SergeantVau said:
Gallandro said:
You know I was just looking at my WEG books and it appears bellow was not part of the Ithorian "canon" until the D20 days, so it certainly should not start as a standard racial ability.. Needs to be so.ething you pay into.
It originated in the older clone wars cartoons. They didn't come out until after wizards had the star wars license.
What he said -- plus, it's my opinion that the Ithorian Jedi shown in the cartoon is awesome but misrepresentative of A) the species capability, B) the power scope of SW (I really think of the original trilogy when it comes to that, the prequels kind of blew that out of the water), and C) that Jedi was mostly using a force power, perhaps amplified through his natural physiology. I also approve of buying into the ability, that works wonderful in my book.
Great write ups, btw!!! I love the Jawa one SO much.
The Aqualish works fine as is, but I might tweak the the XP down to 90 if he has an increased Wound Threshold. My books in the mail, so I'll get a better handle on the races sooner or later.
Any ideas for a Nosaurian? (shameless request?)