GM Resources: Aliens of the Galaxy

By Gallandro, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

So here we go. I've decided to kick off a GM Resource thread. I think someone had wondered why Duros were not among the playable races, so here is my humble first attempt at an option playable character race.



The Duros are one of the earliest known space faring races in the galaxy, and were one of the first to design a hyperdrive engine capable of faster than light travel. Naturally curious, the Duros took to the stars and explored the galaxy, navigating many of the hyperspace lanes used for commerce and travel today. Soon, the Duros could be found throughout the galaxy from the Outer Rim to the Core Worlds as they continued to colonize worlds far from their heavily polluted homeworld of Duro.

Duros are tall, green or blue skinned humanoids with large, red eyes and a lipless mouth. They are usually a calm and peaceful race, but can be intense and are quick to jump at the opportunity to explore or adventure. The Duros possess and almost uncanny affinity for starship operations and are natural astrogators and pilots.

Species Abilities

Wound Threshold : 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold : 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience : 100 XP

Special Abilities : Duros begin the game with one rank in either Astrogation or Pilot (Space). They still may not train Astrogation or Pilot (Space) above rank 2 during character creation.

Characteristic Rating:

Brawn: 1

Presence: 2

Intellect: 3

Cunning: 2

Agility: 2

Willpower: 2

I have no way of knowing if this is a good write up, as I don't know the game - so I can't give you any feedback in that way. But if this is the usual write up of species' its nice to know and it's good to see the Duros with stats happy.gif

thank-you for this, the Duros species and this thread, its great that even with a beta can stat-up some homebrew goodies.

If you're taking requests, is there a chance we can get sullustan stats? Possibly some of the other races such as Gotal, Devaronian and Bith would be awesome as well.

Also a breakdown of how you went about building the races. I don't have the book yet, so I don't know if there are species that are more powerful and thus have less xp to spend.

If there is a more powerful race - I can't think of any right now, I'd like to see there stats. Mainly to Judge the XP value - which I'm assuming a stronger race = less xp to spend.

Starting with Characteristics, every player character race starts with a base of 12 points from which to work. In the book most races have two points for each stat, for example humans are rated 2 across the board. Other races usually have one stat rated a 3 while they drop another to 1. In the case of the Duros I opted to raise Intellect to 1 since both WEG and D20 state how skilled they are with Astrogation which is an Intellect skill.

Under species abilities I kept Wound and Strain thresholds where most races start. Some races may have a higher rating in these categories, but they appear to take a 10 point hit with starting XP in those cases. As with most races, I did not feel this change was necessary as their reduced Brawn already took into account their less than sturdy nature. And finally, I felt the one point skill payout for either Astrogation or Pilot (Space) was a fair advantage for the race due to their natural affinity for space exploration.

Tonight I will stat up a couple of more races.


+1 for Gotal, please! gran_risa.gif



For most Ithorians, environmentalism is a spiritual path. The Ithorians emigrated away from the surface of their lush homeworld onto massive orbiting herships in order to preserve its ecosystem. Eventually, the herdships became capable of interstellar flight and the Ithorians integrated into the Republic. Although generally pacifists and deeply reflective, the Ithorians' gregarious and curious natures drew them into wider galactic culture as merchants and most notably as experts in restoring ecologically devastated planets. Violent individuals are unknown in Ithorian communities because they are exiled from the herdships.

Ithorian height ranges from just under through just over two meters. Their skin and eyes are various shades of brown. Although most Ithorians never have occasion to employ it, their two mouths and four throats are capable of extremely loud screams. Because of their distinctive facial structure, Ithorians are sometimes called "hammerheads" which they find derogatory. Female Ithorians exhibit two humps on their upper backs while males exhibit one.

Species Abilities

Wound Threshold : 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold : 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience : 100 XP

Special Abilities : Ithroians begin the game with one rank in Perception. They still may not train Perception above rank 2 during character creation.

Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn: 2 Cunning: 2

Presence: 2 Agility: 1

Intellect: 2 Willpower: 3

Awesome Manchu, the only thing I would add a mechanic to simulate the concussive effects of the Ithorian bellow.


Maybe treat it almost like a Disorient 3 or 5.

IIRC, none of the established species options have such mechanics. I reasoned that although all Ithorians could be loud, only some could be loud enough to use their scream as a sonic weapon -- and even then (barring some special training that would not be culturally relevant to Ithroians generally) the effect would depend upon the target. I think Ithorian screams make more sense as context-based rulings rather than generalized rules. For example, someone playing an Ithorian trying to talk over a large, distracted, and noisy crowd could ask the GM for an advantage die. As for species-specific "talents," that might be worth seeing in a supplemental rulebook.

That's a good thought. The only reason I suggested it was both WEG and D20 included a mechanic for that.

