My High Elf Project finally "finished"

By Yepesnopes, in WFRP House Rules

Well, well. It took me a long time to gather all the most relevant information I could find about the Asur from the different sources of Warhammer, 1st and 2nd edition books, army books... to create the careers, to write down the house rules and to assemble everything together. After three editions of the game without an elf supplement (versus three different dwarf supplements gui%C3%B1o.gif ) this project of mine will serve me and my players, while we hope that FFG will realse in a not too far future an Elf supplement.

I share with you this work for those who may enjoy it.

As always, any comment or criticism of any type will be highly appreciated, typos, gramatical errors, inconsistencies, things you like / can post them here, or email me directly at

And for the future, well, after they release Hero's Call I will post a few more careers like Phoenix Guard or the Bladelord. But I am waiting to see how the tier 4 careers are in Hero's call, since I only have the reference of the tier 5 Wizard Lord which I used to create the High Elf mage Apprentice. Also, after hero's call probably I will have to modify the Acolyte of the True Lore, the Adrmiral and the Caledor Dragon Knight careers.


Cool. I linked it to my house rulebook as playable.


Thanks Emirikol!

If you play some of the careers included, or you test any of the rules, any feedback will be very welcome.

By the way, I am already correctiong the pdf a little bit, there are quite some faults.

Additionally, I have rised the number of talent slots of the Acolyte of the True Lore career from 3 to 4, following what will appear in Hero's Call. Thanks Nifoc for that information!

Yepesnopes, add informations about elves from Warhammer Quest, please.

tyvaldr said:

Yepesnopes, add informations about elves from Warhammer Quest, please.

Do you mean the Elf Ranger from Warhammer Quest?

" Elf Ranger

Neither High Elf or Wood Elf, the Elf ranger belongs to a noble cast of Elf known as the Dispossessed who can be found in many of the great cities of the Old World. Seeking lost treasures of the Elves so that his kind might return in triumph to Ulthuan, the Elf Ranger finds himself in the dungeons of the Worlds Edge Mountains. "

Is this what you mean?

Sounds good to me. I like the idea of an expatriate elf. Sounds more like a sub-race than a career however. But, perhaps both could be made. Elf Ranger doesn't sound right though, to general. From the description they sound more like forsaken treasure seekers. So perhaps the race could be called Forsaken, they dwell within the Empire and are not accepted by either the Asur or Asrai, perhaps because of something their ancestors did during the war of the beard they were shunned. The career Seeker would be part adventurer, part scholar. Hmmm....interesting.

Thanks and congrats for this awesome work.

This is going directly to my house rulebook.

I meen informations about Lord of Aenarion (will create severals carrers and talant Blood of Aenarion for) and Elf Rangers (Asthoi).

Maybe this don't all official, but this will explain the contraditions about High Elves, 'Grey' Elves and Wood Elves.

And add information about High Elves in Altdorf:
The Ulthuan Embassy [26] is situated close to the Royal Conservatory. Established after the Great War Against Chaos, the relations between the Empire and Ulthuan have been fairly cordial, except for the years during and shortly after Marienburg’s independence. Officially, the Empire recognises Ulthuan’s suzerainty over the Wood Elves of the Laurelorn to the north, though no one has seem to bother telling the “rustic cousins” of this development. This official recognition is a sore point with Middenland and Nordland as both see Ulthuan as little more than interlopers in their region. When not at official functions requiring his attendance, Ambassador Tymalier Eskeladel is usually found within the embassy. There are times when the High Elf emissary departs with several Ulthuan guards through the south gate to wander in the nearby forest in order to escape the stench of the Imperial capital and its uncouth human inhabitants.

Thanks for these points tyvaldr, I will look to them.

I'd love to host this on The Daily Empire if you don't mind. I would also be glad to have a little introduction that I could post to go along with it.

doc_cthulhu said:

I'd love to host this on The Daily Empire if you don't mind. I would also be glad to have a little introduction that I could post to go along with it.

For sure I don't mind. I know the web page well, and I am happy to share this material with whoever may enjoy it.

Let me check "your" web page to see which kind of introduction do you expect, otherwise send me an email explaining it a bit more.

Sent you a friend request for further conversation.

I checked this out few days ago, really good work. Some solutions are good not only for High Elf adventures, like Artisan career.

Tell me how to make so beautiful weapon and armor cards.

tyvaldr said:

I meen informations about Lord of Aenarion (will create severals carrers and talant Blood of Aenarion for) and Elf Rangers (Asthoi).

Maybe this don't all official, but this will explain the contraditions about High Elves, 'Grey' Elves and Wood Elves.

