Minneapolis, MN

By divinityofnumber, in Star Wars: The Card Game

I had a great time yesterday. It was fun to talk with the people who drove in to play and I hope to see them again at Worlds.

I played the standard freeholders deck for LS

For DS I tried:

Emperor x2

Mara x2

Executor x2

Jawas x2

Weequays x2

I thought it would be able to build a wall of deterrence a lot better than it did most games. It went 2-3 getting blown out by Sarah in the top 8 with the dial at 2. I guess it's only fair, I did almost the same thing to her husband with the dial at 3.

I really liked Shad's Crix speeders deck. I got to play it a bit after we were eliminated and it can also win on the 2nd turn despite an early emperor. Seeds of Decay is a beast. It can also lose quite badly to an emperor who gets back to back raged.

I thought it would be able to build a wall of deterrence a lot better than it did most games. It went 2-3 getting blown out by Sarah in the top 8 with the dial at 2. I guess it's only fair, I did almost the same thing to her husband with the dial at 3.

Very true. I won multiple games in swiss with the dial at 3 or 4. Certain LS decks have potential to move very quickly. Weequays with Jabba's Palace was a tough wall to break through; much more difficult than breaking through an Emperor's Royal Guard and an Inquisitor. :)

I'm not saying that I drew poorly as DS. But, S&V proved a bit more difficult with respect to where the dial would be when LS won.

I am curious to know what the average was for the Dial when you won as the LS or lost as the DS. If anyone remebers it can you post it and let me know if you were playing Freeholders/Holding all the cards or if it was someother combo. Thanks.


dang, now I really want a Kyle Katarn playmat. That would look sweet.

I'm pretty sure Shad's speeder deck was:

2x Crix

2x Red 2

2x Rogue 2

2x Rogue 3

2x Y-wing protectors.

It was fun when I piloted it. He said the Crix objective was awesome because you didn't have to worry about twists or Heat of Battles in the early turns.

Playing as LS the game ended for me with the dial at 4,6,3,12(L),8 or something like that. My only loss was to KennedyHawk who held me down in the early game with Imperial Blockade and Repair and Refurbish before cranking the dial with capital ships.

As DS I lost (or won) with the dial at 4,12(W),8?,12(W), and 2 :-(

I forget where exactly it was in my game against Jake. For awhile I thought I might hold him off. If KennedyHawk had attempted to cancel his own Let the Wookie Win blowing up Trust Me to get to a fresh trust me and play his Falcon I would have lost with the dial at 9. Or maybe not, there was something weird about when he needed to do it, and if he did it too early the objective wouldn't blow up and if he did it after the unopposed we would no longer be in combat so the emperor wouldn't have died. I had a rage in hand to free him up to block with on my turn if something did hit the board. It would have been close.

I think we should start calling the Dash, Freeholders, Chewie, Falcon, Lando build "Big Yellow Bus"

It feels meta-defining like last year's pre Edge of Darkness sith build.

Well, since we all know what kind of buses are big and yellow, how about just 'School Bus?' You can, y'know...school people, as the kids say these days.

As DS I lost (or won) with the dial at 4,12(W),8?,12(W), and 2 :-(

I forget where exactly it was in my game against Jake. For awhile I thought I might hold him off. If KennedyHawk had attempted to cancel his own Let the Wookie Win blowing up Trust Me to get to a fresh trust me and play his Falcon I would have lost with the dial at 9. Or maybe not, there was something weird about when he needed to do it, and if he did it too early the objective wouldn't blow up and if he did it after the unopposed we would no longer be in combat so the emperor wouldn't have died. I had a rage in hand to free him up to block with on my turn if something did hit the board. It would have been close.

That was a fun match.

I think you attacked a 2 damage trust me with Emperor.

I had no defense (something like a Chewy with 6 focus tokens and a wookie warrior with 4 tokens, it was ugly).

