Next expansions

By Rogue Kiwi, in X-Wing

Great list. I would like to see a ship like the Slave 1 in it's own Boba colors and a generic Firespray in alt paint. Same with the Falcon and other bounty hunter ships too.

Between releases of 4 ships each I WOULD LOVE TO SEE capital ships added with rules to be incorporated in both the base game and a separate fleet-scale game. Not sure how big the Dust Tactics vehicles are but I would expect them to be similar size as a capital ship. Those sell for $40 retail so expect $50 retail for a Star Destroyer size ship. Capital ships make the bombers more important too.

I'm convinced they could do capital ships after the second wave of fighters if the game is successful and as long as they make their sales plan.

I should add that the scale between fighters and capital ships is not that important before the thread goes to a " but they won't be in scale" discussion.

VaultDweller said:

I should add that the scale between fighters and capital ships is not that important before the thread goes to a " but they won't be in scale" discussion.

Not that important to you you mean?

plokoon9619 said:

Tie Scimitar

Do you mean the Scimitar assault bomber

or a Tie bomber from scimitar squadron?

I think you have the first four dead on, A Wing, B wing, TIE Interceptor, and TIE Bomber. Those are the ones I really want to round out the set.

I think the Imperial Shuttle would be a good choice for a sooner release.

Not much of a dogfighter, but it does have front and rear guns, and makes a perfect objective for escort/ HVT missions.

Hamlet23 said:

I think the Imperial Shuttle would be a good choice for a sooner release.

Not much of a dogfighter, but it does have front and rear guns, and makes a perfect objective for escort/ HVT missions.

I concur perhaps release the rebel meduim transport at the same time, ( I know that it is no good in combat but would be another cool mission target)

I've always liked the design of the Naboo Royal Starfighter. Sleek, elegant, and fit for a queen's escort squadron. I'd run one.

But yes, this does seem a short game if they don't expand into other eras. And I see it as less of an issue to do so in a miniatures game than in the LCG, but YMMV. I suppose it depends upon whether they choose to implement a faction system in either game, and to what extent such a system will restrict deck/squadron-building.

Also, I could see the expansions lasting a lot longer if material from the New Republic era were deemed fair game.

One thing that might be fun, is if FFG plotted out their releases for both X-Wing and Star Wars: The Card Game so that the material released for each game ran parallel in regard to its relationship to Star Wars continuity. For example, a release for Star Wars: The Card Game based on the Battle of Endor could be released opposite an X-Wing expansion featuring the A-Wing and TIE Interceptor.

This relationship could become more pronounced when (and if) the two games expand into other Star Wars eras, but basically you would have a consistent narrative between the two.

I like that idea! I wanna say that it's unlikely, given that the card game is still in development, but then, given that we know virtually nothing about the card game, that might totally happen.

I'm all for the popular 4 here (they'd be my choices). Right now I'm thinking I'll have at least 3 of each to choose from and 6 TIE Fighters (I'll have to see how the side-building works out if I have to balance more) - in fact, I already have preorders in. Add those 4, though, and I'm a happy camper.

If they do a Falcon type ship, I'd definitely want it in scale. Prequel ships would work (since they are older) but I wouldn't be nearly as gung ho about them. I'd prefer cap ships to be more mission/objective types than huge models (although the thought of a Death Star surface with turrets and a trench playing field is intriguing).

I don't think the EU stuff has the chops to carry the line, They'd have to mix it in with other things. I know I'd give them a pass. Most Star Wars fans I know (and granted, we all have our own social circles) either don't know much about or flat out deny the EU. I think more luck would be had tying closely in to movie characters than EU-only stuff (Eg: ships for Bossk, IG-88, etc vs genberic EU fighters or ?Vong things).


I hate to admit it, but Marth is right in some ways. First of all, its a tragedy that we'll get prequel/Clone Wars ships (even though I admit to liking the Clone Wars) before we get EU stuff (if we ever get them, pretty unlikely if you ask me). This sucks because in general, the EU stuff is far superior story-wise to the prequels, in my opinion, and has some way cooler ships too. Still, we will likely never see them. I'll have to be content with a Naboo Starfighter. Sigh.

No, if that's what you got from my above comments, then I was flat-out wrong. :P I actually think it would be far more clever for FFG to go into the New Republic era first, and firmly lay out that period of Star Wars dogfighting, and then start dealing with the prequel and Clone Wars stuff. This is because they are setting their games apart from the glut of Star Wars paraphrenalia that has catered to fans of TCW in recent years, by focusing (for now) solely on the Classic Era. Extending that out into what formed the vast majority of Expanded Universe lore prior to the release of The Phantom Menace seems like a logical extension of that marketing choice if you ask me.

Sorry Marth, I think I was looking at Acrizer's last post, not yours. Anyways, I agree with you. It'd be awesome to see EU stuff ASAP, but are we honestly expecting it? I'm not. But I would throw money at it if they went there.

Of immediate interest, I'd like to see:

TIE Interceptor

TIE Bomber

TIE Defender

Z95 Headhunter

A wing

B wing

Imperial Shuttle

DaveNYC said:

Of immediate interest, I'd like to see:

TIE Interceptor

TIE Bomber

TIE Defender

Z95 Headhunter

A wing

B wing

Imperial Shuttle

I agree that the Imperial Shuttle is a nice choice, but it would have to be more competitive than that awful rendition in the Starship Battles game. Granted, they aren't combat craft, but they're big enough that they ought to be able to hold their own against a couple starfighters. The other concern is game balance. Budgernaut and I have racked our brains but we could not come up with an appropriate counterpart to the Imperial Shuttle on the Rebel side. Unless, perhaps, it came with a Rebel card entitled "Stolen Imperial Shuttle Tydirium ." …Has this already been mentioned here on the forums? Oh well.

