Zeltrons (Revised)
Zeltrons are a near-human species whose skin color ranges from deep reds, to purples and browns. They are considered by most humans to be among the most beautiful beings in the galaxy, a fact which is accentuated by a natural pheromone they release which enhances their attractiveness to other races. Additionally they are highly empathic and can often read or even feel the emotions of those around them. Because of this ability Zeltrons tend to focus on feelings that make them happy or feel pleasure and shy away from strong negative emotions.
Throughout the galaxy Zeltrons have a reputation of being hedonists who are only interested in material wealth or physical pleasures… this is largely true. Zeltrons are thrill seekers and can often be found at the nearest gambling establishment, or involved in some outrageous escapade which gives them a rush. Although they are somewhat gullible they are extremely charming and more than make up for any intellectual shortcomings with their intense magnetism and sexual chemistry. Zeltrons have always been known for their intense passion and this frequently spills over on the battlefield as easily as the bedroom.
Species Abilities
Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold : 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience : 90 XP
Special Ability : Empathy : Zeltrons can naturally read the surface emotions of subjects in the immediate vicinity, and are often at an advantage when dealing with others in social settings. Zeltrons receive a boost die to all Charm and Deceit rolls.
Characteristic Ratings:
Brawn: 2 Cunning: 2
Presence: 3 Agility: 2
Intellect: 2 Willpower: 1