Pre-Painted Minis for the upcoming expansion?

By Uncle Bodybagz, in Cadwallon: City of Thieves

Any word on whether, or not, there will be pre-painted minis available for purchase with the King of Ashes expansion? I have the pre-painted mins that you could get with the base game and I would love to make sure that I can get pre-painted mins for this expansion.

Thanks in advance.


I'm in the same boat. I've got the full set of pre-painted minis from the base game and I'd love to get them for the expansion as well.

Include me as a +1 for the pre-painted miniatures. I've also got the complete set for the base game, as well as the Duke of Cadwallon, and would like to have a set of pre-painteds for the new expansion as I think they make it easier to discern the different characters as you play.

Here's another +1 for prepainted minis. While I can paint (and have leveled up a notch with all those Dust Tactics and Gears of War minis!), I also have bought the prepainted sets for Cadwallon and the Duke, and will look forward for the new ones too.

Count me in as well!

I'm In,I enjoy painting but my back log with BoW will occupy me till the end of the year.


Well having ordered thepre-painted Red and Blue boxes and The Duke before actually receiving the game, i'd say add my name on the list for the King of Ashes pre-painted minis!

andother +1 for this! /please