Form Fillable Character Sheet (pdf) … Enjoy!

By DylanRPG, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Edited: 7/16/2013

Hello everyone! So, this topic originally contained a form-fillable version of the official character sheet. I was and am happy to provide this to the community, and am glad that so many have viewed it and used it.

However, the user Caied has since improved vastly upon my design and I strongly encourage anyone to use that version instead. I will be using that version myself.

Here is a link to it, placed here because I have discovered this topic is getting linked to, and because I like the work that Caied did:

Here is a link to Caied's topic as well:

Edited by DylanRPG

I can't seem to be able to download it without registering. Is there a direct link?

I've update this topic with a new link to a download from Google drive. It should be much more accessible now.

Just tried to DL it, but got an error message saying that it was unavailable.

It's normal to not be able to preview the document, but you should be able to download by clicking the appropriate icon on the left side of the page.

I've tested this by logging out and downloading it myself.

Because it is a file so rarely downloaded, you may be getting blocked by any anti-virus software.

Just DLed it. Thanks for the help Dylan. :)

Is there a way to be able to have a filled out character sheet, save it, but then if you wanted to come back to it later and edit it, you can? I poked around and tried different things to do that but couldn't find a way. Granted I don't really know adobe all that well, so I never really knew if there was a way or not anyway. If that is just something not available in this version, that would be a great feature to put in for somebody. Would make our online games WAY more conveniant to be able to edited them from time to time as characters change here and there and grow.

Yes, you should be able to do that with no problem.

Once you have your sheet filled out, make sure you "file > save as" rather than "save." This way you can save the filled out character sheet as a separate document, and still have the blank one.

Then it's just a matter of opening up your saved character sheet, editing what you need, and then clicking "save".

In other words: the first time you save a character sheet, select "save as" and choose a different name (such as your character's name) for the document. Then, any time you edit that document, just go file > save.

nope, when i do that it tells me that "Adobe Acrobat cannot save any data entered, saving the document will only save a blank form"…Tested it, and yeah, only saves a blank. Even when you "sign it" and do all that stuff, it saves it ok with the stuff filled out, but you can't edit it any longer.

Thanks for the file.

I think that in order to save the file with the data, you would need Acrobat (full version), not just the reader.

no no, I can save the file with the data. That works fine. What my group was trying to do was save the file with the data (works fine), but then wanted to be able to take that new file with the data and be able to go into it after the fact and be able to make changes when needed (gear, skills, talents, etc).

I will look into this and see if it has to do with the settings of the file on my end.

If anyone else has this experience, please let me know.

If it does have something to do with how I formatted it, I'll have a fix up tomorrow.

aljovin said:

Thanks for the file.

I think that in order to save the file with the data, you would need Acrobat (full version), not just the reader.

Or, you can use FoxIt Reader, which is free and also enables you to save changes on form-fillable PDF files. I made the switch quite a few years ago on the advise on one of the hosts of a D&D 4e Podcast (Radio Free Hommlet), and have been using FoxIt since with nary an issue.

Hmm Foxit….I'll check it out. Thanks :)

Yep, Foxit worked like a charm! Now we can make the updates as warranted to the sheets and keep them on our desktop =)

Glad it worked out for you! I've used Foxit myself, it's a pretty cool program.

I've fixed a couple errors with the document, notes are in original post.

Hey Dylan, is this file still accessible? I don't seem to be able to download it. Thanks :)

If not, then try the PDF here

I LOVE this sheet.

Is there a version of this for the BETA character sheet?

Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.

Make sure that you have the correct URL and that the owner of the file hasn't deleted it.

Kallabecca said:

If not, then try the PDF here

Thanks for hosting this sheet!



having fun with the sheet. says that a special font is embedded….How do I acces that?

anyway thanks a lot for this sheet I love it.

john_nld said:

having fun with the sheet. says that a special font is embedded….How do I acces that?

anyway thanks a lot for this sheet I love it.

I'm assuming you're referring to the PDF sheet. If that's the case, then the embedded font is the one being used for the Dice Pools.


Fantastic sheet. Slightly off-topic question: How does one go about creating a character sheet like this?

I'd like to create a smaller version of this one for use with minions. Unless something is already created.

