played first warfare version of this game have questions

By player684030, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

1st ? - when you choose to react do you get to use all the weapons available that have range to the attacking unit, for instance if my combat ranger squad was reacting could they use their m1 rifle , their ugl, and their bazooka at the attacking unit.

2nd ? - when you make armor rolls, do you make them after each weapon group has fired and made hits on you

3rd ? - if i hit a 2 armor unit that is in hard cover and made 2 hits, do they still have to make armor roll, in book it says " when a unit benefiting from hard cover makes its armor roll, it is treated as having scored 2 additional hits." are the 2 additional hits there already or only if a successful armor roll is made are the additional hits added.

4th ? - do vehicles make armor saves or only if they are benefiting from cover

appreciate anyone who takes the time to answer these, thanks :)

VelosaRaptor said:

1st ? - when you choose to react do you get to use all the weapons available that have range to the attacking unit, for instance if my combat ranger squad was reacting could they use their m1 rifle , their ugl, and their bazooka at the attacking unit.

2nd ? - when you make armor rolls, do you make them after each weapon group has fired and made hits on you

3rd ? - if i hit a 2 armor unit that is in hard cover and made 2 hits, do they still have to make armor roll, in book it says " when a unit benefiting from hard cover makes its armor roll, it is treated as having scored 2 additional hits." are the 2 additional hits there already or only if a successful armor roll is made are the additional hits added.

4th ? - do vehicles make armor saves or only if they are benefiting from cover

appreciate anyone who takes the time to answer these, thanks :)

Should really post Warfare questions in the warfare forum, but:

1. You get to fire all weapons.

2. You make them after all weapons have fired from the attacking unit.

3. You don't have to make successful armour rolls first. Once you have received hits, just take off hits for cover and then roll for armour saves.

4. They always make armour saves the same way everything else does.