BattleLore and More

By RBorg, in Battlelore

Fantastic news! Cheers, Mr. Borg. Loving the sound of the Heroes and their campaign play.

Gotta say, I'm a little confused as to this whole idea of FFG and R.B. being two seperate entities (and hence sources of info). This info has been cleared by FFG, therefore it is info from FFG. Don't see what difference it makes if the post comes from Richard or an FFG'er, as a result. For most of their other games the person who posts on the forums is the game designer. The only difference here is that Richard is not in-house.

In the words of The Duke, "quit yer belly aching". Sleep well, revelling in the news already proffered. gran_risa.gif

Richard Borg said:

( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) and ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )

I'd like to buy a vowel, Pat.

I'd just like to add that Battlelore is perhaps the best game I've played in 30 years of gaming. My only disappointment is that I don't get to play nearly as often as I'd like. llorando.gif

sirvolkar said:

In the words of The Duke, "quit yer belly aching". Sleep well, revelling in the news already proffered. gran_risa.gif

Well The Duke had a big gun which helped & he also said "Quit stalling Mister"thus the Duke obviously intended for FFG to "Come clean" As for Richard & FFG there is a difference,he has told us what he has developed but its not the same as as FFG telling us what they are releasing.Richard information is indeed welcomed but leaving aside what he says he developed we still know nothing more about whats coming for BL than we did 2 years ago from DoW.

Probably Heros (certain) Elves & Undead but this still leaves a lot of unanswered questions.Will BL be given its own Game/Campaign world?Will we be able to buy individual Units?Will a Campaign System be developed?The real problem is these are the same questions that have been around for a couple of years now,DoW never answered them & so far FFG hasn't answered them.Richard really can't answer them as their production questions that only FFG can address.The whole point of my post & others is that BL is not some new game FFG published a few months ago,it came out 3 years ago with massive hype got us really enthused then just died for lack of support & information.During this time we were strung along with all the "great stuff" in the works & it never happened.Now FFG seems to be playing the same tune llorando.gif

I personally think FFG will give us the BL we have been asking for but given the history of broken promises & just plain being ignored the fans of this Game deserve some real information,the game is stagnent on the way to dying.FFG should realize that waiting till the Stars are Right which is SOP doesn't work for BL the fan base needs some real information now,waiting just loses potential customers.


Hi Old Dwarf,

the most german BL-Fans totally agree with you. After two years of silence we need more informations. A few days ago I looked in the old DoW-Forum and scrolled through the old posts... I wondered about that after one and more years we are still in the same situation. Copy and paste this posts, nobody will notice that here.

There are a few open questions: what will happen with the european centered 100-years war - Uchronia? Since Battlelore is published I wait for a longer background story and the history behind Battlelore.

Where are the promised roleplaying elements?

When will the hero expansion (a core set!) be published?

There are a few more questions, I don't wanna repeat here. But all these questions hasn't been answered by Mr. Borg.

I personally can't hear: "were working on it" once more. We wanna see facts now. And what I can't understand too are that kind of fans, who screamed: "Super, great, I can wait, Yeaaahh", if Mr. Borg or FFG says "all is fine, there are many products in developement". (I'm born in the GDR and there was a simple car 18 years "in developement" :-)

DamonWilder said:

(I'm born in the GDR and there was a simple car 18 years "in developement" :-)

When can I buy a Loremo ? :)

Also to reflect the above 2 posters, most of the fans know that Heroes is probably a completed product (i.e. we have seen some pics of the molds) and knowing that Richard MIGHT (although based on his posting, I doubt that but it could have) tweaked a few things, that still really doesn't explain why almost 5 months later after the buyout we still haven't heard a peep from any FFG representative as when we'll see it. And this has been delayed for 2 years now - I can see something being delayed a few months - but for 2 years??

And I would think that most people would like to hear something from FFG with positive results - none of these "We're working on it" BS since I know there is a seperate marketing person for BL - based on my last emails with FFG (and this was back in October). But FFG still can promote other products and it seems this product line is like odd duckling - you know it exists but don't want to mention it.


SirWillibald said:

Does anyone else have the impression that BL seems to be developing more towards High-Fantasy rather than the alternate history thing we know from DoW?

You know... it's weird. I love alternate history. I like any quirky stuff like Shadowrun, for example, where cyberpunk meets fantasy. And you know what? Until the move to FFG, I never knew Battlelore was supposed to be alternate history. DoW spent so much time separating the rules and scenarios for those who didn't want lore that I always felt they were trying to do two things at once : please the fantasy crowd and please the historical crowd. I never caught on that the game was really about a blend of the two.

If FFG wants to bring that alternate history to life, I think that'd be great. And it'd be different than the 1,001 other fantasy games out there. But if they want to abandon that premise and go full fantasy, I can roll with that too, especially since I don't see any credible competition for this type of game right now.

Thank you Richard, this is all great news. I feel a bit guilty because I only got into the game 4 months ago. I've been playing the game almost every week with an old friend. Inbetween I've been casually painting up my armies (and those for Memoir 44) and building a larger hex table with 3D terrain for your excellent games (I also have Ancients, but haven't gotten around to buying the 1:72 scale miniatures I'll need to play that game like I want to yet) to me, there is more than enough material already to las several years...but I have to admit I like the new and shiny too :) . So, even though I still have several expansions to paint and several scenerios I still need to run, I'll be one of the first in line to buy things for your games, which have replaced all war and miniature games (and that's a lot!) in my gaming life.

Hello Richard,

Funny we allready played with friends Battlelore stories with 3 new units: Elves, Orcs & Catapult!

Here was their capacities (really sorry for my english, our battlefield is in Europe):

Orcs: have the "taste of blood" capacity: when their formation is more numerosous than the opponent formation: they fight with +1 dice. They don't "rush" like the gobelins but have the same other panic retreat default.

