BattleLore and More

By RBorg, in Battlelore

As promised I am posting what I can about BattleLore and future expansions. I do apologize for not posting sooner, a family issue came up last week and I am just getting back on track today.

First off, because we have been playing BattleLore for some time now, we have experimented and have hammered out quite a lot of material for BattleLore over the years. Some of the culture and armies that have worked out well in our playtests include:

Dwarf Culture: Shadow Army, Dwarven Lords

Elf Culture: Forest Elves, Shadow Elves, War Elves

Goblinoid Culture: Ork (actually we called them Torks, a strange race that are a combination of Troll and Ork discovered in Greenland by Barbarian Raiders)

Human Culture: Barbarian Army, Tribesman, Ice Army, Man'chines, Wolven Migration

Rat Nation, Reptilian Army, The Swarm (Bugs)

Necromancer Skull Army (featuring the dead and much more)

With so much material to work with, perhaps you can better understand what Days of Wonder and now Fantasy Flight is going through as they try to decide what is the best in the most marketable packages.

In regard to BattleLore material, I always enjoy reading when members of the community post their visions of different fantasy troops and how they would work in the world of BattleLore. Please keep those ideas flowing!


Looking to the near future, Fantasy Flight plans to release three expansions this year that add to the BattleLore game. Battlefield Heroes, will be the first, I believe, but I cannot state with any certainty when.

Battlefield Heroes Overview

... The Age of the Grand Masters and lifetimes dedicated to the study of Lore are now ancient history. War has spread through the entire know world and the demand for council in battle has brought on an age of specialization and the rise of War Council. But after years of almost constant warfare the field of battle is about to experience another transformation. Welcome to the Age of Heroes… An age where the troops you command for the most part, are Battle Savvy veterans that understand the strike and counter strike of combat. An age when a Hero's traits and skills will impact the outcome of a battle and often can change history. The battlefields of BattleLore are about to become a lot more bloody...

The Battlefield Heroes expansion has been a long time in coming but when it arrives it will provide players the opportunity to enjoy the game in a very different and unique way. The o ne aspect I really have enjoyed over the years is that each player's Hero character is truly a unique individual that lives, will grow and progress over the course of multiple adventures. The skills and artifacts that are gained by a Hero give each Hero his own unique personality that allows him to modify a number of game elements.

The Hero figures that are included in this expansion are very nice, and if you are into painting they really look GREAT! Perhaps you have already seen a few images of the Hero figures that have been posted in various places on the Internet. Perhaps I can convince Fantasy Flight to preview the entire line up on their BattleLore web site.


In regard to the other two future expansions, at this point in time I am not at liberty to go into any detail without hanging myself out to dr y preocupado.gif . P erhaps as we get closer to the expected release dates I can share more about these two expansions ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) and ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ).

I really wish I could share more information but Fantasy Flight like DoW wants to make sure all is proper before making any announcements that cannot be meet in a timely manner.

One final note, I have had many productive conversations with Fantasy Flight and they are very interested in web support of BattleLore as we all await the next expansion. May be I can get summary card details in regard to our Dwarf Cattle Rider's Bull Rush and Goblin Slinger's Spiked Shot as we wait it out happy.gif .


Richard Borg

Great stuff Richard.

Now, let's all relax and wait..

Relax and wait!?

Heck no!

I'm getting BL back to the tabl as soon as I can!!

Ooops - missed the laughing smiley...

Still want to see a monster expansion of some kind though !!

Thanks for the information, Richard :) Patience comes easy for me, but it is even easier with foreknowledge of what is in the works. I know that you've been working on this stuff for close to (if not more than) 10 years, so there's no end to material - getting it produced and distributed is another matter altogether :)

Thanks Richard..the overview really is off the scale from what many of use were expecting.I hope FFG doesn't keep this under wraps much longer,the more information that gets out on BL the greater the chances of restarting interest in the Game beyond the die hards who have for the past couple of years.


