Well, well. It took me a long time to gather all the most relevant information I could find about the Asur from the different sources of Warhammer, 1st and 2nd edition books, army books... to create the careers, to write down the house rules and to assemble everything together. After three editions of the game without an elf supplement (versus three different dwarf supplements
) this project of mine will serve me and my players, while we hope that FFG will realse in a not too far future an Elf supplement.
I share with you this work for those who may enjoy it.
As always, any comment or criticism of any type will be highly appreciated, typos, gramatical errors, inconsistencies, things you like /dislike....you can post them here, or email me directly at yepesnopes@yahoo.es
And for the future, well, after they release Hero's Call I will post a few more careers like Phoenix Guard or the Bladelord. But I am waiting to see how the tier 4 careers are in Hero's call, since I only have the reference of the tier 5 Wizard Lord which I used to create the High Elf mage Apprentice. Also, after hero's call probably I will have to modify the Acolyte of the True Lore, the Adrmiral and the Caledor Dragon Knight careers.