Favorite Starfight

By Hrathen, in X-Wing

These forms could use something more interesting to talk about, so I ask this question: What is you favorite starfighter from the Star Wars Universe? And Why?

Fore me it has to be the x-wing. It is just an instictual thing,

The Y-wing. I fully admit, it's probably a color bias, my favorite color being orange, and Gold Squadron was painted yellow, which is close enough. But I also like the idea of being a "tank." I tend to gravitate towards high-hp characters in games, and the Y-wing fits right in. Also, I think I feel a certain affinity with the Y-wing because anything it can do, another ship can do better. I feel that way sometimes. In the various video games, I tend to do better as a Y-wing because I stay alive long enough to get more kills, whereas I don't last very long in A-wings and X-wings.

The ion cannons are another plus, even though there's nothing canon about the ion cannon. Well, there is, but what I mean to say is that there were no starfighter ion cannons in the movies. Still, the ability to disable a ship is pretty useful, and it lets a Y-wing pilot be an award-winning pilot without being a cold-blooded killer. Of course, then the Y-wing turns around and bombs things to Mustafar, pretty much negating the lives it saves with an ion cannon. Oh well.

I admit that the B-wing has pretty much improved upon the Y-wing in every way, but there's just something about the shape of the Y-wing I like better. You'd think that with me being a bounty hunter fan, I'd prefer the B-wing since it resembles the Slave I, but it just doesn't do it for me. The Y-wing is totally where it's at.

Great, now I think I just talked myself into increasing my preorder from 1 to 3 Y-wings! [Not really, but just about.]

Budgernaut said:

Great, now I think I just talked myself into increasing my preorder from 1 to 3 Y-wings! [Not really, but just about.]

heh, my preorder is already for two. Probably should have gone for a whole squad, but we'll have to see how the points work out. I'm sure that my preorders will not be the last I order of the originals.

The basic TIE. It's just so absolutely original, and yet its design isn't so out-of-this-world that it becomes silly. Absolutely original, but absolutely real, and absolutely right. (cue TIE fighter sound effect! gran_risa.gif )

I. J. Thompson said:

The basic TIE. It's just so absolutely original, and yet its design isn't so out-of-this-world that it becomes silly. Absolutely original, but absolutely real, and absolutely right. (cue TIE fighter sound effect! gran_risa.gif )

I concur. Personally, I'm torn between the original Tie and the Interceptor because it is so **** cool too.

I'd have to go with the Interceptor as well, TIE awesomeness with the look of added lethality.

I like the ol' slab-sided TIE fighter.

Budgernaut said:

Of course, then the Y-wing turns around and bombs things to Mustafar, pretty much negating the lives it saves with an ion cannon. Oh well.


I have to say that judging form the answers given thus far FFG made a perfect choice by starting out with the original trilogy ships.

My favorite is the X-wing. I don't know why, but I used to hate it just because everybody else liked it. Then I realized that it's just an all around good fighter. It has 4 laser cannons that can be cycled, double-linked or quad-linked (love the options there). It has proton torpedoes, which themselves are versatile weapons, being effective at destroying both fighters and larger craft. It has shields and a hyper drive, making it versatile in the kinds of missions it can undertake. That's why it's called a "space superiority fighter."

And last but not least, the S-foil action is pretty cool looking (along with the rest of the ship).

P.S. It also has cargo capacity so it can be utilized as a personal transport, and is not dependent on a carrier ship. If I could pick any fighter to be mine in real life, this would be it!

A-wing or Tie Interceptor . . . I always thought they were perfectly matched to duke it out

TIE Interceptor. I love their wing shape. Still as iconic as the TIE Fighter, but more menacing, and more practical (because the pilot doesn't have such a huge dead angle left and right).

As a Tie pilot it has to be the interceptor, it was always much cooler than the advanced or the defender.

As far as the rebel alliance goes ive been a massive fan of the B wing for a long time, although for flying I always prefered the X wing finding the other allaicne ships to be very lacking in certain areas whereas the x wing is a great jack of all trades fighter.

TIE Advanced (a.k.a. TIE Avanger)


and TIE Defender


Hmm, so many choices.

