new player questions on movement

By player629256, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

Hi everyone. I just got this game and ran into a issue on movement. Th erulebook says that to move diagonally cost one point for the first movement and two points ofr any additinal diagonal movement. Does the two extra spaces provided by the scout vehicle skill mean that a walker can move one space forward for it's movement and a second space diagonally for it's two extra spaces? Or do the extra spaces not count as movement points and the walker can move two spaces diagonally?

The diagonal movement costs are calculated for diagonal moves only, not tallied against the total moves performed. So a Scout vehicle could move one forward (costs 1), one diagonal (costs 1) and again one forward (costs 1); or one diagonal (costs 1) and again another one diagonal (costs 2).

Emperor Kane said:

Hi everyone.

Hey and welcome

Emperor Kane said:

Does the two extra spaces provided by the scout vehicle skill mean that a walker can move one space forward for it's movement and a second space diagonally for it's two extra spaces?


Diagonal first = one ,second = 2 works in all cases , extra movement , fast , speed 2 units , weapon range , jump etc.
