GM Resources: Aliens of the Galaxy

By Gallandro, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

SergeantVau said:

Gallandro said:

You know I was just looking at my WEG books and it appears bellow was not part of the Ithorian "canon" until the D20 days, so it certainly should not start as a standard racial ability.. Needs to be so.ething you pay into.


It originated in the older clone wars cartoons. They didn't come out until after wizards had the star wars license.

What he said -- plus, it's my opinion that the Ithorian Jedi shown in the cartoon is awesome but misrepresentative of A) the species capability, B) the power scope of SW (I really think of the original trilogy when it comes to that, the prequels kind of blew that out of the water), and C) that Jedi was mostly using a force power, perhaps amplified through his natural physiology. I also approve of buying into the ability, that works wonderful in my book.

Great write ups, btw!!! I love the Jawa one SO much.

The Aqualish works fine as is, but I might tweak the the XP down to 90 if he has an increased Wound Threshold. My books in the mail, so I'll get a better handle on the races sooner or later.

Any ideas for a Nosaurian? (shameless request?)

Yeah after going through my WEG and D20 books I think the FFG writeups are a little more in line with what WEG was doing and Special Abilities should be more subtle. Gonna post a couple of writeup in a few minutes.



You raise some excellent points on a number of issues.

(1) I think the Aqualish could stand to be revised down to 90XP. I don't think of it so much as a balance issue but rather to give the species a kind of drfiter-for-hire feel. Unskilled labor and all that. On the other hand, it seems to me that Quara would be thick-skinned from encountering prejudice everywhere, even from their own people, so I think I'd revise them up to Willpower +12 as well.

(2) Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars was really cool but it definitely took liberities with power levels to make more dramatic scenes. Mace Windu defeating an entire droid army single-handedly comes to mind. Since the Ithorian bellow seems to derive from there, I guess I can feel justified in leaving it out of the stat line. I still feel my Ithorian write-up is a little boring but I suppose the Willpower 3 + Perception is a pretty good combo.

(3) I had never heard of Nosaurians before you brought them up. I read the Wookiepedia entry but still don't think I have a feel from them so I will let someone else try. The tricky part with these write-ups is capturing the "feel" of the race without turning it into a racist stereotype. With Jawas (and Bad Batchers soon) I think it's a bit more acceptable because they take a certain pride in their uniformity. It probably wouldn't work well with Nosaurians, however -- although I am intrigued by their flashing gums.

Thanks for your encouragement!



Zeltrons are a near-human species whose skin color ranges from deep reds, to purples and browns. They are considered by most humans to be among the most beautiful beings in the galaxy, a fact which is accentuated by a natural pheromone they release which enhances their attractiveness to other races. Additionally they are highly empathic and can often read or even feel the emotions of those around them. Because of this ability Zeltrons tend to focus on feelings that make them happy or feel pleasure and shy away from strong negative emotions.

Throughout the galaxy Zeltrons have a reputation of being hedonist who are only interested in material wealth or physical pleasures… this is largely true. Zeltrons are thrill seekers and can often be found at the nearest gambling establishment. Although they are somewhat gullible they are extremely charming and more than make up for any intellectual shortcomings with their intense magnetism and sexual chemistry. Zeltrons have always been known for their intense passion and spills over on the battlefield as easily as the bedroom.

Species Abilities

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold : 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience : 90 XP

Special Abilities : Zeltrons begin the game with one rank in Charm. The still may not train Charm above rank 2 during character creation.

Special Ability : Empathy : Zeltrons can naturally read the surface emotions of a willing subject in the immediate vicinity, and can feel those emotions as if they were their own. However if the subject is unwilling, roll an Opposed Check using the character's Perception (Cunning) versus the Discipline (Willpower) of the subject.

Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn: 2 Cunning: 2

Presence: 3 Agility: 2

Intellect: 2 Willpower: 1



Bad Batchers


From the earliest days of the Empire, powerful figures opposed using clone troopers. The Emperor himself distrusted the clones and the demands of the New Order for cheaper military materiel bred hostility down the bureaucratic ranks. The loss of the original genetic template combined with the pressures of increasing demands and declining investment resulted in higher defect rates, which in turn bolstered the arguments against using clones. In order to maintain revenues, the Kaminoans turned to clandestine trade in these "Bad Batchers" to rich warlords and gangsters beyond the Outer Rim. Some of the Bad Batchers escaped this life of slavery to make their own way as fugitives in the wider galaxy.

Although some suffer physical deformity, most Bad Batchers look exactly like their prototype Jango Fett. The longing for individuality, however, means that many Bad Batchers have turned to unique hair-styling, tattoos, piercings, and other cosmetic scarfication to "be themselves." These physical idiosyncrasies, although sometimes quite distinctive, also serve as a disguise. The Empire has no interest in the freedom of clones, defective or otherwise.

Species Abilities

Wound Threshold : 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold : 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience : 80 XP

Special Abilities : Bad Batchers begin play with an additional rank in any three of their starting skills. They still may not train any of these three skills above rank 2 during character creation.

Kamino Conditioning: Bad Batchers begin the game with the Hired Gun career by default. They also begin with either the Bodyguard or Mercenary Soldier specialization. Either specialization counts against the three-specialization limit. Bad Batchers must choose all starting skills from this career and one of these specializations.

Flawed Copy: Bad Batchers must choose one of their starting skills and always add a disadvantage die to rolls with that skill.

Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn: 2 Cunning: 2

Presence: 2 Agility: 2

Intellect: 2 Willpower: 1

I'm liking that a lot!


Gallandro said:

Special Ability : Empathy : Zeltrons can naturally read the surface emotions of a willing subject in the immediate vicinity, and can feel those emotions as if they were their own. However if the subject is unwilling, roll an Opposed Check using the character's Perception (Cunning) versus the Discipline (Willpower) of the subject.

Because I'm old school!!!

Lepi (Lepus Carnivorous)


The Lepi are tall, sentient lagomorphs with long distinctive ears and fur ranging in color from green to deep blues. Contrary to popular belief, the Lepi are not vegetarians, they are in fact omnivorous and possess sharp incisors. Lepi hail from the planet of Coachelle Prime, and live in a maze of underground warrens. Lepi breed so often they were forced to colonize their neighboring planets or face overpopulation. But this suited the curious and impulsive Lepi just fine, and they quickly took to the stars.

The Lepi are very social and prefer companionship to solitude. They are quick witted and have a sharp sense of humor. Lepi are also fiercely loyal and will defend their friends and family to the death. They are quick and agile and will use their powerful legs to kick and bludgeon their opponents.

Special Abilities:

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience: 90 XP

Special Abilities: Tremendous Kick : The Lepi can deliver tremendous blows with their powerful legs which are capable of disorienting an opponent. On a Brawl check when kicking an opponent, the character deals +0 damage/4 Critical/Disorient 3

Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn: 2 Cunning: 2

Presence: 2 Agility: 3

Intellect: 2 Willpower: 1

These are pretty rad, guys!!! Loving it.

I'll work on the Nosaurian when I get the book, trying a similar approach as you guys, especially the "feel" part of it, I couldn't agree more.

Glowing gums, man, I forget that one every time. Heh.


The Feeorin have spread throughout the galaxy possibly after the destruction of their homeworld thousands of years ago. They are natural survivors and have earned their reputation as fearsome and brutal raiders. They are tall, often over seven feet, with green or blue skin and thick tendrils growing from the backs of their heads. The Feeorin supposedly get stronger as they age, instead of getting weaker. They seem to live up to 400 standard years.

