Question thread for those with the book already

By blkdymnd, in Dust Warfare

It can sustain on the first roll to get more laser hits only.

Heroes are the command choice on their own, so it's either or

blkdymnd said:

It can sustain on the first roll to get more laser hits only.

Heroes are the command choice on their own, so it's either or

oh wait, I think I had Lasers wrong. Do they re-roll misses, like sustain, or hits?

Nice. good way to get a little extra into the lists.

blkdymnd said:

Heroes are the command choice on their own, so it's either or

Actually, an army can contain one hero per 150 points, and doesn't have to be the command section. Check under "Allied Heroes" on pa. 82.

I have a question that I'm not clear about: if a unit is given an order to attack in the command phase, can they activate again in the unit phase and make another attack?

I didn't say he had to take one, just that for the command slot, he either can take a hero or a command squad not both

Yes, but he asked if you can take a command squad and a hero. I was just trying to clear that up for him.

parcival42 said:

blkdymnd said:

I have a question that I'm not clear about: if a unit is given an order to attack in the command phase, can they activate again in the unit phase and make another attack?

On pg. 30 Under "Take Action": You can give an order to a unit in the command phase and it does not count as activating the unit. It DOES get a reaction counter so take that into consideration. Although it does get to take an action no matter how many Suppression tokens they have.

Just remember that it you can activate the unit during the Unit phase, but at best you'll just get one action due to the reaction token already being on it.