Minneapolis, MN

By divinityofnumber, in Star Wars: The Card Game

How did you get it to show your name on the back? mine still shows "EXAMPLE"

Unclick "name" and click the "add text" box instead and you can make many more custom changes, choose font, etc. etc.

HOWEVER, I actually decided against making a shirt after all, as it warned about copy rights when you check out. So we won't have shirts at regionals. Oh well. :(

Ordered. I couldn't have a name on mine unless I ordered 6 shirts... oh well...

How did you get it to show your name on the back? mine still shows "EXAMPLE"

Unclick "name" and click the "add text" box instead and you can make many more custom changes, choose font, etc. etc.

HOWEVER, I actually decided against making a shirt after all, as it warned about copy rights when you check out. So we won't have shirts at regionals. Oh well. :(

For all they know, Magni's hand drawn tauntauns could be two-legged moose standing in front of a sunset... :)

Ordered. I couldn't have a name on mine unless I ordered 6 shirts... oh well...

Some of the shirts you must buy 6+ others you can order just one and customize it. Hanes you can buy one, some of them you must buy 6+ for back customization. It's too bad. I was super excited about them. :(

You click example to type it

I am in no way worried about copyright. In addition, these are not made for redistribution or for profit... If we were making these in bulk, I'd definitely think we'd be skating a line of making these for resale...

You click example to type it

If you do that you can only use one don't, size, etc. Clicking off names and clicking add text will give you tons of freedom and choices about font, size, placement, etc. :)

I am in no way worried about copyright. In addition, these are not made for redistribution or for profit... If we were making these in bulk, I'd definitely think we'd be skating a line of making these for resale...

You're probably right but it literally asks you if you are authorized to print the images and we technically are not, right?

Right... if we were using images from FFG or some other licensed entity... But, Magni (the artist of the "biped buffalo")and Cooleo (mr. Sunshine) gave us the "rights" to do so...

As far as I am concerned, this falls under the "fair use" clauses...

(of course, I didn't read the fine print :) -- I think they just have to cover their behinds... I just had a friend/co-worker say she's copied album covers and made them into tshirts using this site... I'm sure we're okay... :)

Edited by jeeps

Is anyone planning on going to the FFG Center tomorrow?

not I... I'm running a wife's making me sit at the garage sale we're she's having

Mine is ordered

TBH - the taun taun is not a big worry copy rights wise - i use some symbols from other Ip's in my art at times and its really about "transforming" a product into somthing new - the Imperial/Rebel symbols is were they can get you. HOWEVER - in general its not considered an issue if you are not producing an image to sell additionally if your making a thing just for fun its not a big issue especially if you not using there art.

Is anyone planning on going to the FFG Center tomorrow?

Pretty sure we can't make it. :(

I'll be there until about 8:00-ish.

Your CustomInk order T-4119868 shipped today. It shipped via US Postal Service; your tracking number is 94*&**^*^*75785676. Please allow 1-3 days for delivery.

I can't wait!

Can anyone get together Tuesday or Thursday? I'd really love to dojo some decks for regionals.

I'm pretty booked this week with other dorkish things... I might as well ask for my better half to get a tattoo on her face- I'd get the same reaction....

Lol same here danielle is preggers i get mad agro for any extra gMe days i will be At tower on monday from 730 to 11 if u want to play

What is the link for the t-shirts?

Download the art in one of the previous pages and then go to customink.com and design your shirt... That's what I did.

Minneapolis Team Tauntaun REPRESENT!


Edited by divinityofnumber

Ordered one of each color, representing! Though not likely to arrive by Saturday, will still be nice to have.