Wound Threshold: 16 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP

Special Abilities: Feeorin begin the game with one rank in either Coerce or Resilience. They still may not train Discipline or Resilience above rank 2 during character creation. The Feeorin possess low-light vision which allows them to ignore up to 2 (Setback) dice when acting in dark environment. Due to their bad reputation they always add 1 (Setback) dice, when using Charm or Negotiation.

Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn: 3 Cunning: 2
Presence: 1 Agility: 2
Intellect: 2 Willpower: 2


Squibs are a species from the world Skor II and are known for collecting trading and haggling. Growing to about a meter in height, they are covered in colorful fur that ranges from white, gray, black, brown, blue, violet, and red. The colorful fur of squib is also used to taste by rubbing objection on their fur.

Squibs are insatiably curious and obsessed with haggling and deal making. It is commonly said that the best way to get information from a squib is to propose a trade. Squibs have developed complex system of trade and barter and have established themselves as galactic scavengers that have rivaled the Ugors.

Many squibs have established themselves as forgers, thieves and even crime lords, but most still find work within the law. All squibs collect large stockpiles of what others would consider junk.

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
Special Abilities: Squibs begin the game with 1 rank in Negotiate or Streetwise. This cannont be trained beyond rank 2 at character creation.
Starting XP: 100 xp
Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn 1 Cunning 2
Presence 3 Agility 2
Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Manchu said:



Although natives of the harsh desert planet Tatooine, Jawas have spread throughout the galaxy. But their natural talent and cultural predilection for scavenging rarely makes them welcome. The deeply ingrained taboo against revealing their faces to clan-outsiders does nothing to earn other species' trust. Likewise, their habit of soaking their robes in noxious moisture-preserving oils is little appreciated by outsiders. Most see Jawas as thieving vermin and even open-minded sentients are loathe to find them hanging around. The Jawas themselves take a strange pride in this reputation and usually travel in extended-family networks called clans to somewhat counteract the attendant disadvantage. A very few Jawas have been known to strike out with other species.

Jawas stand about one meter tall. They shroud their faces in deep hoods from which piercing golden eyes shine. Some say these are gemstones woven into dark cloth but that is likely just speculation. They cover their bodies in roughspun robes that are filthy as a rule. Underneath their outer robes, they wear tighter garments of a softer weave including gloves.

Species Abilities

Wound Threshold : 8 + Brawn

Strain Threshold : 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience : 110 XP

Special Abilities : Jawas begin the game with access to the Outlaw Tech talent tree of the Technician career. This does not count as their starting career or givethe character additional beginning training in the associated skills but does count against the three-specialization limit. Jawas also begin the game with one rank in either Negotiation or Deceit. They still may not train either Negotiation or Deceit above rank 2 during character creation.

Wretched Reputation: Jawas must automatically include a disadvantage die when rolling any social interaction skill against a party with whom they have not interacted before.

Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn: 1 Cunning: 2

Presence: 1 Agility: 2

Intellect: 3 Willpower: 2

I didn't see anything in this write up about the Jawa's smaller silhouette. I just think it is worth noting to the player that they have a silhouette of ) instead of 1, something that might come in handy when fighting larger creatures as they become harder to hit. My gut says that that is worth reducing their starting xp to 100, but I just haven't played enough to know if that is true or not.

Good catch on the silhouette issue. Why do you think Jawas should start with less XP?

On pg. 137 it lists the Jawa as having a silhouette of 0. Now in normal situations, this would cause no change in the dice. However, if your Jawa character was to get into a fight with, say, a Krayt Dragon (silhouette 3), besides the fact that he is probably going to get maimed anyway, the Dragon would have all checks to hit your Jawa increased by two difficulty dice. That seems to me like it is worth a reduction in XP beyond the norm. Maybe only 5, as it wont come into play during normal combats all that often. But it still could turn out to save your life.

OTOH, they have two stats at 1 and automatically take a disadvantage die on novel social interaction rolls. I admit I did not factor in the silhouette before but surely these more universal drawbacks account for that rather narrow advantage.

