Minneapolis, MN

By divinityofnumber, in Star Wars: The Card Game

Cool ideas.

I like the idea of a Tauntaun with the Minneapolis skyline in the background. As far as slogans, "You'll freeze before you reach the first marker" is pretty awesome. I will try to think of more.

You should somehow include the "Then I'll see you in Hell!" line. It still cracks me up that the Hallmark Christmas ornament from a few years ago says that.

I'm going to second (third?) the "first marker" line.

Team Tauntaun: We'll See You in Hell


That's a keeper.

Tauntaun with the Minneapolis skyline gets my vote for the art.

"We'll see you in Hell" would be kind of fun as the slogan. It could also go with no text on the shirt.

I gotta see this art of a Sith bursting out of a tauntaun. that sounds hilarious.

With the MN regional a month and a half away, has there been any progress on the Team Tauntaun shirt? I'd love to help out where I can, although I have no talent in art.

I hope you guys can pull this together!

Once we have a nice, hi-res image, having the t-shirts printed is easy. I have used a few online resources for that in the past, and it is relatively cheap and does not take very long.

Awesome! I remember having heard that t-shirts are pretty easy to screen/decorate. Have fun.

This makes me want to make tie-dye shirts like I did when I was a kid...

This makes me want to make tie-dye shirts like I did when I was a kid...

TIE-dye, perhaps?

Are the Friday night events still open to new players?

I recently found out about this game, and I would like to try it out. I used to play the Decipher Star Wars CCG, and I've been waiting for another good Star Wars card game!


And yes the guys on friday are very very very very nice - new players are always welcome, @ tournaments @ game night @ everywhere! Your joining the game at a very fun time the new cycle will be starting very soon and has some exciting new cards.

I would like to say that you guys up there in the Twin Cities do a great job of running things and encouraging the game. I've seen you guys get together a lot of events and fun stuff in several threads on several forums. Good work.


And yes the guys on friday are very very very very nice - new players are always welcome, @ tournaments @ game night @ everywhere! Your joining the game at a very fun time the new cycle will be starting very soon and has some exciting new cards.

Thanks! I'll be sure to go next Friday. Are the events that day a tournament, casual play, or a mix of both?

Casual play. Ryan has organized a tournament for us before, but unless there's been a posting for it we just do casual games. Most people have competitive decks assembled if you have something you want to put agains the grinder, otherwise a lot of us have been experimenting with builds.


And yes the guys on friday are very very very very nice - new players are always welcome, @ tournaments @ game night @ everywhere! Your joining the game at a very fun time the new cycle will be starting very soon and has some exciting new cards.

Thanks! I'll be sure to go next Friday. Are the events that day a tournament, casual play, or a mix of both?

Also, if you are a new player, most of us have a bunch of different decks built, and are happy to sit down and simply teach you the basics of the game.

A guardian of the peace in a blue lightsaber sleeve has found its way into my binder. I think this happened at the SC at Universe. I'll keep it with my play decks for when it's claimed. I should be at the event center this Friday

Hey, guys. I emailed FFG about this, but haven't heard back yet. Do you know if there will be other events for "May the 4th" this year at the Event Center other than the Star Wars LCG regional? I'm trying to decide which regionals to go to, and extra events would make the travel worth it.

I'm not aware of anything other than the LCG going on that weekend at the Event Center. I talked with one of their organizers during the X-wing SC and let them know how much fun last year was with all of the different events. Maybe in the future they'll do a full FFG Star Wars weekend again with Edge of Empire tables.

Thanks to the people I met yesterday night for helping me learn the game! It was nice that there was also a newer player there too!

What set should I get after the Core Set?

I would...

Get a Second Core set 1st - Then Two Copies of Edge of Darkness - then the 1st Force Pack of the new Cycle

The thing about sw is the "superfriends" deck from core set is still strong

2x Luke

2x Han

2x Protectors (yaven4)

2x Yoda

2x Obi-One

It was fun last night. I still recommend a 2nd core set first and then 2edge of darkness. You can get the force packs to fill things in as you need. First pack is nice for speeder decks (although they want a lot of other pods from different force packs). The last pack has the Executor which is in a lot of Sith decks right now.

New stuff should be here next week with playable cards in every pack. So you might want to collect new force packs before old and later go back and fill in. 2 edge of darkness is still recommended. Just make a yellow deck. freeholders look like a thing

Just make a yellow deck. freeholders look like a thing

Understatement of the year right there.