Ligthning Claw always ready?

By Kain McDogal, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Cryhavok said:

You could let him use both lightning claw and heavy bolter, but apply the -20 manipulation penalty to his shots, as stabalizing the weapon while aiming at all the things you are shooting might be quite a bit harder with the giant, fat hand of the lightning claw. Also note that in order to ready his sheathed claws he has to pick: damage the heavy bolter, drop the heavy bolter, or spend a half action posting the heavy bolter. I also like the idea of the machine spirit problems, but I would have that be something that could bde overcome.

I really like the idea of overcoming the wounded pride of the machine spirits. The manipulation penalty is also something that could dimish by 5 each rank one gains while using this setup as their primary weapon configuration.

Then one could also impose a penalty after this period if one attempts to use one of these weapons without the other in your arsenal because the machine spirits have grown to like eachother.

Dammit, now I wanna playtest this!

I'm not entirely sure what the OP's question is as such. The description of lightning claws in the main rule book (page 154) says they can be sheathed or unsheathed as a ready action. Isn't that enough?

I'm not sure I would agree that lightning claws are any different from any other weapon that a marine has, in the sense that you need to ready them just the same. Now readying them may be quicker (a Free Action in my opinion but as the last post says rulebook says a Ready Action is required) but I think this process or unsheathing the claws along with activating the powerfield may still be a lengthy enough process (a second or two) that it prevents the marine from using them to parry.

In most situations this shouldn't be an issue, for example on a combat patrol all the marines should have readied weapons anyway.

However in the case of surprise attacks etc I don't see why a marine would have readied lightning claws.

Or to put it another way if the player insists that his claws are always unsheathed...ALWAYS, then allow that unless the player specifically says they are being retracted

  • Try to use a cogitator?...oops lightning claw broke it.
  • Tried to drive a vehicle? oops lightning claw broke it
  • Listening to an Inquisitor give a briefing? Inquisitor complains that he can't hear himself give the briefing above the crackling of the powerfield. -1 Renown from the offset (his superiours think he is unstable).
  • Diplomatic function with governor? 'Why is the assault marine walking around with a power weapon out and ready? ' -30 Fel to charm tests I think

Basically a player that insists that his weapon is always ready should be allowed to do this but should be treated in the same way as someone who wonders around in real life waving a gun about. Then the issue becomes; Is this appropriate behaviour?'.

If all your missions are purely combat focused then this might in fact be an appropriate response for the player. However throw in a few non-combat encounters (or I dare say sessions ) and you'll soon have the player insisting vehmently that the claws are sheathed.

My view of GMing is try not to say no to a PCs request or suggestion, just let him live with the consequences.

Edited by Visitor Q

I would actually require the mag-lock upgrade to unsheath the claws as a free action.

Justify it so that without them the marine has to push buttons on the claw/gauntlets or something and that the "Mag-Lock" system is the equivalent of MIU for the claws or something that allows the marine to retract/extend the claws with a thought or something.

But that would be just for gameplay balance.

One thing I notice about these forums, is that there rarely every resolve an issue. I think it since it is part of your power armour and it requires a mental decision to bring claws out that should happen really fast, and probably be free action fast. Hell if you can quick draw a weapon as a free action, then this should count as one too.

I know it is a bit out of topic but does wolverine need an action to use his claws? Does the feline need a proper time to get theirs ready?

Don't think so…

It is the salme with the claws of the gauntlet, they are linked and part of your body nervous system, you don't have to ready them because when you want to fight with it, cut something they are out. they are controlled by your mind, electric impulses. No need to think about it, no need to do a simple move to get them.

Ligthning claws are IMO always ready.


But... Core rule book page 154, "The blades on lightning claws may be sheathed or unsheathed as a ready action..." Seems silly to me when every space marine starts with the quick draw talent that makes readying a free action, that unsheathing claws would be slower than drawing a bolter. I suppose that if you did want to retract them during a battle to use a "thrown" weapon the half action would make sense.

Who’s walking around in combat with sheathed Lightning Claws?


Agree with this the most.

The great thing about roleplay is that you can just change the rule for your game. I say if your player really digs not having to ready them, just allow that to be the case, he or she would might have more fun that way. I would say they are default always out and ready. If you wanted to retract them to throw a grenade in combat, maybe add the half action rule to retract.

One thing I notice about these forums, is that there rarely every resolve an issue.

There's often no clear consensus, that much is true. What makes it worthwhile, though, is the sharing of experiences - you can float an idea here to see what did and didn't work for others, what consequences a decision might have, and what possible uses or abuses (or, sometimes, well-defined rules) you missed. The rulebooks are not some sacred text, the Comissariat won't chase you down for minor - or, for that matter, major - deviations. If you want the Word of God, there's some form to ask questions directly from the developers, if memory serves right.

One thing I notice about these forums, is that there rarely every resolve an issue.

There's often no clear consensus, that much is true. What makes it worthwhile, though, is the sharing of experiences - you can float an idea here to see what did and didn't work for others, what consequences a decision might have, and what possible uses or abuses (or, sometimes, well-defined rules) you missed. The rulebooks are not some sacred text, the Comissariat won't chase you down for minor - or, for that matter, major - deviations. If you want the Word of God, there's some form to ask questions directly from the developers, if memory serves right.

Agree, wp sir :)

It's great that we can formulate our own opinions and directions in a game free of an authority that declairggkakdhkjad SLASH! sguhhh ughhhhh bdg=adgaksdfhla;ksdj a nooooo! guhhhhhhhhhh............. (silence)


Comissariat: MMUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! BLAM! Attempts to depict His Immortal Majesty's Comissariat in an unfavourable light are tantamount to HERESY! :D

Anyway, I didn't want to sound all condescending, sorry for that. Second language and all that stuff. It's just that the inputs are varying wildly, with some people knowing the crunch intimately, while others arguing based on fluff or even common sense. And then there's me, clogging the tubes :)

No, I liked it :)

Given that the Lightning Claws are directly connected to the nervous system through the Black Carapace, he should be able to ready them as a free action.

That being said, if he was caught flat-footed, he should suffer a major penalty. If I were GMing, the penalty would be on the order of -30 or -40. Additionally, it wouldn't get the benefit of its power-field until his combat round.

There is a logical fallacy in place here, and I want to make sure that it's understood by all and sundry. The statement itself is true- given that the Lightning Claws are directly connected yadda yadda free action.

However, this makes an assumption that I don't know is true- are the Lightning Claws directly connected to the Black Carapace? I would assume not, as having neural interface connections exposed on fighting surfaces (the gauntlets, in this case) seems like asking for trouble to me. I would no more assume that this is a given than I would assume that a chainsword, power sword, or storm bolter is connected to the black carapace.

Do you have to pull a trigger on a storm bolter? Yes. Yes you do. So then, it seems to me, there would be a physically activated component that must be actuated in order to A) extend the claws and B) ignite the power field.

I'm with HBMC. Just leave them popped and ignited unless you're manipulating something, and otherwise treat them like any other weapon. Avoid the problem to begin with.


But... Core rule book page 154, "The blades on lightning claws may be sheathed or unsheathed as a ready action..." Seems silly to me when every space marine starts with the quick draw talent that makes readying a free action, that unsheathing claws would be slower than drawing a bolter. I suppose that if you did want to retract them during a battle to use a "thrown" weapon the half action would make sense.

Why would it take longer? It's stated as being a ready action. Quick draw makes ready a free action. Again, treat them just like any other weapon. I see Quick Draw affecting Lightning Claws just like everything else.

Edited by Annaamarth