:

What your saying makes tons of sense to me. Of course you will have to check with our Unholly Lord, the DM. But I'm cool with whatever u guys decide. If Boris needs to be real sic he could always start out fresh from a severe ass whoopin' from the guards on top of an illness for ?? (fighting maybe?)

Would be sweet to gave the reat of us roleplaying his tough homies taking care of him while we all develop a greater hated of the guards

my phones autocorrect sucks when my batt is low. The last line was supposed to read : Could be a sweet way for his tough homies to take care of him while we all develop a greater hatered of the guards..

Might be, although Boris would likely resent being doted on for things like illness, I'm sure he'd get over it.

Keep in mind that the Greater Minion stuff has prerequisites which I seriously doubt you'd have.

If you guys have AIM or an equivalent, this makes my life much easier. Or we could use Roll20. That has built in map functions and chats and stuffs. I doubt it's difficult to use, so even a blithering idiot like me could do something with it.

Well, that's the fun of the Archetype of the Frost Father. In fact there are a couple of Archetypes that have talents and skills that they can have without necessarily having the pre-requisites fo while retaining the overall flavour of the Archetype. I'll hae to dig up my old AIM account, but it should be doable.

DigitalRedneck said:

Bro, I don't have tomb of blood. I got black crusade, yesterday in fact. (good god is it cooool!!). I'm reading character gen right now so I can make Silas and it says the total xp for a starting BC pc is 7000. This 7000xp includes the 1000 xp we are supposed to spend.

Incorrect. Humans start with 1000 xp and Astrates with 500 xp. What you're looking at is an error that has been corrected in the Errata.

I just dug up my AIM account: [email protected]