Aircraft movement and bomb rules

By slainex, in Dust Warfare Rules Discussion

If I am reading the aircraft rules correctly, an aircraft can move across a corner from your deployment zone and go off-board on one of the side edges on the first turn; then return on the second turn on the far edge and exit on your opponents back edge; and then come back in on the third turn anywhere along your opponents rear edge and drop as many bombs as they have that same turn? Is this magic movement maneuver legal?

Also, does the bomb attack actually take an action or do you get to move, drop a bomb as part of the move action and then get to another attack action?

slainex said:

If I am reading the aircraft rules correctly, an aircraft can move across a corner from your deployment zone and go off-board on one of the side edges on the first turn; then return on the second turn on the far edge and exit on your opponents back edge; and then come back in on the third turn anywhere along your opponents rear edge and drop as many bombs as they have that same turn? Is this magic movement maneuver legal?

That is the first idea that came into my mind as well when I read the aircraft rules, and it seems pretty legal to me. Although I think it might be enough to return in the second turn on the far edge of one side and start your bombing run from there, killing whatever is on that flank.

The rules and the strategy seem solid, but it would be a pity if EVERYONE would do it this way in the future (especially with aircraft being released for the other factions). I don't like games too much where you are forced to play the mechanics, which in this case would mean to employ all your aircraft on the very edge of your DZ as you described, your opponent does the same, then both players exit all their aircraft on the side in turn 1 just to bomb the smack out of each other in turn 2 or 3.

Movement is the problem with aircraft. At this scale aircraft have an impossible time staying within the confines of a 4x6 table due to their speed. There is really no helping going on and off table.

Except that they can choose to hover and spend a turn rotating because of it.

LannisterCrimson said:

slainex said:

If I am reading the aircraft rules correctly, an aircraft can move across a corner from your deployment zone and go off-board on one of the side edges on the first turn; then return on the second turn on the far edge and exit on your opponents back edge; and then come back in on the third turn anywhere along your opponents rear edge and drop as many bombs as they have that same turn? Is this magic movement maneuver legal?

That is the first idea that came into my mind as well when I read the aircraft rules, and it seems pretty legal to me. Although I think it might be enough to return in the second turn on the far edge of one side and start your bombing run from there, killing whatever is on that flank.

The rules and the strategy seem solid, but it would be a pity if EVERYONE would do it this way in the future (especially with aircraft being released for the other factions). I don't like games too much where you are forced to play the mechanics, which in this case would mean to employ all your aircraft on the very edge of your DZ as you described, your opponent does the same, then both players exit all their aircraft on the side in turn 1 just to bomb the smack out of each other in turn 2 or 3.

I am not sure the ability to zip in and out of the battlefield at will, having total board control and massive alpha/ first strike capability was intended for aircraft. If this was the case, then you simply cannot play DUST Warfare without aircraft. Some missions would be absolutely pointless if this mechanic was intended. For example, you could put your assassination target in an air transport and be literally invincible (since you can zip in and out the corners) and you could hit your target anywhere on the board with 4 bombs, even if he is hiding in the basement of a building per bomb rules. I am just hoping the designers see the incoming abuse and FAQ this ASAP. I understand FFG needs to sell aircraft and make money but there is a point when the meta breaks the game.

I think it would help quite a lot if you weren't allowed to leave via the far end of the field (maybe because you automatically get shot down by the opponent's AA guns in the hinterland).

I don't worry too much about the assassination exploit. You need 3 scenario points to choose assassination, so you can easily avoid it if you know that your opponent's faction has flying transporters.

As soon as all of the factions get these, the rules could forbid ever leaving the field with a possible assassination target.