Close Combat and LOS Clarification

By Mr_Brightside, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

New Player here and I have a few questions:

- Are you able to perform a close combat attack on a unit that is in a square that is diagonal to the unit that was activated (basically is diagonal considered adjacent)?

- Assuming that you are able to perform a CC against a unit that is diagonal to yours, what if there is a structure that is in between the two units (basically using the LOS scenario in the revised rulebook where unit in A1 attacks unit in B1 just with a CC attack)

- Is LOS blocked by structures for walkers aiming against other walkers

- If so what about corner cover? does that interfere with LOS? I know they can’t have a cover save, just wondering if Soft Cover would hinder their ability to target a walker in soft cover?


Mr_Brightside said:

New Player here and I have a few questions:

- Are you able to perform a close combat attack on a unit that is in a square that is diagonal to the unit that was activated (basically is diagonal considered adjacent)?

- Assuming that you are able to perform a CC against a unit that is diagonal to yours, what if there is a structure that is in between the two units (basically using the LOS scenario in the revised rulebook where unit in A1 attacks unit in B1 just with a CC attack)

- Is LOS blocked by structures for walkers aiming against other walkers

- If so what about corner cover? does that interfere with LOS? I know they can’t have a cover save, just wondering if Soft Cover would hinder their ability to target a walker in soft cover?


How about close combat attacks (C attack) into diamond squares (which represents LOS blocking areas like smoke etc.)?

In general if a unit is in a square that blocks LOS it can still be targeted (Tank traps) as the the imaginary line does not cross a square without a dot. For diamonds the core states that they cannot be targeted and cannot attack. For smoke Cerberus says "A unit that stops in this space cannot be
targeted or attacked from a distance; it can only be targeted or attacked from an adjacent space If the attacking unit is in an adjacent space, it can fire at the unit in the smoke andattack it in close combat.
A unit in the smoke square cannot attack any targets or use abilities that require it to have
line of sight to a target, unless the target is in an adjacent space"

Thank you very much for the explanation.