Species Abilities
Wound Threshold 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold 10 + Brawn
Starting XP 100
Special Abilities
Advozsec gain 1 free rank in Survival. Starting ranks are limited to two ranks in this skill.
Lowlight Vision
Advozsec may remove 1 setback die from dice pools that are negatively affected by low levels of light.
Characteristic Ratings
Brawn 2
Presence 1
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Agility 2
Willpower 2
Advozsec are humanoids with large, dark eyes to see through the haze of the ash-covered skies of their home world. They are hairless, have pointed ears, and most have a single, thick horn that grows from the top of their heads.
The Advozsec have built their culture around deep analytical thinking. They are skeptical by nature and many presume their cold logic is indicative of sinister or uncaring beings.
The Advozsec are native to Riflor, a harsh, volcanically active world where catastrophes are a common occurrence and only a clearly defined plan will allow the survival of their race. They carried this philosophy with them to the stars.