Tina & Hyane

By Major Mishap, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

I'm contemplating getting the latest Dust Models mini, what do you think about this for a card?


Sorry to honest the figure is a turn off. I'm not liking the whole sadistic Gestapo thing! It's rite up there with flame thrower wielding pizza chefs??????????? sorpresa.gif


I love this model so much I bought 2. The card looks good.

Although I think it's kind of crazy to have a Hyena for a pet, I like both the miniature and the card. I'm already wondering which Axis A2 squad would gain most from Superiour Reacive Fire. Sturmpioniere or Laser Grenadiers perhaps?

If a regular A2 squad soldier (with body armor) has 1 health, I don't think an animal would have 2 health, IMO.

Love the card -- but I think that Advanced Reactive Fire and 4 health points (3 for Tina & 1 for Hyane) is a bit more reasonable.

I don't think anybody I play against would let the stats on this card fly, sorry. Not for a mere 20AP.

Also, can Hyane be targeted by a sniper? And if the animal dies, does Tina lose abilities? And if Tina dies, can Hyane run free?

Just puttin' in my 2 cents …

I used Sigrid as the basic model for her stats and don't think it unreasonable for Tina ti have 4 health and the Hyena 2, not done any playtesting at all but maybe 5 health would be better, just theorising the pts which is all you can do. Tina and Hyena is one model, so normal rules apply for being shot at or any other rules for heros, I think this is the easiest way to use her, you could make up two profile cards if you thought it really neccessary for the game, don't think it is though especially as the new Axis models have 3 figs per base and count as one model.