In any case, I hope people will take these ideas and modify them to be usable in their own games. Of my own contributions, I most like the Bad Batchers the best so far as they were the hardest to design. I'd be interested if anybody has a critique regarding them.

Gallandro said:

You know I was just looking at my WEG books and it appears bellow was not part of the Ithorian "canon" until the D20 days, so it certainly should not start as a standard racial ability.. Needs to be so.ething you pay into.


d20 was the first to include it, yeah. And I think this was in direct response to Genndy Tartatofsky's Clone Wars cartoon, where we see an Ithorian Jedi doing it.

I think it's okay to make it a species ability, just a natural attack.

Treat it as a natural ranged attack with a max range of Close. Deals 3 damage, Crit 4. And any Ithorian using it suffers 2 Strain.

GM Chris said:

Gallandro said:

You know I was just looking at my WEG books and it appears bellow was not part of the Ithorian "canon" until the D20 days, so it certainly should not start as a standard racial ability.. Needs to be so.ething you pay into.


d20 was the first to include it, yeah. And I think this was in direct response to Genndy Tartatofsky's Clone Wars cartoon, where we see an Ithorian Jedi doing it.

I think it's okay to make it a species ability, just a natural attack.

Treat it as a natural ranged attack with a max range of Close. Deals 3 damage, Crit 4. And any Ithorian using it suffers 2 Strain.

I like that.


Here's my take on the Gamorreans.



Often seen as bodyguards or thugs for crime lords, the Gamorrean is a fairly common sight on the outer rim. They use their powerful physique to wield intimidating weapons, making anyone think twice about doing anything foolish. Coming from a primitive society, they much prefer to go toe to toe with their opponents, but some of their employers will go so far as to try to teach them how to use firearms.

Gamorreans stand between 1.7 and 1.8 meters tall and their thick skin if a green in color. This, combined with their porcine appearance and prominent lower tusks give them a decidedly unsavory look to most humanoids. Their squealing, grunting language and bad attitudes usually do little to help that thought.

Species Abilities

Wound Threshold: 12+Brawn

Strain Threshold : 9+Willpower

Starting Experience : 90 points

Special Abilities : Gamorreans begin the game with one rank in Melee. They still may not train Melee above rank 2 during character creation. Gamorreans always have access to the Marauder talent tree, regardless of their starting career. This does not give them access to the Marauder's career skills (unless it is his chosen specialization), but it does count against the three specialization limit.

Characteristic Rating

Brawn 3 Cunning 2

Presence 2 Agility 2

Intelligence 1 Willpower 2

Haven't seen these folks yet…



Species Abilities

Wound Threshold: 11+Brawn
Strain Threshold: 11+Willpower

Starting Experience: 100 points

Special Abilities: Zabraks begin the game with one rank in either Perception or Vigilance. They still may not train that skill above rank 2 during character creation.

Characteristic Rating

Brawn 2
Cunning 2
Presence 2
Agility 2
Intelligence 2
Willpower 2

Zabraks have pretty much been described as "humans that are a bit tougher and a bit more perceptive," so I think the Human baseline for starting characteristics works well. The increase in Wound & Strain Threshold fits the "tougher" part, and the skill choice handles the "perceptive."

sumqui said:

Squibs are a species from the world Skor II and are known for collecting trading and haggling. Growing to about a meter in height, they are covered in colorful fur that ranges from white, gray, black, brown, blue, violet, and red. The colorful fur of squib is also used to taste by rubbing objection on their fur.

Squibs are insatiably curious and obsessed with haggling and deal making. It is commonly said that the best way to get information from a squib is to propose a trade. Squibs have developed complex system of trade and barter and have established themselves as galactic scavengers that have rivaled the Ugors.

Many squibs have established themselves as forgers, thieves and even crime lords, but most still find work within the law. All squibs collect large stockpiles of what others would consider junk.

