Minneapolis, MN

By divinityofnumber, in Star Wars: The Card Game

Finally - The 1st tower tournament will be delayed until the end of may - my reasoning here is may 3rd is the regional - so ... i don't think i could get my wife to sign off on like 2+ weeks of tournament weekends.

I would throw my vote in for "beyond the first marker"

I kind of like the idea of "see you in Hell" in Latin

Jake, can we see both the phrases in Latin? I have a feeling one will look and "feel" better on the banner.

"You'll never make it past the first marker." - Numquam tu attinam primam transibis.

That is second person singular, as if talking to one person. Change the last word to "transibitis" to make it mean "you all."

"We'll see you in hell." - In inferno te videbimus.

That is with the singular "you"

In inferno vos videbimus

That means "We'll see you all in hell."

There are many ways to express "hell" in Latin, and it gets complicated. The Classical Romans didn't have a word for hell, since they were not Christian. Later Latin (think medieval) used infernus for hell, since infernus means something like "underground" or "the underneath place." But, it would not have conveyed the concept of "hell" as we think about hell to a Roman.

Also, for you language buffs, Latin declines nouns and conjugates verbs. So, the word order is completely flexible. The sentence means the same thing no matter what order you say the words in, so long as prepositions, such as "in" are kept in front of their governed noun.

Edited by divinityofnumber

"In inferno vos videbimus"

That'd look awesome on the banner!

Avrea just reminded me, it is also neat because Yoda uses Latin word order (i.e., subject - object - verb), so the Latin is extra cool. That translates in a literal way to "In hell you we shall see." The Romans liked the verb to be at the end, just like Yoda. :)

I would throw my vote in for "beyond the first marker"

This would be simply, "extra attinam primam."

Attinam refers to a marker such as a pile of stones commonly used to mark boundaries in ancient times.

Also, whatever we go with, everything should be in capital letters, with no letter U; that should be swapped with the letter V.



Edited by divinityofnumber

ugh, while i love the first marker quote - mmm "in hell you we shall see" just sounds so good lol.

So... for the letters on the crest

We have "Twin City Tauntaun's" or "Team Tauntaun" - its TCT or TT I could tolkienify it and combine the Big and Little Tt with out the curve it would look like a Little Dbl T tree. Ill make a few crest options and post them the Crest is the easiest thing to edit.

Once nolan hits the sack ill work it up, the more i think about it - it could be a nice back window decal for a car lol

It'd be awesome to have the graphic to make a playmat, too!

Anyway, anyone going to the Star Wars LCG event tonight at Level Up Games? I have a feeling there won't be a lot of people due to weather, but I kind of want to support a new SW event at what I want to say is a relatively new LGS.


Ugh, i had not even thought about the weather - yeah that might effect things. I was thinking about going pending on the wife but the murky traffic might nix the whole event in the butt.


The Level Up stuff is near impossible for me, due to it being on Thursdays.

Edited by divinityofnumber

I called just now to see what season the event kit was from (i don't need any more boba fetts) they said it was a new one so it should be Force Lighting+ C3p0 ... at least i hope

The Force Lightning promo has Starkiller art. Kinda wish it had simply been better Palpatine art, given it appears in his objective set. But I'm curious to see the C-3PO promo. The droids have always been among my favorite characters. :)

Edited by MarthWMaster

Excited about the team shirts I am.

What two colors are we using for the crest?

I vote for blizzard white and car-exhaust snow gray.

Please have these shirts available at the FFG Center regional. PLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEASSSSSE


All i have time for today anyone want to do the shield?

Edited by Magni

Most of my skills lie in the domaine of artsy fartsy - i could prolly do the shield but it would take a graphic designer 1/16the the amount of time as it would me to make it look nice, same with the text - i have this file in .RIF on my cpu

Also.. do we want to keep the crown? or nix it?

Edited by Magni

turn the helm into a vader helmut!

Cooleo1c!!!!!!! We need your skillz!

Edited by divinityofnumber

They look awesome but will the tauntauns show up on a black t-shirt?

The black is just a stand in - they can turn any color - im thinking Dark Blue/Black Shirt White tauntauns and a grey/white shield -

Otherwise im thinking a White/Grey design with a black shirt

Obviously, the decision won't affect me, but I love navy blue.

Obviously, the decision won't affect me, but I love navy blue.

Sounds like we will have the image and each be able to choose our own color shirt, which is really cool. :)

If not, I vote for White/Gray on Black.

Edited by Avrea