Excellent post, Richard! The news about the Heroes expansion sounds great. I'm very excited to see that they won't be implemented the same as C&C:A's Leaders. For some reason I kept thinking that I read or heard that Heroes were initially supposed to add a Role Playing (lite) element to the game system. It seems that this may be still in the works with Heroes gaining abilities or objects that increase their functionality. Its interesting that it is inferred that youwill likely command only one Hero. Also its starting to sound campaign-y which is awesome (I think campaign rules/expansions were thought to be in the works already as well). Thanks for all the news, great to hear that the game is headed in a direction that will keep me interested for years to come.

Edit: ok, here is where I remember reading about the Heroes: "By giving you a way to place yourself on the battlefield proper, and letting you gain experience in battle and loot hard-fought, highly-cherished magical items..." found in the old DoW blog:

anyone know of any other Hero miniatures pics besides the ones seen in the other DoW blog?

I'm just hoping to get access to some of the new armies. Torks! Necromancy! And I'm interested to see what the plans are for the Uchronia setting that's been advertised for so long.

This is great! Thanks for the update and revival of excitement for things to come. Sounds like you and FF are going to make this worth our wait. Looking forward to it all!

I'm still wondering how the new armies will be packaged. Piecemeal like the dwarves and goblins or all at once?

And another THANKS from a so far read-only german fan. This is definitely worse it! THX a lot, Richard, I'm very excited about this news.

Does anyone else have the impression that BL seems to be developing more towards High-Fantasy rather than the alternate history thing we know from DoW?

For the 2 other expansion Mr. Borg mentions (-------- ----) and (------ ----). Which both fits 2 words. The first 2 words of 8 an 4 letters and the second is a combination of 6 and 4 letter. The latter midth be the "Shadow army" (6 and 4 letter). Any others speculations? gran_risa.gif

They usualy don't call the boosters the name of the factions, jus like we didn't get a goblin army set, but a goblin maruaders.

Thus, guessing the tittle I beleive is impossiple since they could use any sort of name that we don't know of

SirWillibald said:

And another THANKS from a so far read-only german fan. This is definitely worse it! THX a lot, Richard, I'm very excited about this news.

Does anyone else have the impression that BL seems to be developing more towards High-Fantasy rather than the alternate history thing we know from DoW?

I was thinking the same thing,but this is just what RB said he developed it not a run down of FFG actual plans.Again it would be nice if FFG finally stepped up to the plate & gave us some real information.We all see what DoW's information policy did for BL,FFG would well advised NOT to follow that example.


Kluuetje said:

For the 2 other expansion Mr. Borg mentions (-------- ----) and (------ ----). Which both fits 2 words. The first 2 words of 8 an 4 letters and the second is a combination of 6 and 4 letter. The latter midth be the "Shadow army" (6 and 4 letter). Any others speculations? gran_risa.gif

"Undead Army"?

Personally, I'd be very excited to see FFG split the differnce between high fantasy and alternate history. Provide a rules mechanism for both and allow their players to utilize whatever fits their needs. DoW seemed to do this well when they gave new weapons but supplemented that with a fantasy figure. Want Scottish Highlanders? Done! Or how about a Dwarven culture? Done! See....everyone is taken care of.


Thanks Richard for the news. Looks like some exciting stuff. You would think Heroes would be done and already have a date though, considering how long it has been on the next item to be released for the past 2 years.

Pretty sad again that this can't be coming from FFG - seems there is a total disconnect from their marketing team and the customers. We the customers aren't asking much - just some info from FFG and seems they have the same mentality as DoW. And nothing new on the Battlelore pages for quite some time - if you don't count the troll scenarios.

Perhaps some folks would be kinda enough to use that contact link at the bottom and email FFG support about their lack of support for Battlelore. I already have though (on Friday) and haven't heard back..but if I do, I'll let you folks know the contents of that email when I get it.


Caboose said:

And nothing new on the Battlelore pages for quite some time - if you don't count the troll scenarios.

I do ;)

Please, FFG, keep those scenario appetizers coming as you work on getting out the meaty expansions gran_risa.gif

Do not rush out the Heroes expansion if the RPG elements are still needed to be worked out (my guess as to the delays with Heroes - initially I had presumed they would be analogous to leaders in C&C:A, but with the delays figured that RPG elements would be a (large?) part of their function in the game).

Keep working towards full army expansions - with deployment decks? aplauso.gif Sooner would be wonderful, but great playing elements are much preferred by me.

