Minneapolis, MN

By divinityofnumber, in Star Wars: The Card Game

Star Wars LCG Tournament

When: Sat, December 21, 10am – 3pm

Where: Universe Games


Event Start @ 11:00am (signup 10:30)

Entry Fee $5 per player

Rounds 4 [swiss] (3 if 8 or fewer players)

Round time 70 minutes.

I can't attend, but thought I'd get the word out.

Here's another:

Star Wars LCG Tournament

When Sun, January 12, 2014, 10am – 3pm
Where Universe Games ( map )
Description Event Start @ 11:00am (signup 10:30) Entry Fee $5 per player Rounds 4 [swiss] (3 if 8 or fewer players) Round time 70 minutes.

Patrick and I were planning to play tonight at tower if anyone else is interested

I really wish that I could. I was super bummed to have to miss last Friday. I am excited to try out some of the BotF stuff!

The new Obi-Wan pod feels like it's almost good enough for 1v1, but is clearly an absolute beast in multiplayer. In our game against the DS challenge deck we eventually had things set up so every turn we were bringing back twist of fate, target of opportunity and rebel assault. Granted it was 3v1 against the DS challenge deck, but still that's crazy. I can only imagine the shenanigans you can do with the new Obi-Wan in 2v2!

I don't know if I'll be there this Friday, but I should be able to make it to Universe Games on Saturday :-)

I got a season 2 kit for star wars last night. Would you guys care to have a tournament on Fri, Jan 17th at 6pm?

I'll set up a new topic if that date works for all

Of course!

How did you manage that? I have emailed multiple people at FFG, organized play and the Event Center itself, asking about possible prize support for our Friday Night Star Wars group, and have been met with complete silence. There was not even a courtesy reply, which I felt was unprofessional and rude.


Ha. That about sums it up. But, they are doing it wrong. Bouncers keep people out of clubs who are either 1) not going to attract more people to want to come to said club or 2) won't be spending much money inside of the club.

The FFG bouncer is essentially keeping people out of the club who 1) spend thousands on product and 2) take a lot of personal time and effort doing grass-roots marketing for them in an attempt to bring together more players, which turns over more product and brings in revenue from food and beverage, since we play at their location.

That seems to me to be just about the most backwards business strategy one could have...

I won't ask what you went through to get past that velvet rope... ;)

But, I am glad that you were able to get hold of some type of prize support. I was ready to just start giving away any special cards that I personally have that people might want to win.

Edited by divinityofnumber

I wish I had the means to attend this group regularly. Just know that I'm always there in spirit. Sort of like Obi-Wan, except he's a lot cooler.

As a sidenote, I noticed in one of the previews that on The Gamor Run [sic], the word "Gamorr" is misspelled in both the card title and trait. I tried emailing them about this, hoping it might be corrected in time, but got about as much of a response as you, which is to say none. Kind of a drag. :/

Edited by MarthWMaster

That's awesome that you were able to get a season 2 game night kit! Unfortunately, that I we're having our annual new years seminar that weekend so I won't be able to make it. Although I could maybe show up later around 8....

I also thought Gamor was a misspelling of Gamorr, but evidently it's its own system, completely separate from the Gamorreans.

I can be at FFG pretty early (5ish). Anyone else want to be there early tonight?

Edited by cooleo1c

I might be able to get there around 5ish. I am going to really scramble to get some stuff done at the office that needs doing so that I can get there as early as possible.

I am excited to try out the challenge decks; I still have not had the chance to try them out!

I am excited to try out the challenge decks; I still have not had the chance to try them out!

I might be in the minority, but it is (as of right now) my favorite way to play. Although it seems to be significantly less fun for the challenge deck player when they're against 3 others.

A "no talking" house rule was brought up last time to speed things up

Magni is a big fan of the "no talking" rule, isn't he. :P

We should talk at least a little bit. The reason that I play casually is to train myself for competitive events. Although I often play casually, all of that playing is in service of getting better at the game in order to compete. So, if one spends a ton of time playing 2v2 or 3v1 with no talking, it isn't real practice, since you can indeed talk in competitive play. So, I certainly see the merit of wanting to speed things along, but also think that NO talking is doing a disservice to the learning process (i.e., talking is fine, but let's not make the game take 2 hours). I do understand that the other side of my point is that less games = less practice. So, there is a nice middle ground there that I am sure we can all find.

Edited by divinityofnumber

The challenge decks are a lot of fun! I was excited to finally get to try them out. I enjoy the fact that they are very difficult to beat, but not completely impossible.

Sorry been out of it, got into the Hearthstone Beta. 2v1 is pretty good the Navy deck is by far the weakest deck of the two, if you got a fast start it can be nice, but doing 3-6 edge battles with just 8 cards is really hard especially when a good 90% of them are still 1-2 edge value for some reason.

The no talking is mostly a sympathy move for the person piloting the challenge deck, it gets really boring to watch 2-3 guys talk for 10 mins about what they will do. Just to have you cancel there sith holocron and ruin all their plans and have them chat for another 5 mins about new plans.

That said, the Obi pod is fantastic, but navy is just really really weak i think... i mean i got wrecked playing it vrs 2 heavy blaster encampments like it was a 1v1 deck. I could not put out enough Hp to absorb 2 heavy blasters... Nor do you have any spot removal or any control. That said, the lightside deck is beastly and fun to play against and pilot.

...it gets really boring to watch 2-3 guys talk for 10 mins about what they will do. Just to have you cancel there sith holocron and ruin all their plans and have them chat for another 5 mins about new plans.

I think that will change after this stuff has been out for a while. I play SW a lot, mostly 1v1, but enjoy playing 2v2 and 3v1. And, even some of our group, who I consider to be pretty hardcore players, have only played multiplayer variants a handful of times, maybe 10-20 total.

I think that after a few months 2v2 and 3v1 games will be going a lot faster, since people will be more familiar with things.

A side note:

Anyone who uses Twitter, I am @NumenNumeri

After seeing this sweet new international tour for Netrunner, and seeing FFG's supported Netrunner night with prize support @ the event center. It does kinda make me sad they wont give us event night kits.

HOWEVER - ill be @ tower 6-10 this Monday, if your still in town stop on by and play some games!

Oooo, that's tempting. I think I'll swing by Towers tonight, but it'll probably be late. (8ish).

On a side note: Chewie and BotF Obi-Wan on the table looping Let the Wookie Win is crazytown.

I love that Force Cleansing triggers twice if the force is with the DS, since the dial moves twice (i.e., two framework events).

Ill be @ tower games 3-10 today! I love my current Navy deck, but im working on a renegade squad deck but who knows!



Team Tauntaun makes a lot of sense as a name for our meta...

Hoth ain't got nothin' on us these days.


This basically just looks like my neighborhood right now...