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
Special Abilities: Squibs begin the game with 1 rank in Negotiate or Streetwise. This cannont be trained beyond rank 2 at character creation.
Starting XP: 100 xp
Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn 1 Cunning 2
Presence 3 Agility 2
Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Liking this write-up, though I'm inclined to give them a 3 in Cunning rather than Presence.

Gallandro said:


Special Ability : Empathy : Zeltrons can naturally read the surface emotions of a willing subject in the immediate vicinity, and can feel those emotions as if they were their own. However if the subject is unwilling, roll an Opposed Check using the character's Perception (Cunning) versus the Discipline (Willpower) of the subject.

I'm inclined to think this could be simplified, as it seems a lot of what FFG is doing for species adheres to the K.I.S.S. principle. Maybe to reflect that they can more easily sense the emotions of others and have their inherent pheromones, Zeltrons instead get a free boost die when making Charm and Deceit checks? Potent, but I'd say that's worth losing 10 XP.

Other than that, nice job.

Donovan Morningfire said:

sumqui said:

Squibs are a species from the world Skor II and are known for collecting trading and haggling. Growing to about a meter in height, they are covered in colorful fur that ranges from white, gray, black, brown, blue, violet, and red. The colorful fur of squib is also used to taste by rubbing objection on their fur.

Squibs are insatiably curious and obsessed with haggling and deal making. It is commonly said that the best way to get information from a squib is to propose a trade. Squibs have developed complex system of trade and barter and have established themselves as galactic scavengers that have rivaled the Ugors.

Many squibs have established themselves as forgers, thieves and even crime lords, but most still find work within the law. All squibs collect large stockpiles of what others would consider junk.

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
Special Abilities: Squibs begin the game with 1 rank in Negotiate or Streetwise. This cannont be trained beyond rank 2 at character creation.
Starting XP: 100 xp
Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn 1 Cunning 2
Presence 3 Agility 2
Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Liking this write-up, though I'm inclined to give them a 3 in Cunning rather than Presence.

Yeah, but they're sneaky little bastards… (Sorry, esoteric 1941 reference).


PS BTW keep it up guys these are great!

Here's everyone's favorite space whales!


Though massive in size, the Herglic are truly the gentle giants of the galaxy. Gregarious and honest to a fault, they ply the space lanes as traders, making them common sites all over the galaxy. Usually the first to offer help to someone that needs it, the Herglic do not like to be taken advantage of and will go to great lengths to get justice when they are wronged, something that more than one con men has learned the hard way, as the Herglic's natural size makes them ferocious fighters, and sturdy combatants.

The Herglic are natural risk-takers. Unfortunately for them, this attitude to seek constantly seek the next thrill can become addictive, especially concerning gambling and other games of chance. They start and can't stop until they've lost everything.

Species Abilities

Wound Threshold: 14+Brawn

Strain Threshold: 9+Willpower

Starting Experience: 90 XP

Special Ability: Herglic begin the game with one rank in Charm. They still may not train Charm above rank 2 during character creation.

Characteristic Rating

Brawn 3 Cunning 2

Presence 2 Agility 1

Intellect 2 Willpower 1

Donovan Morningfire said:

Gallandro said:


Special Ability : Empathy : Zeltrons can naturally read the surface emotions of a willing subject in the immediate vicinity, and can feel those emotions as if they were their own. However if the subject is unwilling, roll an Opposed Check using the character's Perception (Cunning) versus the Discipline (Willpower) of the subject.

I'm inclined to think this could be simplified, as it seems a lot of what FFG is doing for species adheres to the K.I.S.S. principle. Maybe to reflect that they can more easily sense the emotions of others and have their inherent pheromones, Zeltrons instead get a free boost die when making Charm and Deceit checks? Potent, but I'd say that's worth losing 10 XP.

Other than that, nice job.

You know what, that's a great idea. I'm going to make an adjustment. Great suggestion.
