Minneapolis, MN

By divinityofnumber, in Star Wars: The Card Game

With the MN regional a month and a half away, has there been any progress on the Team Tauntaun shirt? I'd love to help out where I can, although I have no talent in art.

Good question. We have very talented graphic designers in our group. Haven't seen them chime in yet though, so not going to assume they are willing to do the design. :)

I think it would be cool to have the print on the front, and perhaps our nicknames / FFG usernames on the backs? That was cool to see at Worlds. Mostly AGOT guys, but we totally could do that.

Edited by Avrea

Ill get something posted - i want to make it in a digital format so that way it can be edited by other members of the collective - i was not expecting to have it finished for regionals i was thinking worlds/nationals but we will see if it can be pushed up.


My images are based off this luke - except he is all bundled up - the Wampa keeps coming out strange, my luke is also all bundled up and covered in hoth survival gear.


Is anyone playing this Friday at FFG? I'm going to the sc at Tower this weekend and wanted to get a few games in...

I'll have to miss this week. There is a store championship for A Game of Thrones at 10am on Saturday, so I will be practicing and testing for that. But, I'll be back regularly after this week.

I'm planning on being at the EC this Friday. Might get there earlier in the afternoon too since it's spring break yeeeeeaahh!!

Hey! just a little update on the Tower SC - the new force pack will be legal for play i think we have waited long enough.

So the Regional at the FFG center is just over a month away, any idea on what the attendance will be. I'm planning to come with at least one other person from Madison, WI. We look forward to enjoying the FFG center again.

Just to remind everyone. https://www.facebook.com/events/461135004015029/ 10$ at the door gets you your han solo if i have enough everyone will get 2. If we dont then they will be used as runner up prizes!

So the Regional at the FFG center is just over a month away, any idea on what the attendance will be. I'm planning to come with at least one other person from Madison, WI. We look forward to enjoying the FFG center again.

It should be exciting i hope to attend this year just gotta find a nanny :-)

MacRauri, I can get there early, too. I might be able to squeeze in a couple games, but I have to leave by 6:30. What time are you getting there?

I can be there whenever. I'm thinking 4ish right now. If anybody wants to get in games earlier than that just let me know

I'm not aware of anything other than the LCG going on that weekend at the Event Center. I talked with one of their organizers during the X-wing SC and let them know how much fun last year was with all of the different events. Maybe in the future they'll do a full FFG Star Wars weekend again with Edge of Empire tables.

This is a bummer. I don't think I'll be travel/hoteling it for the regional then, and go elsewhere. :/

I can be there whenever. I'm thinking 4ish right now. If anybody wants to get in games earlier than that just let me know

I hope to be there by 6:30...

I'll be there about 4:00 PM now.

I won't be there this Friday due to going to see Captain America 2, but I'll be at Universe on Saturday teaching a buddy how to play. We are planning around noon until 5, in case any others want to join.

I think universe is also doing a tournament the following Saturday, April 12th. Unfortunately, I have a seminar and won't be able to make that one, but I might swing by on the 5th!

I had a divine thought after talking to Mick @ the SC.

For the Team Tauntaun T-Shirt 1st Edition we should go for something simple, stylish and worth being worn outside of f.f.g. events.

Here is my idea -- A shield - with the Team Tauntaun text or some logo in the center with the top /flat half of the shield whited out with the TC's skyline in silhouetted in that top section... then you have the two tauntauns holding it up.. in the end it looks a lot like the english royalty sigil with the lions and all but we will nerd it up... plus you could wear it out in public with out waving your freak flag high.


But wouldn't that pattern be too evocative of medieval fantasy, rather than space fantasy?


Edited by Magni

The swords could be lightsabers and in the crest we would have the Twin cities silhouetted

I am formally trained in Latin, so I can translate anything we want as the motto, also. "As long as we breathe, we shall protect" is formal and militaristic. But, I can translate something like "We'll see you in hell" or "You'll never make it past the first marker", etc.

YES! Love it!!!

I still think "we'll see you in hell" is the best motto by far.

Alright, i consider this a collab project - ill work on it this week and make something that can be "vectored" my goal is to make it only require 1 color + shirt.