I finally got to play as the Rebels

By Hrathen, in X-Wing Battle Reports

I played my first game last night as the Rebels. My list was as follows

Wedge - with the droid that lets you get an extra agility

Dutch - with the droid that lets you roll to reaquire target locks after you use them, two proton torpedoes, and an Ion Cannon.

Biggs - With R2-D2

It was a little intimidating having so few ships at 100 points. Making one bad call on when picking your movement hurts you more than it does with the Imperials because a full 33% of my force was out of position. This happened a few times with Wedge (my heavy hitter) and that really cost me.

I have mixed feelings about Biggs. R2-D2 probably recovered 4 shields for him over the game so it took a total of 9 (instead of 5) shots to put him down. But he did go down pretty fast with so many TIEs focusing there fire on him. His low skill annoyed me, but I don't know if it really hurt me.

Dutch was awesome giving everyone target locks, and his Ion turret, was pretty effective. But he never fired either of his proton torpedoes. 8 points wasted. I think next time I will equip my x-wings with the torpedoes and let Dutch give them the target locks and they can spend there action focusing.

Wedge should have done better, but as I said before a couple of bad moves on my part Wedge missed out of shooting a couple of rounds that he shouldn't have. There were also a couple of times when I would have killed for Wedge to have some proton torpedoes.

But in the end the fight was a tie. we both destroyed 67 victory points exactly.

That's awesome! Bummer about the torps, but it looks like you still held your own pretty well. I'm excited to play more as Rebels and see if I can't get a win. Hasn't happened yet, but one day …