Parakitor said:

I agree that the Imperial Shuttle is a nice choice, but it would have to be more competitive than that awful rendition in the Starship Battles game. Granted, they aren't combat craft, but they're big enough that they ought to be able to hold their own against a couple starfighters. The other concern is game balance. Budgernaut and I have racked our brains but we could not come up with an appropriate counterpart to the Imperial Shuttle on the Rebel side. Unless, perhaps, it came with a Rebel card entitled "Stolen Imperial Shuttle Tydirium ." …Has this already been mentioned here on the forums? Oh well.

Game balance is called a built in point system where it's easy total up a few starfighters on the Rebel side to equal the point value of the single Imperial Shuttle.

Aahzmandius_Karrde said:

Parakitor said:

I agree that the Imperial Shuttle is a nice choice, but it would have to be more competitive than that awful rendition in the Starship Battles game. Granted, they aren't combat craft, but they're big enough that they ought to be able to hold their own against a couple starfighters. The other concern is game balance. Budgernaut and I have racked our brains but we could not come up with an appropriate counterpart to the Imperial Shuttle on the Rebel side. Unless, perhaps, it came with a Rebel card entitled "Stolen Imperial Shuttle Tydirium ." …Has this already been mentioned here on the forums? Oh well.

Game balance is called a built in point system where it's easy total up a few starfighters on the Rebel side to equal the point value of the single Imperial Shuttle.

Woops! You're absolutely right that the point system is good for game balance. I guess what I was thinking of was marketing balance. When they release the Slave I it will be countered by the Millennium Falcon . My question still stands: can you think of a good counterpart to the Imperial Shuttle on the Rebel side?

B-Wing is probably closest , though it's tougher than the shuttle. No perfect analogue, really. Outrider?

Aahzmandius_Karrde said:

Parakitor said:

I agree that the Imperial Shuttle is a nice choice, but it would have to be more competitive than that awful rendition in the Starship Battles game. Granted, they aren't combat craft, but they're big enough that they ought to be able to hold their own against a couple starfighters. The other concern is game balance. Budgernaut and I have racked our brains but we could not come up with an appropriate counterpart to the Imperial Shuttle on the Rebel side. Unless, perhaps, it came with a Rebel card entitled "Stolen Imperial Shuttle Tydirium ." …Has this already been mentioned here on the forums? Oh well.

Game balance is called a built in point system where it's easy total up a few starfighters on the Rebel side to equal the point value of the single Imperial Shuttle.

I don't put much stock in game designers' point systems. They're never consistent and at the end of a game line, you have completely inconsistent point costs for different pieces. I'm mainly referring to Star Wars Miniatures Game by Wizards of the Coast. It's so frustrating to try and play a game if you use pieces from the first set and the last. I'm expecting the same thing with later sets in this game, so when it's all said and done, the player community will probably have to reassign point values.

But otherwise, yes point systems ideally balance the game.

The closest rebel counterpart to an Imperial Shuttle could be an "standard" light freighter. Something like the Millenium Falcon without all the fancy modifications added by Han Solo (so it would be slower, lesser agile, resistant and armed). Canon-wise, it would be acceptable because in one of the prequel movies (Episode II) they appear some light freighters landed in a Coruscant spaceport.

The main problem of having a stock light freighter as the Rebel counterpart of the Imperial Shuttle is that the model would look almost identical to the Millenium Falcon model. It would resemble a Falcon with an alternate paint scheme.

Agrivar said:

The main problem of having a stock light freighter as the Rebel counterpart of the Imperial Shuttle is that the model would look almost identical to the Millenium Falcon model. It would resemble a Falcon with an alternate paint scheme.

I agree that alternate paint schemes for larger craft wouldn't be a good thing, but a stock freighter is a decent idea. What if they chose something other than a YT-1300? Perhaps an Action VI transport ? That one can also be seen in "Attack of the Clones" at the Naboo docking area.

Isn't that the same ship the Wild Karrde is? I think a lot of people who saw that in the store would think they were buying Talon Karrde's ship. Of course, you could easily put his crew on one of the cards and have a few other generic pilot cards as well. But from that point of view, you could do the same with the Falcon .

Parakitor said:

I agree that the Imperial Shuttle is a nice choice, but it would have to be more competitive than that awful rendition in the Starship Battles game. Granted, they aren't combat craft, but they're big enough that they ought to be able to hold their own against a couple starfighters. The other concern is game balance. Budgernaut and I have racked our brains but we could not come up with an appropriate counterpart to the Imperial Shuttle on the Rebel side. Unless, perhaps, it came with a Rebel card entitled "Stolen Imperial Shuttle Tydirium ." …Has this already been mentioned here on the forums? Oh well.

Great point, but I see the shuttle almost as a game objective: either destroy it or protect it.

Parakitor said:

Perhaps an Action VI transport ? That one can also be seen in "Attack of the Clones" at the Naboo docking area.

I was thinking the same thing. You just beat me to it. aplauso.gif

I didn't know that an Action VI transport appeared in "Attack of the Clones"! Although that sort of canonizes the model, that ship is perhaps too big (125 meters long according to wookiepedia), its size being closer to a corellian corvette than a shuttle.

Another candidate would be the rebel medium transport used during the evacuation of Hoth (GR-75 medium transport). With 90 meters long, its size is a bit more manageable, and suposedly there exists a smaller variant (GR-45) that appears in the CGI-enhanced Mos Eisley spaceport sequence of "A New Hope", which being 60 meters long she is about two times the size of the Millenium Falcon. Although I suspect that this "smaller variant" was supposed to be the original model, but the CGI modellers didn't get the size right.