You gotta be kidding...

I mean does it really matter where the info is coming from? I for one do not believe that Mr. Borg is just cooming in here telling what he thinks to seem fit. For sure he has consulted with FFG first what he may tell about current projects (which you btw can see from him not being at the liberty to discuss the other two expansions). So if Richard can't tell you more, why should FFG? I am sure they will speak up as soon as something is ready. It was very nice of Richard to tell us so much, I don't need anything more of FFG.

Just give the guys a break. FFG is (at least for me) known for all their quality products they bring out. I don't own every game of them (in fact just six due to a low budget) but I love every single one I own. Some of them have required a long time to develop, some more than expected. But I just don't see him dropping or neglecting one of their products. After all they paid money for Battlelore... if for nothing else then they at least will want to make their money back!

Plus FFG seems to be busy right now. They have aquired quite some licenses and games lately, expanding their office and staff quite a bit and broadened the range of products they offer. That also takes some time to get used to. FFG for sure is busy sorting a lot of things out. And only because some other games get some news doesn't mean they have forgotten us. They just didn't manage or there was just not yet something to tell.

And last but not least... they don't take the time to tell much, they take the time to work on their products. What about us not taking the time to constantly rant, ask and whine and instead...some crazy idea here ... play their products. I for one have very limited time at the moment. I would be happy if I had the time to play as much as some people have for complaining... First: no information :( Then: no information from FFG :( Does it really matter from whom?

My apologies for having offended some of you. I just had to vent, somebody had to say it...

PS: I would have loved Battlelore for the next years to come even if it had no expansions at all! (Well maybe I might have invented some Call to Arms myself then). Some people here just sound like they need something new everday to value what they have.

No offense taken, but I'm sure you already know that the fanbase is extraordinarily loyal and invested in the game. The way the game was treated by DoW, i.e. broken promise after broken promise, as well as what appeare to be a disregarding silence, has the fanbase on edge. We keep coming back, hoping for something, anything, but afraid that that our trust will be violated again. This is THE GAME to most of the posters here. I know you are venting, and that's your perogative, but let them vent, too. By buying into the product, and pledging to buy further into the product, a fan also buys the right to vent/complain. I'm not sure I'm in that camp, but I have been pretty disappointed about the last 14 months. But I really feel for some of the posters here, Old Dwarf, Toddrew, and Caboose come to mind. I think they, as well as the rest of us, can use some good news.

And with that said, I am totally pumped by Borg's message. I am renewed as a fan. Thank you for the wonderful news and game.

I'm just sad my wild expectations didn't come to be.

Personally I think its great, all that stuff listed must be at least five years worth of expansions(*), I don't see many games giving a hint that broad of what to expect. Timings would be good to know, one in time to replace an Easter egg, one for fathers day and one for Christmas would be perfect for me cool.gif


(*) just my wild, uninformed, pluck a number out of the air guestimate

I'm just glad that Battlelore is still alive after the FF buyout!

I truly sorry if my expressing flustration with FFG lack of information on BL bothers anyone. We have had numerous post on why many of us are just tired of the same old treatment of the Game. Really how many times in the last 2 years have been sluffed off with "they want to make sure they have it right before releasing information"

Again when FFG really tells us something I'll be the first to salute but until then I will continue to vent.I played BL & waited for the promised expansions & information for months & it did zilch.DoW ignored us & now FFG is not showing us anything,so I see no point in just going along until FFG begins to carry through on what was stated back in November.

Richard's information is appreciated & does at least confirm that FFG is doing something with BL but its still not FFG.It's enough for now but how long must we wait until FFG feels its right to tell us real details & time frames.


LordManimal said:

I'm just glad that Battlelore is still alive after the FF buyout!

Sure I would like to say the same thing and remember this is from Richard which is just a good as golden. But sure would help if we heard from FFG as well. Pretty sad when Richard has been leading the charge since basically the beginning of this year and still no word from any FFG folk.

Don't get me wrong, I believe Richard 100% - but it sure would help if the company that is producing the game would also step up to the plate as well.


Yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! The expansion sounds awesome! Thank you for the update.