Well, I have been reading around. There is few about the dispossessed, only some short paragraph written by Gav Thorpe some years ago for Warhammer Quest.

"There are those of High Elven birth that still wander the lands of the Old World battling against the ancient evils that they have forever opposed. Many of them are exiles from Ulthuan and they trace their families b from Ulthuan and they trace their families back to ack to the realm of the realm of Tiranoc, which was sunken during the Sundering and the great battles with the Dark Elves. Of these folk, who call themselves the Dispossessed, there are few who would consider themselves worthy to be Lords over people with such noble blood. However, the exiles do owe allegiance and fealty to a few select individuals, the Lords of Aenarion who can trace their lineage to the first Phoenix King himself"

For this elves, as a first instance, I think they can be properly covered by the regional starting option of the Nagarythe elfs (although it is said that many of them come from Tiranoc) which also despise the Druchii.

Regarding the Lord of Aenarion, this is mainly what Tyrion and Teclis are right? Direct descendants of Aenarion, just that this Lord of Aenarion are self-exiled (or exiled?). May be, once I have Hero's Call and I can have a closer look to tier 4 and 5 careers, I can include a high tier noble carrer for High elfs, the Revenant Knight and the Lord of Aenarion. I can create a kind of special talent slot for the Curse of Aenarion that the kin of Aenarion suffer from, in a similar way as the Insanity talent slot of Zealots. It will be a hindrance but the PC can use it or exhaust it for a benefical effect.

We will see.

podtxt said:

I checked this out few days ago, really good work. Some solutions are good not only for High Elf adventures, like Artisan career.

Tell me how to make so beautiful weapon and armor cards.

There is no mystery, just strange eons and patience with Photoshop :)

I have read the whole pdf seeking for spelling errors or inconsistencies. I have corrected a few faults and shorten the Avelorn and Saphery region descriptions which where quite crappy :(

I have also splitted the regional features for Avelorn and Sapherian elves (which at the moment were the same). I left elves from Saphery as they were, but I changed Avelorn elves to a more woodelf like elves, as it was suggested in the description of the region of Avelorn.

For those interested, the updated pdf alone can be downloaded here or with the whole pack here

My idea: for Aenarion's kinds create specal Blood Points (BP). 10 Blood Point = 1 Insanty Insanity.

Rules for Curse of Aenarion — it's modified rules from Warhammer Quest. Original Warhammer Quest:


To represent the mental inclination of a Lord of Aenarion he has a number of Blood points These show how strong the curse of Khaine is affecting him. This is usually described as following one of two paths. If the Curse of Khaine is strong and you have a positive number of Blood points, you are said to be following the Path of Khaine. If you have been successfully fighting against the Curse of Khaine you are on the Path of Asuryan. As he embraces the curse his number of Blood points will increase, as he tries to find peace with Asuryan his Blood points will decrease. If he accumulates sufficient Blood points he becomes wholly encompassed within the Path of Khaine and loses all of his own self-control and willpower. If he gets a sufficient number of negative points he manages to lay the Curse of Khaine to rest and will be able to lead a normal life. The most common ways of gaining Blood points is through killing opponents and praying at the Shrine of Khaine. You should keep a seperate record of the gold you earn from killing monsters. Every time you finish a dungeon and have earnt your Battle-levelx 1,000 or more gold from killing monsters you gain +1 Blood point.

The most common way of losing Blood points is by praying at the Shrine of Asuryan. Also, every time you have an Uneventful day in a settlement, roll 1D6 and add your Willpower. On a roll of 7 or more you may deduct -1 from your Blood points. Every time you have an Uneventful week while journeying from a dungeon you may lose a Blood point on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 on a D6. This represents the Lord of Aenarion using the uninterrupted solitude and peace to combat the Curse of Khaine.»


1. Child of Aenarion, BP 0

2. Warrior of Aenarion/Khaine, BP +/- 25, Lesser Magic
3. Knight of Aenarion/Khaine, BP +/- 50, Lesser Magic; Petty Divine Magic
3. Lord of Aenarion/Khaine, BP +/- 75, Lesser Magic; Petty Divine Magic; Divine Lore Khaine*

*Divine Lore Khaine from Tome of Salvation

Aenarion or Khaine — this is only a convention, because they both actually follow the way of Khain. But some are struggling with an internal evil, while others follow the inner beast.

It's a concept... Maybe stupidity, but I'm crazy Russian :)

The grade of professionalism is astonishing. This will ease the pain of waiting for anyone who thirsts for an official elf expansion.

Thanks for all the effort you put into this.



Hi Yepesnopes,

you did a great job,very impressive!