For the Rebellion era I would say the Y-Wing. I love the sturdyness and multi-purpose of the ship. Ion Cannons, big warhead bay, tough as nails. Plus it seats two and uses a turret. Oh yeah, and I was was Gold 109 in the old Decipher Star Wars CCG Squadron program. That made me really happy. (Empire side I would say TIE/ln are cool.)

Prequals era I would say the Droid Tri-Fighters were rocking. The old armored Y-wings were cool too (obviously).

In the Old Republic times, I really like he Aurek fighter. They are pretty sweet.

There are so many other things for them to make for this game. I can't wait for more expansions.



What is this "prequels" you are speaking of? There weren't more than three movies.

And then suddenly, there was a lift of the "no extended universe before A New Hope" ban, for no reason whatsoever…

For the prequels, I like the Aethersprite (film version w/ offset droid), and for the EU I like the Sith Interceptor from the KotOR games. Both get nudged out by the good ol' TIE fighter, though.

Tie Advanced X1… Vader's fighter. Ever since I was a toddler, Vader was my favourite fictional character.
Naturally i'm inclined to opt for his.
Besides that I like the classic Imperial triumvirate: Tie Fighter - Tie Bomber - Tie Interceptor.

I am certainly torn between the X-WING and TIE FIGHTER! They are both so original and cool! George Lucas is my hero! What a childhood that has carried into adulthood……..kind of. gran_risa.gif


"Big Kid at Heart"

Since both the Aurek fighter and the Sith Interceptor were mentioned, I can't help but brag about the miniature LEGO models I built of those two craft. Enjoy!

Parakitor said:

Since both the Aurek fighter and the Sith Interceptor were mentioned, I can't help but brag about the miniature LEGO models I built of those two craft. Enjoy!

Nice! I really like the Aurek.

Ever since I saw Star Wars as a boy, the X-Wing has been my sci-fi figher of choice. I remember pretending I was flying and X-Wing all summer - I even converted a refrigerator box into an X-Wing cockpit.

It's gotta be the X-wing for me. As a kid I logged so many hours in the cockpit of one in X-Wing and XvT.

I'm hoping the A-Wing will be part of the second wave of minis…

JMSwallow said:

I'm hoping the A-Wing will be part of the second wave of minis…

Me too. Although if they keep the model scale consistint and they continue basing the length of the minis on the size of the models used in the movies, instead of referring to the official sizes given in the Expanded Universe canon, the A-wing mini will be very small (roughly half the length of an X-Wing). Anyway, I hope that the A-Wing Expansion will include an "Arvel Crynyd" ace rebel pilot card with the special ability: "Ram".

Agrivar said:

JMSwallow said:

I'm hoping the A-Wing will be part of the second wave of minis…

Me too. Although if they keep the model scale consistint and they continue basing the length of the minis on the size of the models used in the movies, instead of referring to the official sizes given in the Expanded Universe canon, the A-wing mini will be very small (roughly half the length of an X-Wing). Anyway, I hope that the A-Wing Expansion will include an "Arvel Crynyd" ace rebel pilot card with the special ability: "Ram".

What size are you expecting? All the numbers I've been able to find seem to indicate the A-Wing is 9.6 meters long compared to an X-Wing's 12.5. In game scale that's about 35cm, or about 3/4 of an X-Wing. Do you think they were much smaller than that in the movies?

Well, the official numbers about the A-wing length are 9.6 meters, but, according to some sources like wookiepedia:

" A size analysis of the studio model used for Return of the Jedi suggests that the length of the ship is twice as short as the documented 9.6 meters. Star Wars Technical Journal (Volume Three) states the model is 60 cm long and the pilot figure a 1/8 scale action figure, which results into a length of 4.8 meters. However, it should be noted that it is entirely possible the 1/8 figure was only used because it fitted in the cockpit of the model.

The size comparison chart found in the 2011 reference book Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual also depicts an RZ-1 A-wing. By using the well documented sizes of the Millennium Falcon and the X-wing as a scale, the resulting A-wing size is roughly 7.0 meters. "