Elves: (mostly green achery with long bow) have the "lore call": when they roll a lore: the player get 2 lore chips (unstead of 1) ... and they have the "Stealth defense": they can retreat of 1 or 2 hex (choice) for each flag rolled against them!

Catapult (any green symbol with 3 men around): Move of 1 hex max. Can fire up to 6 hex but can't fire after moving. Green unit firing 2 dices without offensive advantage (no sword on shield result). Destroyed when the 3 men around are dead.

It worked well ... anyway congratulation for the beautifull games you create for us ... maybe I gave you some little ideas ... ;)


Thank you for posting Richard. This is more news than we've heard in 15+ months, so really good to hear, and exciting possibilities about.

Now I will shut up about no news for awhile and enjoy speculating how each of these releases might look in final form.


Zeal said:

Thank you for posting Richard. This is more news than we've heard in 15+ months, so really good to hear, and exciting possibilities about.

Now I will shut up about no news for awhile and enjoy speculating how each of these releases might look in final form.


Yes I think the "lack of information horse" has been beaten to death for the time being gui%C3%B1o.gif


I'd simply like to add my ''thank you'' to the long list of ''thank you''s

Good to hear from you Richard. Great info! Keep up the good work!

Thank you Mr. Borg.

I hope, you won't mind, if I say: Thank your for that mostly not new informations!
The fans are waiting for about nearly 2 years, that new expansions would be published - like the so often mentioned Heroes.
But we didn't wait for an expansion like the Troll... And now, we do not know very much more than before.

Were ist FFGs official voice? Were is Battlelore in the Upcoming Products an Reprints?

Be patient? Should we still after nearly 2 years? bostezo.gif

First, I'm impressed with how many posters here are on a first-name basis with Mr. Borg. He must shake a lot of hands and converse at a lot of game conventions.

[it's a well-known fact that if you address a game designer by his first name AND ask how his family is doing that you will be sent a free game, don't you know...]

Just knowing that FFG is planning three expansions for this year alone is good news. Whether or not FFG makes good on this plan remains to be seen, of course.

And I'll be sure to jump on the Torks when they get released, as going green is a popular thing to do in the US right now!

I´ll continue on the first name basis:

THanks for posting, Richard!

For me Battlelore has been the most fun i have had in gaming since my teens when i had much more time to invest.

I love the game as it is, but i also loved to know that this was a system that was going to grow and expand. "The tingling sense of anticipation" (as someone put it on the dow-forum) was a large part in what made me decide to really buy into battlelore as my game system.

For the past year it has been hard to keep that sense alive, but this last posting has restored my hope that i will still be having fun with battlelore in five years.

Can´t wait for the bugs and barbarians!

Thanks for the info!

Nothing more than perfection will I expect !

Battlelore is a f-king (sorry ;) ) gate teory.. just ordered 2 x memoir'44, russian, overlord, terrains, planes sets... DAMIT..

Why isn't anything of this showing up in the new "upcoming releases" page?

A big thanks to Mr. Borg for taking the time to post. I enjoyed playing at GenCon last year in the game Richard put on with troll and I really hope he makes an appearance in 2009. FFG is a great company and I look forward to some Battlelore goodness at the convention. Whether it be new product, sneak peeks, or organized events... I'm in.

Things are looking up for BL!


GrumpyBatman said:

I enjoyed playing at GenCon last year in the game Richard put on with troll ...

Perhaps we were at the same table happy.gif

I'd love to see each of the armies have really different feels in command structure.

Something like The Swarm (Bugs) have a weird system where brain bugs control their underlings, making the leaders the target for enemy armies. The dynamics through each of the different armies could lead to completely different play styles and everything.

Also, I'd like to see the units more balanced. I like how in some of the other systems (C&C) the scout units get some evade bonuses and such. They feel lacking in strength in BattleLore and maybe some expanded options would be a good idea.

There need to be crappy units too ;)

Green infantry is OK... and its different than others, I know that usually it sucks, but...

Green Goblin infantry is worst. Thay are good for nothing. But usually I just forget em, or take lvl3 warrior. Blue goblins are better than blue humans. (not much but so much better than green gobbos.

I hope that the "battleline" feel stays on the upcoming expansions. Something I hope is still that Mr.Borg would create "specialist" cards for all the human units and all the mergenarys. So if some one is using elf army, those could use human troops as megenarys and so on. Of course humans are vanilla usually, but lets say that you have hero that is only works with human infantry unit.

But some mixing would be good.

Like alliance of many nations vs evil dark empire of cleric ;)

my 0.01 euros ;)

Oh my english is so baaaad.. ;) sorry

Alistaja said:

Green Goblin infantry is worst. Thay are good for nothing.

I get a lot of enjoyment out of ending a game with the Green Gobbos delivering the deathblow gran_risa.gif I also get a weird sense of satisfaction from the well managed resource outcome of ending a game with zero lore tokens.

Something like paying my last 4 lore to play Berserk on a Green Goblin Foot unit that has cut off the escape of an enemy unit and then ends the game by taking the sixth and final banner is exquisite.

I think I like this game a little too much babeo.gif partido_risa.gif

I've just re-read Richards post and the one thing that pops out now which didn't before is this line
" the one aspect I really have enjoyed over the years is that each player's Hero character is truly a unique individual that lives, will grow and progress over the course of multiple adventures".

This to me means there has to be as least a bear bones campaign system in here as just doing the do scenario 3 then 5, 6, 9 etc but have yourself a side order of Hero would feel a bit flat. At least there should be a series of battles which get adjusted for how previous battles go.

Well thats my thought / hope gui%C3%B1o.gif