I'd like to ask you something,can you give me (us) a blank copy of your career card. I have a lot of ideas about new careers,like hedgewizards,druids,craftmen... With your card,it would look much terrific.


Folioman said:

Hi Yepesnopes,

you did a great job,very impressive!

I'd like to ask you something,can you give me (us) a blank copy of your career card. I have a lot of ideas about new careers,like hedgewizards,druids,craftmen... With your card,it would look much terrific.


Thanks for your support.

Regarding the career cards, the template is not mine. Some guys (Hurlac) developed a plugin for WRPG 3rd ed for a software called Strange Eons, that allows you to create your own cards. You will find the templates and all you need in this thread .

Enjoy it.

Where did you find the artwork for your Dwarfs? They are amazing!

Tarthonis said:

Where did you find the artwork for your Dwarfs? They are amazing!

Just by googeling and having a bit of patience scrolling through many web pages.


I got the following communication with the always diligent Dan Clark:

Dear Mr. Clark
In the game there can be found the following careers with the Noble trait which are accessible for both humans and High elves:

Basics: Diletante, Courtier, Fop
Advanced: Ambassador, Captain, Duelist

My question is, the expanded rules for nobility presented in Lure of Power chapter 5 (noble rank, noble birth, noble's obligations…), are meant only for humans? or can they be also applied, for example, to a high elf residing in the empire?

Once again, thank you for your time, and for such a great game.

Best regards,


Although the noble rules are written within the context of the Empire and Imperial nobility, there's no reason that the same rules couldn't apply to elf or dwarf characters. The precise nature of the noble rank differs somewhat and the obligations placed on the noble character may be considerably different based on his parent culture. It is likely that Imperial nobles will be bewildered determining who outranks whom (and by default assume a local noble outranks a foreigner), but in general a dwarf Thane or high elf noble can expect to be treated as a noble even in the Empire.

Enjoy the game!

~Dan Clark
Creative Content Developer
Fantasy Flight Games

This means I will have to rethink the whole chapter 4.2 about foreign nobility! grrrrrrr At least, the noble obligations will need only minor revisions

Well, after my correspondence with Dan Clark and some feeback from the forums, I had the feeling that I had to really do some upgrade/update/corrections on this project .

What I did:

-I corrected chapter 1.1 The Chronicles of the Phoenix Kings . Due to some evil Druchii magic, in the final version of the pdf the entrance for Tethlis the Slayer was missing. Now it is there.

-I updated chapter 2.2 The Asur as Characters with the Immune to Mutation rule that can be found in the GM guide. I also realized that in the previous version of the pdf there was no longer the option to create a High Elf with the same profile as the one appearing in the Player's Guide. I included a side bar in pg. 46 regarding this topic.

-As mentioned, due to my correspondance with Dan Clark I reshaped chapter 4.2 High Elf Nobility Outside Ulthuan . Mainly I rewritted a few entries and relaxed a lot the rules that I had made, most of them appearing now as side bars with the title "optional rule" or "GM note"

-I included a new chapter 4.2.4 Shame and Exile: Lost Lineages . Probably it is of marginal interest and the rules proposed, not needed at all; but of late, I am reading a lot Game of Thrones and I guess it is affecting me.

-As suggested by someone in this forums I included the official material that Gavin Thorpe wrote for Warhammer Quest regarding the Dispossessed and the lineage of Aenarion. I hade to made many adaptations since the background was heavely aimed for a board game. I added a new chapter 4.2.5 The Blood of Aenarion and the Dispossessed to cover a general description of this elves. I also added three new careers, the Faceless (aimed to play an outcast elf who wanders the lands seeking to destroy chaos) and the Revenant Knight and the Lord of Aenarion aimed to play a fanatic elf fighter as those described by Gavin Thorpe. Of course, in difference with the board game, many things are left to the roleplay of the character. The most difficult part regarding the Lineage of Aenarion has been to cover the effects of the Curse of Khaine. Sadly, we have had not enough time to play test its effects. If any of you use the rules and gains some experience he wants to share, it will be extremely appreciated.

-I modified once more the ability of the High Elf Mage Apprentice. With the release of Heros Call and the apearence of the new epic Order talents we decide to slightly nerf the High Elf Mage Apprentice ability to compensate for the extra power granted by the possibility to soket more than one (epic) talent. While the modification still aims to keep this character more powerful than the average human mage, we found that like this it brings more color to the game.

-I added my correspondence with Dan Clark in pg 85.

-I added a map of Ulthuan as it was previous to the Sundering.

Thanks for all of you who have given me feedback and I hope you can enjoy this "supplement".
