Minneapolis, MN

By divinityofnumber, in Star Wars: The Card Game

I believe a couple of us are going to be at FFG this Thursday around 6ish to test some builds before Regionals. Come one, come all.

I'm trying to make Jerec work in a Capital Ship deck. Thinking...

Jerec x2

Victory Class x2

Executor x2

Motti x2

Can't decide on the last couple. Maybe Killing Cold, Repair & Refurbish, Needa, Death Squadron, or some combination of...

My Team Tauntaun shirt arrived today... yay USPS!

Egads, someone praised the Postal Service?

Congrats on the shirt, though!

It turns out I am free to play Friday night? Anyone else?

Apparently CustomInk decided to cancel a couple orders due to needing permission/rights from Disney Films to use the design. Can Team Tauntaun come up with another design that won't violate copyright?

My idea was maybe just the MPLS Skyline and the words "Team Tauntaun" below it. Just an idea...
Or maybe just a silhouette of a person, with cards in their hand (fanned out), standing in a snow storm/blizzard...

yeah, imperial and rebel symbols are kinda red flags TBH I'm surprised we got as many as we did.

Instead of having the Imperial or Rebel symbols in that middle circle, the circle could be open, but have a line running through it that looks like the shape of the MPLS skyline.

Panoramic wide mpls skyline across chest with silhouette of bipedal buffalo Godzilla style?

With our team name, city, and motto around it?

Is it just open play Friday nights? Do you guys bust out Game Night kits? I'm in town for the regional.

Edited by Toggle

It's open play. We might bust a move... but we don't bust out Game Kits :)

I haven't heard of many who are playing tonight... and I am planning on coming but it might not be until 7:30 or so... depends on what movie my son and I watch...

Replace all edge battles with dance battles.

Hmmmm... you're on to something...

There will likely be low turnout tonight, due to the Regional tomorrow.

Regionals party tomorrow though?

I'll be there tonight, though I might be playing by myself. BY, not with, this is a public place after all.

We may not need to redo the *awesome* design we already have -- I already have another place that's kicking out a couple of shirts for me, with the original designs. Once those arrive we can check out the quality, and if we want, I'm sure we could get more from them.

Had a great time yesterday, really enjoyed meeting everyone (even though I fizzled out in the Top 8).

Hope to see you all again at the Greenfield regional (or Gencon and Worlds!)

I'm excited for a Speeders @@ rematch with better draw for the speeders.

Edited by KennedyHawk

How did the match between Sara and Brian play out?

I believe Sara won overall!

Anyone know the top 8 DS/TS deck types:

I know 6 but missed 2 of them I missed what the 4 and 8 seed had (Sara and Tony).

For the DS I know there was:

5 sith control /1 imperial aggro / 2 ???

For the LS I know there was:

1 rebel speeders/ships / 5 Smuggler/Freedholder shenanigans / 2 ???

It was great meeting folks and good games! Congrats to Sarah.

I was wondering what the overall deck type breakdown was also. I played into the Top 4, so really couldn't look around much. And, I played Tony in the last round of swiss, and then again right away in the Top 8. At Top 4 I played against Sarah, and already knew her deck, so I didn't have too much exposure to the other builds in the Top 8 besides Tony and Sarah's.

I was wondering what the overall deck type breakdown was also. I played into the Top 4, so really couldn't look around much. And, I played Tony in the last round of swiss, and then again right away in the Top 8. At Top 4 I played against Sarah, and already knew her deck, so I didn't have too much exposure to the other builds in the Top 8 besides Tony and Sarah's.

I played everyone in the to 8 except Sara and Tony.

On the LS there were 5 smugglers free holders with a little variation. Aaron has escape for order mantell that was neat. The last was a rebel vehicle speeders. Then the two I didn't see.

On the DS there were a few sith jawas and sith imperials and a navy aggro deck. I saw a lot of Mara and ghosts of the dark side by one player as well as Jabbas orders by another. Then the two I didn't see.

I had a great time yesterday. It was fun to talk with the people who drove in to play and I hope to see them again at Worlds.

I played the standard freeholders deck for LS

For DS I tried:

Emperor x2

Mara x2

Executor x2

Jawas x2

Weequays x2

I thought it would be able to build a wall of deterrence a lot better than it did most games. It went 2-3 getting blown out by Sarah in the top 8 with the dial at 2. I guess it's only fair, I did almost the same thing to her husband with the dial at 3.

I really liked Shad's Crix speeders deck. I got to play it a bit after we were eliminated and it can also win on the 2nd turn despite an early emperor. Seeds of Decay is a beast. It can also lose quite badly to an emperor who gets back to back raged.

So what were the top deck list? Did another scum/smugg win?

I thought it would be able to build a wall of deterrence a lot better than it did most games. It went 2-3 getting blown out by Sarah in the top 8 with the dial at 2. I guess it's only fair, I did almost the same thing to her husband with the dial at 3.

Very true. I won multiple games in swiss with the dial at 3 or 4. Certain LS decks have potential to move very quickly. Weequays with Jabba's Palace was a tough wall to break through; much more difficult than breaking through an Emperor's Royal Guard and an Inquisitor. :)

I'm not saying that I drew poorly as DS. But, S&V proved a bit more difficult with respect to where the dial would be when LS won.

Edited by divinityofnumber

I really liked Shad's Crix speeders deck. I got to play it a bit after we were eliminated and it can also win on the 2nd turn despite an early emperor. Seeds of Decay is a beast. It can also lose quite badly to an emperor who gets back to back raged.

Does anyone have this list for this deck, or can they get permission to post it. I didn't get to see much of it but it looked pretty fun! I want to try it out sometime.