Minneapolis, MN

By divinityofnumber, in Star Wars: The Card Game

The two of us can't make it. But, good luck to everyone!

and now to start testing against the inevitable blaster emplacement meta...

We had 12 people at the tournament on Monday, so great turn out for a game night kit! We did 3 rounds of swiss with a cut to top 4. The Game Center closed at midnight so we were unable to finish the final match until today. There was a surprising lack of blaster emplacements being played...

Winning Deck:

x2 Luke

x2 Gun Yoda

x2 Kyle

x2 Guardians

x2 Han

x2 Palpatine

x1 Mara

x1 Sariss

x2 Jawas

x2 Slavers

x1 Weequays

x1 Greedo

2nd place:

x2 Defense of Yavin IV

x2 Hoth Ops

x2 Attack Pattern Delta

x2 Crix

x2 Prepare for Evac

x2 Palpatine

x2 Mara

x2 Sariss

x2 IG88

x2 Slavers

Epic Rumble tonight. I'd like to thank Flip for this DS deck idea.


I...I don't quite understand.

EDIT: Wait, n/m, I get it now. "Die, Jedi dogs! ...Oh! What did I say!"

Edited by MarthWMaster

MacRauri... can you share that deck list? I see at least one Second Phase, one Tuskens, one Counsel, a Sabotage in the Snow, and two Vader's Fist... What are the other four pods in the deck?

It was:

x2 Second Phase

x2 Vader's Fist

x2 Counsel

x2 Tuskens

x1 Sabotage

x1 Wampas

Not the greatest deck, but it has a lot of guns and it's always fun to start equipping gaffi sticks when you have 8+ guys.

the MN scene has been a bit quiet recently... I hope to get up to FFG again soon. I know there are a few of us exploring some alternative locations like Legion Games... stay tuned.

I think that the game in general has been a little quite recently. The move to Monday ensured that I can never make it (unless it is a Monday that is also a national holiday). Post about what night you all decide on if you start meeting at Legion.

All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy

It also seems that our local players are a bit spread out geographically, which likely contributes somewhat to the trouble in getting everyone together to play.

Edited by divinityofnumber

Tournament this Saturday (11/1) at FFG. 11:30 start time. Vader playmat and various promo cards up for grabs.



For anyone that hasn't seen the matches from the finals, you can watch them on the FFG Twitch channel.

Thank you all! I had a lot of fun this weekend hanging out with everyone and playing some epic games!

Andy, from FullyOperational humored me during the 2nd chance tournament and let me get all of my mains out on the board before crushing me mercilessly. Evidently Crix, Leia, Jan and Winter aren't as good as Palpatine, Vader, Mara, Sariss, Executor and Motti. That was BRUTAL! So I wouldn't really recommend the Crix's Angels deck. to anyone.

The DS deck today showed a little more promise. Matt (Toggle) named it "PTSD Tusken".

x2 Emperor

x2 Ghosts of the Darkside

x2 Tuskens

x1 Sariss

x1 Serve the Emperor

x1 Motti

x1 Thunderflare

It was able to defend against a Trench Run in one match /shrug

I still think "Tusken Shell Shock" is more alliterative.... regardless, a clever concept, Mick.

"Tusken Shell Shock"...it's growing on me, Peter!

the deck won a couple games against Jedi/Smuggler mains. Looping dark memories with banthas and tuskens is pretty fun. Getting out a horde of dudes and then equipping a gaffi stick is ALWAYS fun. Chain-casting shockwave is also humorous. I think I would cut serve the emperor. Sadly. Just not sure what to replace it with.

first world problems!


For anyone that hasn't seen the matches from the finals, you can watch them on the FFG Twitch channel.

Congrats Mick!! Way to represent Team Tauntaun and Minneapolis!!

Greetings Liquidating my collection if you know anyone interested looking to get into the game ill do 80$ (2 core balance, edge, 1st cycle, 2 packs of second cycle) I also have 3 playmats Ill sell for 15 a pop (edge box, boba blast off, and intimidation) also got han solo promos - and 3p0 and Force Lightning

Edited by Magni

I messaged you.

Tournament Dec. 6th. 11:30 start. location FFG EC. There's more information here .

The link is dead.

We're trying something different with this Dec 6th tournament. It's going to be a highlander format so you can only have one copy of an objective set in your deck. This should help cut down on the number of blaster emplacements running around in our local meta.

Prizes include the alternate art cards from the winter kit and a donated Boba playmat and Vader 2013 regional playmat.

All are welcome to attend

Edited by MacRauri