I had a Falcon in hand and a let the wookie win and only needed 2 damage to win next turn. So I needed to let you strike, then use let the wookie win to kill the Emperor with Chewy (but attempt to cancel it). In hindsight I shouldn't have gotten cute and just let you blow it up. The next turn I ended up with three resources instead of 5, with 2 falcons a dash another chewy and some events that didn't help me. I learned a lot about Trust Me shenanigans! :)

I think we should start calling the Dash, Freeholders, Chewie, Falcon, Lando build "Big Yellow Bus"

It feels meta-defining like last year's pre Edge of Darkness sith build.

Well, since we all know what kind of buses are big and yellow, how about just 'School Bus?' You can, y'know...school people, as the kids say these days.

Magic School Bus?

Edited by KennedyHawk

Only if Chewie can be Ms. Frizzle.

As DS I lost (or won) with the dial at 4,12(W),8?,12(W), and 2 :-(

I forget where exactly it was in my game against Jake. For awhile I thought I might hold him off. If KennedyHawk had attempted to cancel his own Let the Wookie Win blowing up Trust Me to get to a fresh trust me and play his Falcon I would have lost with the dial at 9. Or maybe not, there was something weird about when he needed to do it, and if he did it too early the objective wouldn't blow up and if he did it after the unopposed we would no longer be in combat so the emperor wouldn't have died. I had a rage in hand to free him up to block with on my turn if something did hit the board. It would have been close.

That was a fun match.

I think you attacked a 2 damage trust me with Emperor.

I had no defense (something like a Chewy with 6 focus tokens and a wookie warrior with 4 tokens, it was ugly).

I had a Falcon in hand and a let the wookie win and only needed 2 damage to win next turn. So I needed to let you strike, then use let the wookie win to kill the Emperor with Chewy (but attempt to cancel it). In hindsight I shouldn't have gotten cute and just let you blow it up. The next turn I ended up with three resources instead of 5, with 2 falcons a dash another chewy and some events that didn't help me. I learned a lot about Trust Me shenanigans! :)

I think we should start calling the Dash, Freeholders, Chewie, Falcon, Lando build "Big Yellow Bus"

It feels meta-defining like last year's pre Edge of Darkness sith build.

Well, since we all know what kind of buses are big and yellow, how about just 'School Bus?' You can, y'know...school people, as the kids say these days.

Magic School Bus?

Only if Chewie can be Ms. Frizzle.

Does anyone else love that this thread has a ridiculously higher view count than the rest?

Seeds of Decay was ridiculous... but for me, Echoes of the Force proved super useful in my games.

Does anyone else love that this thread has a ridiculously higher view count than the rest?

We're pretty cool.

I click on it so I won't have any unread threads flashing at me. x3

Ryan and I will be at FFG tomorrow night. Anyone else making it?

I should be able to make it! What time are you guys getting there? I could be there as early as 5

...but I'll have to play with other people's tokens because Shad ninja'd mine

Edited by MacRauri


All are welcome! The more the merrier. Going to try a deck with...

x2 Crix

x2 Home One

x2 Y-Wing Protectors

x1 Blue Squadron

and either Alderaan or Blockade Runner as a one-of.

You could add 2x Sleuths and one Blockade Runner, run S&S Affiliation and call it good. You'll suffer a bit without Defense of Yavin 4, however.

Yeah, Red Two was suppose to be in the original build. I forgot to add him to the list.

Regionals was so much fun! Thank you all for such a fun (albeit, long) day. I was happy to be able to represent Team Tauntaun for the win!



Level-Up Games is hosting a tournament this Thursday (May 15th) at 6pm. Players of all experience levels are welcome!

Anyone going to Days of Ice and Fire? Cooleo?


Level-Up Games is hosting a tournament this Thursday (May 15th) at 6pm. Players of all experience levels are welcome!

Congrats on your win JKoellner!! :)

Representing Team Tauntaun well!!

Congrats! That is awesome.

Thanks. Here's what I ran...


2x Home One

2x Red Two

2x Crix

2x Y-Wing Protectors

1x Alderaan

1x Blue Leader


2x Mohc

2x Defense Protocol

2x Backstabber

2x Bossk

1x Devastator

1x Thunderflare

I'm looking forward to the tournament Friday night, too bad we won't have the next pack though

Barring any unforeseen car troubles, I will be there this Friday night at FFG to play... Should be fun!

I will not be attending this Friday. Have fun, everyone!