Because of the general cultural and moral standards of Ithorians, I would guess that even the rowdier individuals would have little capacity to naturally weaponize their bellow. I'm thinking of it as a kind of "martial art" that would require training (an assumption on my part; obviously others have disagreed!) and that would make more sense as a talent than a potentially imbalancing starting ability. I'll stat out my version of this talent later tonight.

Perhaps there is an Ithorian-only non-career spec that grants the talent Sonic Bellow?

Yes, I envisioned it as a stand-alone talent with prereqs (perhaps Brawn 3).

You know I was just looking at my WEG books and it appears bellow was not part of the Ithorian "canon" until the D20 days, so it certainly should not start as a standard racial ability.. Needs to be so.ething you pay into.


How about a Special Ability which can only be activated by expending a Destiny Point for the attack… That way its not just used willy nilly but is available to Ithorian PCs.

Just some thoughts.


I like that idea. And I just looked at my beta book over lunch, finding that I was incorrect about race special abilities. Droids, Trandoshans, and Wookies all have these. So how about where an Ithorian can spend one destiny point to make a brawl attack against all organic creatures within medium range (cannot select between friendlies and hostiles)?

Yeah, that way there's some balance, but it can still be effective. I looked up the effects of stun grenade and it talks about doing sonic damage using Disorient… So that was my line of thought there.

Aqualish (Quara sub-species)


The Quara sub-species of Aqualish either suffer or enjoy, depending upon the individual, a reputation for being dangerous thugs. This prejudice is especially pronounced among the numerically dominant sub-species, the Aquala, and as a result there are more Quara roaming the galaxy than there are on their home planet Ando. Although some Quara embrace the stereotype to notorious effect, others see it as an offensive social handicap. They point to the violent history of Ando as evidence of Aquala hypocrisy. Even now, the Empire exercises a tight grip on Ando thanks to the turbulent nature of Aqualish politics.

Quara are pysiologically different from the other Aqualish sub-species. Their hands have five digits, unlike either the flippered Aquala or some Ualaq, who are three-fingered. Also unlike the four-eyed Ualaq, the Quara have only two large eyes. Like the other sub-species, Quara have brown skin and fur. Their tusks are perhaps their most distinctive feature.

Species Abilities

Wound Threshold : 12 + Brawn

Strain Threshold : 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience : 100 XP

Special Abilities : Aqualish of the Quara sub-species begin the game with one rank in Coerce or Vigiliance. They still may not train Coerce or Vigiliance above rank 2 during character creation.

Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn: 2 Cunning: 2

Presence: 2 Agility: 2

Intellect: 2 Willpower: 2

Awesome. I was about ready to write that one up. Great work!


What do you think about all 2's? It seems a bit silly that only humans would have that.

I don't see an issue with that at all. It's pretty much the base starting characteristic rank for PCs. Those numbers should really only be adjusted for obvious racial advantages (like Wookiee strength).


Great work!

I just received an email (a few hours ago) that told me that the book has been shipped, so in a week or two I will have and can take part in the fun! gran_risa.gif



Although natives of the harsh desert planet Tatooine, Jawas have spread throughout the galaxy. But their natural talent and cultural predilection for scavenging rarely makes them welcome. The deeply ingrained taboo against revealing their faces to clan-outsiders does nothing to earn other species' trust. Likewise, their habit of soaking their robes in noxious moisture-preserving oils is little appreciated by outsiders. Most see Jawas as thieving vermin and even open-minded sentients are loathe to find them hanging around. The Jawas themselves take a strange pride in this reputation and usually travel in extended-family networks called clans to somewhat counteract the attendant disadvantage. A very few Jawas have been known to strike out with other species.

Jawas stand about one meter tall. They shroud their faces in deep hoods from which piercing golden eyes shine. Some say these are gemstones woven into dark cloth but that is likely just speculation. They cover their bodies in roughspun robes that are filthy as a rule. Underneath their outer robes, they wear tighter garments of a softer weave including gloves.

Species Abilities

Wound Threshold : 8 + Brawn

Strain Threshold : 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience : 110 XP

Special Abilities : Jawas begin the game with access to the Outlaw Tech talent tree of the Technician career. This does not count as their starting career or givethe character additional beginning training in the associated skills but does count against the three-specialization limit. Jawas also begin the game with one rank in either Negotiation or Deceit. They still may not train either Negotiation or Deceit above rank 2 during character creation.

Wretched Reputation: Jawas must automatically include a disadvantage die when rolling any social interaction skill against a party with whom they have not interacted before.

Characteristic Ratings:

Brawn: 1 Cunning: 2

Presence: 1 Agility: 2

Intellect: 3 Willpower: 2

Gallandro said:

You know I was just looking at my WEG books and it appears bellow was not part of the Ithorian "canon" until the D20 days, so it certainly should not start as a standard racial ability.. Needs to be so.ething you pay into.


It originated in the older clone wars cartoons. They didn't come out until after wizards had the star wars license.